Tag Archives: refrigerator maintenance

Guide to Running your Fridge Optimally

Virginia Refrigerators Repair

When you have a furnace, you want it to run all the time optimally, don’t you? Thankfully, there are several things you can do to make this possible. Which are these things? Here they are as given by refrigerator repair professionals:

Don’t run an empty fridge

You might argue that an empty fridge will spend little energy. After all, there is nothing inside, right? Well, this isn’t how it works. When you run your fridge while empty, you give the cold air a hard time moving from one side of the fridge to the other, so you often end up with a highly inefficient refrigerator.

If you don’t have any food in the fridge, it’s wise to turn it off. If there is some food, fill the empty spaces with water bottles that will aid in the transfer of the cold air.

The same way you should avoid running your fridge empty is the same way you should avoid running it when overfilled.

You might argue that if running an empty fridge is bad, then it should be okay to run an overfilled one. Well, that’s not the case.

Studies show that your appliance has reduced energy efficiency when you run your fridge when it has overfilled. This is due to blocked air vents, forgotten foods, and other issues.

Don’t stock your fridge more than it can handle to stay safe. Experts even recommend that you keep your fridge two-thirds full, as it tends to function at its best at this capacity.

Don’t pre-cut your fruits and vegetables before storing them in the fridge

Most people recommend that you wash and cut your fruits and vegetables before you keep them in your fridge to encourage healthy snacking, but this isn’t an excellent way to do it.

This is because chopped-up pieces deteriorate too fast as more surface area is exposed.

The right way to go about it is only to wash and cut the fruits and vegetables when you are ready to eat them.

Don’t store milk in the door.

If you visit refrigerators in most homes, you will find that most homeowners store their milk in the door and often on the top shelf.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the best place to store it. This is because the location is one of the warmest spots in the fridge, and since milk is liable to spoil, it easily gets spoilt here.

The best place to store your milk is on the middle shelf. What makes the area attractive is that it enjoys consistent temperatures.

The same thing applies to eggs.

The best items to store on the fridge door are salt and vinegar.

Store meat on the lower shelf

Homeowners store milk on the door the same way they store meat on the upper shelves, which is wrong. While the meat won’t get spoilt here, chances are high that it will drip onto other foods, and you don’t want this.

To avoid this, always store your meat on the top shelf. It will even be better if you can place a tray under the meat on the lowest shelf to contain any leaks that might happen.

Having a tray also makes it extremely easy to clean any spillages.

Use trays in your fridge

You might have heard that you should use bins, trays, and baskets in your home; they come in handy when it comes to keeping your home organized.

The same way it’s visually pleasing to see your pantry shelves compartmentalized with bins, and lazy Susans are the same way your fridge looks good and stays organized when you take advantage of these organization tools.

As mentioned above, you should have a tray to hold your meat on the top shelf. You also should have a bin to carry the condiments that don’t fit into the door. It also doesn’t hurt to have a colander to hold oranges and other fruits you might be having.

Fix even the most minor problems

When you notice a problem, even the most minor one, such as a change in the noise made by your fridge, don’t ignore it. Instead, get in touch with an experienced appliance repair Springfield professional and fix it as soon as possible.

What Is The Proper Way To Take Care Of A Refrigerator?

The refrigerator is most probably one of the essential household appliances at your home. Also, it is one of the most expensive home appliances. So why wouldn’t you take proper care of it?

When your refrigerator fails, it can mess up your day.

If you take good care of your fridge, it will run efficiently and last longer, so you don’t need to worry about repairing or replacement costs soon.

Are you wondering what is the proper way to take care of a refrigerator? Well, there are plenty of ways to go about it. Here are some of them as given by appliance repair professionals:

Set the right temperature

Keeping your refrigerator at a temperature between 30-45 degrees Fahrenheit will allow the internal environment to stay consistent, preserving your food quality. Maintaining the right temperature will also ensure that your food stays longer and better.  If you set your refrigerator’s temperature very low, it will have to run more to cool at a lower temperature; you will just be adding an extra run on the compressor that does not need to be there.

Clean out the inside

Food residue, frost or dirt can seem to take over your refrigerator after some time. If you are opening your refrigerator frequently, which is normal to most people, you might spill or forget to close the door. Especially kids forget to close the door and do not clean after themselves in case of spills.

It would help if you cleaned out the inside of your refrigerator two times a year. Do not buy any food to refrigerate the day you plan to clean your refrigerator. Allow the inside to defrost and then dry it up. After cleaning the inside of your refrigerator, look for a fridge aid to help deodorize and keep your refrigerator fresh.

Ensure the doors seal tightly

When most people take something from the refrigerator, they just shut the door and think they have fully closed it. You might often get back to the refrigerator and find its door slightly open, meaning the gasket has an issue. A gasket is a piece of rubber found on the edge of the refrigerator door to ensure the temperature stays consistent. Clean the gaskets twice a year using baking soda and water to clean any dirt or food residue. If necessary, you can seek help from professionals to replace the gasket.

Clean off cooler fan and condenser coils

Cleaning the condenser coils and the cooler fan is one of the most crucial things to maintain your refrigerator.  When dust or dirt cover the coils,this will reduce the energy efficiency. The compressor will run hotter than it would with clean coils. The extra strain on the compressor will reduce its lifespan, causing you stress to replace it.

You should remove the grate at the bottom of your refrigerator and clean it using a brush at least once a year. Condenser coils help in removing heat from freezers and refrigerators. Ensure you have unplugged your refrigerator from the power socket before you start cleaning.

Using a brush, remove all the dirt from the cooler fan, coil, and everything else around there. Use special brushes that help to make cleaning cooler fan and condenser coils easier. Check the manufacturer’s specific cleaning instructions manual in case you have any questions.

Keep your refrigerator full

The more food you have in your fridge, the better your appliance will maintain the proper temperatures. Keeping your refrigerator empty allows warm air to get inside the refrigerator every time you open it. Hence reduce efficiency. Keeping your refrigerator full will reduce the overall maintenance costs and usage of your refrigerator. Even if you mostly eat outside, at least fill your refrigerator with drinks.

Avoid putting warm food in your refrigerator

Always allow food leftovers to cool down before putting them in your refrigerator. This helps to reduce the amount of warm air inside the fridge and save some run time on the compressor.


Your refrigerator is one of the most expensive appliances at your home so you should take proper care of it.  Ensure you set the correct temperatures on your refrigerator, clean the condenser coils and cooler fans to ensure your refrigerator operates efficiently. In addition, ensure your fridge is always full and avoid placing warm food in your fridge to avoid warm air getting inside. When you notice even a minor problem, don’t ignore it. Instead, get in touch with a refrigerator repair Alexandria expert to look into it.

Should I Turn Off Refrigerator When Not In Use?

appliance repiar

If you are going on vacation for a month or more, you can’t keep your electric appliances running. One of the questions you must be asking is, should I turn off the refrigerator when not in use?

The answer to this question is a definitive yes. Appliance repair professionals recommend you turn off the fridge and unplug it at the wall.

The obvious reason you should shut the fridge is to save power. You don’t want to keep receiving high energy bills you aren’t consuming, are you?

The other reason you should shut the appliance is because you don’t want to keep worrying about what is going on at home.

Although, they are good servants, most appliances are ticking time bombs especially when they run unsupervised. They can fall, catch on fire, among many other things.

When you shut your appliance, you have peace of mind that none of your units can start a fire in your absence.

Besides shutting and disconnecting the fridge, there are several other things you should do when you will be gone for extended periods. Some of these things include:

Defrost and clean the appliance

If you don’t properly clean the fridge before storage, you will create a lot of mess that the fridge will be unusable by the time you are retrieving it from storage.

One major concern is mold that often starts from the food debris and spreads to the other parts of the fridge. There is also the pests concern. Ants and rodents can be attracted to even the smallest food pieces so when you don’t properly clean the fridge, these pests can get into your appliance and cause damage to the electrical components.

To defrost the fridge, remove all the food items and unplug the fridge. This will trigger the defrosting process and you should keep the refrigerator doors open so that moisture can escape from the fridge.

To avoid flooding your floor, strategically place a towel to catch the dripping water.

For peace of mind that the fridge is completely dry, defrost it at least a week before you leave for your vacation.

As the fridge is defrosting, you should clean both the insides and back of it.

Take out the drawers, shelves, and other removable parts of the appliance. Clean and soak these parts with mildly soapy water. For best results, ensure the water is warm. Avoid scalding hot water as it can damage the cold plastic or glass.

Using a mixture of baking soda and water, scrub away any materials that might have built up inside the fridge and freezer compartments.

As much as you want the fridge to be spotless, don’t use chlorine bleach, ammonia, or any other abrasive cleaning solutions as they can crack or even discolor the plastic and stainless steel.

Once the insides of the fridge are clean, turn your attention to the outside. Dust the coils using a brush attachment or run a vacuum cleaner. You can also use a dry cloth.

Store the fridge in an upright position

If you will be moving the fridge from its usual place, use a dolly or hand truck to move it. As a rule of thumb don’t move the fridge while laying on its side.

When you store it, ensure that it’s not in a slanting position—it should always be in a straight position.

The reason for this is to ensure that you come home to a properly functioning compressor.

Keep the fridge dry

The last thing you want is to reverse all the hard work you have put into cleaning and defrosting your appliance.

To ensure that your fridge remains dry and no moisture gets inside, remove the doors on both the fridge and freezer compartments.

According to refrigerator repair Springfield professionals, when you do this, you ensure no seal forms so your appliance is free from molds.

If you don’t want to go through the trouble of removing the doors, wedge an object between the door and the compartment frame so that the door remains open.

When choosing the wedging object, ensure that the object is tough and won’t bend or get indented over time hence close the door and cause the damaging seal to form.

Can You Repair A Refrigerator? Appliance Repair Professionals Have Their Say

If you have a faulty refrigerator, you must be wondering, can a fridge be repaired? If you are one of the people asking this question, appliance repair professionals report that yes, you can repair a refrigerator.

While this is the case, you shouldn’t just go ahead and hire a repairman as you might be wasting your money. Before you do it, you should consider plenty of factors that include:

Factors to consider before hiring a repair professional

Age of the fridge: If you have had your refrigerator for more than a decade, you will be wasting money as it will be too expensive to repair it. This is because old appliances keep on failing, and you have to keep on fixing it. A never-ending money pit, you might say.

Spares for old appliances are also difficult to locate, not to mention the cost of maintaining the appliance. If your appliance is old, you should simply replace it.

Cost of repair: The other factor you should pay attention to is the cost of hiring the repair professional. If your fridge is not from a popular brand or is inbuilt, it will be expensive to repair compared to one from a popular brand.

Before you ask a repair technician to repair the appliance, first compare the price of fixing it and that of getting a new one.

Energy efficiency: How efficient is the appliance you are looking to repair? If you have had it for a long time, the chances are that it’s old and inefficient. Therefore, it’s contributing significantly to your home’s energy bill.

If you can improve the efficiency of the appliance, well and good, but if you can’t, you are better off simply replacing it.

What if you don’t have money to hire an AC repair professional?

If you don’t have the money to hire a repair technician, try fixing it by yourself. Some of the problems that you can easily fix include:

Failure of the freezer to switch on: The fridge will fail to turn on if you haven’t used it for a long time. When this happens, the first thing to check is the power. Is it on? Is the appliance properly connected to the socket?

Properly functioning freezers should be properly connected directly to the socket. If an extension lead connects your appliance, it could provoke a problem.

Failure of the internal freezer light to come on: The light inside the fridge can stop working due to many reasons: the light bulb might be blown, the lamp may have gotten loose, among many other issues. You need to find out why the light isn’t working and fix it.

Failure of the fridge door to close properly: In most cases, the fridge will fail to close properly if it’s not level on the ground. Here you simply need to level the fridge.

The door will also fail to close correctly if you have placed too much weight on the door shelves.

Check the condition of the fridge and fix it appropriately. While at it, also check the door seals for wear and tear and replace them if necessary.

Taking care of the refrigerator

To avoid having to repair the appliance, you should take good care of it. Some of the things you should do include:

Defrost the freezer regularly: Defrosting gets rid of excess ice. Before you defrost it, remove any foods that might be there. You should then unplug it from the power source and let the ice melt away. To speed up the ice melting, use a blow dryer or place a bowl of steaming water in the unit.

Clean the fridge: Another thing you should do is to clean the appliance regularly. Most people pay attention only to the exterior, but you should also pay attention to the interior too. At least once a week, remove all the food material and using warm soapy water, wipe all the interior surfaces.

To avoid damaging the surfaces, refrigerator repair Alexandria professionals advise against using harsh chemicals such as bleach. Stick with dishwashing liquid and natural cleaners.

Maintain the right temperature: Finally, you should maintain your refrigerator at the right temperature. As a rule of thumb, ensure that the freezer is -18° Celsius. To avoid damage, regularly check the temperature and be alert for any spoilt food.

Refrigerator Repair: 8 Tricks To Keep The Refrigerator At Peak Performance

According to refrigerator repair professionals, the fridge doesn’t fail to function optimally due to major problems. It’s often due to improper use of the appliance and other minor issues. Would you like to know how to keep your fridge at peak performance? Here are a few things you should do:

Declutter the refrigerator

Even at a time like this when almost the entire world is in lockdown, don’t overfill the fridge. It’s often said that an empty refrigerator is bad, but an overfilled one is worse.

It’s tempting to fill every inch of the appliance but don’t do this as it brings about plenty of problems: you might forget some food and it goes bad, the air vents might get blocked, you might impede airflow, or even reduce the efficiency of the appliance.

Just as you should avoid overfilling the refrigerator, you also should avoid keeping it empty—stock in a few water bottles which when chilled, help the appliance maintain cool temperatures. The best place to have your appliance is two-thirds full.

Don’t just toss things in

When you are restocking or cleaning the refrigerator, don’t just toss things in. Put items that go together. For example, keep peanut butter and jelly, eggs and milk, deli meats and cheeses.

If you aren’t sure about how you should pair the items, think about your eating habits.

Separate the fruits and vegetables

You can keep the vegetables in perforated plastic bags then place them in the fridge’s crisper drawer. In storage, keep a close eye on ethylene producing fruits as they will make your other vegetables decompose faster.

Some of these fruits that you should be cautious about include: passion fruit, mangoes, kiwis, pears, apples, and stone fruits.

Fruits known to be sensitive to ethylene include: carrots, broccoli, lettuce, avocados, cucumbers, avocado, and eggplant.

You must have heard that you should cut the fruits and vegetables before storing them in the refrigerator to encourage healthy snacking. This is a lie. Enough data is supporting that chopped up produce deteriorates faster as more surface area is exposed.

The best way of going about it is only washing the fruits and vegetables when you are ready to consume them.

Give the pantry products a new home

Did you know the pantry products you place on the shelves can be much better in the fridge? Maple syrup, soy, nut butters, soy sauce, nut milk, nut flours, and whole grains can give you better results when you store them in the chilled environment.

Take the milk out of the door

The refrigerator’s warmest parts are inside the door and at the top shelf. Since milk is highly perishable, you should place it on the middle shelf. Here it enjoys consistent temperatures, so the bacteria don’t act too much.

If your refrigerator has dedicated spots for dairy and meats, take advantage of them.

Other than milk, you also shouldn’t store eggs in the egg compartment of your door.

The best things to store on the door are condiments rich in vinegar and salt.

Place meat and fish at the bottom

The bottom drawer is the coldest part of the refrigerator, making it the ideal place to keep uncooked meat and fish. To keep the meat away from other foods to prevent cross-contamination, store the meat in a crisper drawer.

Inspect the door seals

Loose door seals allow air to seep out, wasting energy and causing the refrigerator to work harder than it should. At least twice a year, inspect the door seals for food residues that might have accumulated there and remove them.

You also should find out whether the seals are broken. If they are, replace them. When undertaking the replacement, go for high-quality sealing products that will last the test of time.

Clean the refrigerator

You not only want the fridge to look good, but also to function at optimum levels. Cleaning also keeps appliance repair Springfield professionals at bay. When it comes to cleaning, don’t just clean the outside of the appliance. Also, pay attention to the inside of the unit.

At least once a week, remove all the food in the fridge and clean the insides. While you are at it, also inspect the coils and clean them if necessary.

Appliance Repair: 7 Tricks To Keep Your Fridge Organised For The New Year

appliance repair

Your refrigerator was full of activity during the festive season. As the New Year begins, you need to keep it organized for you to keep it functioning efficiently. How do you do it? Here are expert tips given by appliance repair professionals:

Start with a clean slate

Start everything on a clean slate. This calls for you to toss out any expired products that you aren’t using.

With all the hands that were going in and out of the appliance and the accidental spills during the season, the chances are that there is a lot of dirt in the appliance.

Before you do anything, clean the unit. A simple wet cloth and soap are enough. Regardless of the stains, avoid using abrasive products as they will damage the appliance.

Leftovers on the top shelf

You should designate the upper shelves for pre-cooked foods, packaged foods, drinks, and leftovers. The cool thing with these foods is that they are already cooked, so you don’t have to worry about them spilling from their packages hence compromising the foods you place below.

For you to have an easy time telling what is in your appliance, transfer the foods from the delivery containers into a glass or BPA-free plastic storage.

Having the foods in clear containers also prevents you from forgetting about the foods.

Place fruits and vegetables in bins

You should have specially designated containers for fruits and vegetables. The containers should keep the contents as fresh as possible. While it’s tempting to prepare the foods ahead, avoid chopping the ingredients until too close to the time you will be using them.

If you slice and dice the vegetables too early, they can easily go bad.

Store the fruits and vegetables in their whole form and at the right humidity levels to keep them nice and crisp.

Watch what you place in the door

The fridge door is often warm, so you should be cautious of the items you put there.

The best items to put in the door are milk or fresh juices. These are highly perishable, and the best place to store them is towards the bottom and in the back of the appliance where the fridge is the coldest.

You can place butter and soft cheeses in the door as you don’t have to keep them too cold.

When it comes to eggs, keep them at an area with the most consistent temperature. This is on the middle shelf of the fridge.

Do you have deli meats? Keep them in their designated meat bin.

Store the bottles neatly

If you struggle finding enough space in your fridge due to all the drinking bottles and containers in your appliance, you can improve the look of your appliance by stacking the water bottles in a pyramid shape to make them easy to grab.

Transfer things such as juice and iced tea to tall, slim, grass carafes to make the fridge neater.

Don’t buy more than you need

When you are looking to give your fridge a new look, it’s easy to buy more things than you even need. As you might guess, this results in overstocking the appliance.

You should note that an overstocked fridge doesn’t do its work properly, which means that it doesn’t keep the items cold and fresh.

When the fridge is too packed, the cool air doesn’t circulate properly; hence the food items spoil faster.

One of the best ways of avoiding buying more than you need is to have a notepad or chalkboard nearby to keep a tally of what’s in the fridge, so you don’t buy what you already have.

Move what needs to be eaten at the front

If you are like other homeowners, you have food that you need to eat sooner than the other. Whether it’s leftover yogurt, don’t run the risk of having to throw it away simply because you forgot about it.

Go through the fridge once a day and move the foods that need to be eaten soon to the front of the appliance.

Refrigerator repair Springfield professionals recommend that you mark the container with the date you opened the food, so you don’t have to wonder whether it’s still good.

5 Ways To Triple The Lifespan Of Your Refrigerator

Virginia Refrigerators Repair

A good quality refrigerator doesn’t come cheap; therefore, the last thing you want is having to buy a new appliance every few years. The good news is that there are several things you can do to extend the refrigerator’s life. Some of these things, as given by refrigerator repair professionals include:

Keep it clean

Everything begins here. Just like your car, your refrigerator won’t last for long if you don’t clean it regularly. Begin with the insides. At least once a month, clean the insides of the fridge with warm soapy water.

Is your refrigerator giving off bad smells? Get rid of them by placing a bowl filled with vinegar and lime on the inside. The purpose of the products is to absorb the bad smell.

You also should pay attention to the outsides of the refrigerator. The most common area that gets dirty is behind the appliance. To keep it clean, clean it 2-3 times a year. If you have pets, clean it more often.

The purpose of giving more attention to behind the fridge is because this is where coils are located. When the coils are dirty, they lead to inefficient cooling, which puts a lot of stress on the compressor that works harder than it should.

The best appliance to use to clean the coils is a vacuum cleaner.

It’s also common for the door seals to get dirty and greasy. If you haven’t cleaned them for a long time, use soapy water and clean piece of cloth to clean them.

Does your refrigerator have a drip pan? Clean it thorough every two weeks.

You also should defrost the refrigerator. Most of the modern fridges have an auto-defrost option, but if yours doesn’t, do it manually once every few months.

Don’t put hot foods in the refrigerator

While the refrigerator is meant to keep the foods cool, you shouldn’t put hot items in it. This is because the items make the fridge work too hard, which not only results in the appliance consuming a lot of energy, it also lowers its lifespan.

For you to give your refrigerator a long life, let the foods first cool down to the room temperature before putting it in the fridge.

Don’t overfill the refrigerator. Also, don’t let it run empty

When you allow the refrigerator to run empty, you save a lot of money on cooling, right? Wrong! Refrigerator experts report that an empty fridge wears out faster; hence, you should ensure there is always something in the refrigerator.

So even when you are leaving for vacation, have a few items in the fridge. For example, you can place water bottles in the fridge.

Just as you shouldn’t leave the fridge empty, you also shouldn’t overfill it. When you stock too many items in the refrigerator, you block smooth and efficient air circulation.

When air doesn’t circulate as well as it’s supposed to, the compressor works too hard which not only translates to high energy bills at the end of the month, it also reduces the lifespan of the appliance.

When storing items in the fridge, store items that allow air to flow freely without putting a lot of stress on the compressor.

Keep the refrigerator away from heat

Dishwashers, ovens, and other heat-producing appliances make the refrigerator compressor work harder than it should, so you spend a lot of money on the refrigerator and at the same time, shorten the lifespan of the appliance.

For your appliance to last for a long time, keep it in an area where it’s not exposed to high temperatures. This calls for you to keep it away from the appliances mentioned above. You also should ensure that it’s not exposed to direct sunlight.

When making the purchase, go for a fridge with a reflective surface as it will reflect heat.

Undertake regular inspections

Have you ever hired an appliance repair Fairfax professional to inspect your fridge? If you are like other homeowners, you haven’t, which is wrong. At least once a year, even if your appliance is functioning correctly, ask an appliance technician to inspect your fridge.

During the inspection, the professional will identify issues with the unit that you should fix before they get worse.

Refrigerator Ice Maker Repair: Tips To Keep Your Refrigerator Ice Maker In Top Shape

refrigerator ice maker repair

Many people complain that their refrigerator ice makers aren’t working as well as they are supposed to. This is usually because they don’t know how to properly take good care of them.

To help you out, here are tips given by refrigerator ice maker repair professionals on how to take good care of their ice makers:

Keep the ice maker clean

Ice makers turn water into frozen cubes; therefore, it might seem absurd having to regularly clean the unit to keep it functioning properly. You should note that the machines are like any other machine you might be having in your home—you need to clean it.

When you go for a long time without cleaning it, you promote germ growth which not only prevents the machine from functioning as well as it’s supposed to, it also poses a great health risk.

You need to periodically sanitize your ice maker to keep it functioning optimally. If your refrigerator has built-in ice makers and water dispensers, you don’t have to rigorously sanitize it. Cleaning it once every month is enough to keep it in top shape.

Start with turning off the unit then shut off the water flow to it. Then remove the ice bin and melt or discard the remaining ice.

Using a mixture of warm water and dish soap, clean the insides of the ice bin then disinfect it once clean. Once you are done, return the bin to the freezer and turn the ice maker and water flow back on.

It will take you some time for the ice to produce again as the ice maker needs to get back to its operating temperature. Discard the first batch of ice made. This is because it tends to contain some cleaning solution that isn’t healthy for you. Ice from the first batch also tends to taste bad.

Place it at the right location

Where you place the ice maker not only determines how well it functions, it also determines how long it lasts. Where you place the ice maker depends on the type of ice maker that you have.

If you are installing a built-in unit, choose a location that is easily accessible. The goal is to place it in an area where you can easily go back and forth from the ice maker without any problems.

Are you thinking about installing portable ice makers? You should note that these units are compact and require an outlet to function properly. The appliances are ideal when you already have a place to plug them in.

Avoid placing the portable ice maker next to beverages as someone can easily spill something on them. You can place the ice maker and other beverages on the same counter, but don’t place them too close to each other.

Change the water filter

A dirty water filter prevents you from making quality ice. It also makes the ice maker work too hard; therefore, it keeps on developing issues. It also doesn’t last for a long time. Most of the modern ice makers come with filtration systems that determine the quality of water that you get.

Over time, it’s common for the filters to get dirty or get damaged. For you to have good quality ice and for your ice maker to last for a long time, you should make a habit of replacing the ice filter when necessary.

It’s easy to change the filters even by yourself. One of the things you should do is to ensure that you get high-quality filters from a reputable brand. For ideal results, buy the filters from the same company you bought the ice maker.

Get rid of clogs as early as possible

Refrigerator ice makers are prone to clogs. The clogs result from the jamming of the ice dispenser chute. If you have a modern fridge, it’s easy to fix the problem.

According to refrigerator repair professionals, you need to remove the ice bin then clean it. You should then dry everything then replace the bin.

If you have an older fridge, you might require the services of an appliance repair Northern VA professional to help you remove the ice maker located in the freezer compartment.

Refrigerator Repair: Tips On How To Keep Your Fridge In Tip-Top Shape

refrigerator repair

According to refrigerator repair professionals, how you use the fridge has a great impact on how it works and how long it lasts. For it to give you a long service for a long time you need to take good care of it. To help you out, here are tips on how to take good care of your unit:

Clean the refrigerator regularly

This is a no-brainer. For you to keep your unit in tip-top shape you need to clean it regularly. Just like your air conditioner or heating system, when you don’t clean the fridge as regularly as you should, you make the unit work harder than it should. The unit also tends to keep on failing every now and then.

For ideal results, you should ensure that you clean the refrigerator at least once a month. At the end of the month, remove everything in it and give it a thorough cleaning. Do you use the fridge actively? Consider giving it a thorough cleaning at least once a week.

Keep it full all the time

Many people have the belief that if they want their refrigerators to save energy they should minimize the food that they keep in it. There is nothing that is further from the truth than this. You should note that the fuller the fridge is, the better it works.

When the food is in close proximity, the fridge has an easy time keeping it cool as the cold can easily spread between the different food pieces. This means that by keeping the fridge full, you make it easy for it to keep the food cool.

When there are many empty spaces in the fridge, the refrigerator compressor tends to work harder to cool the empty spots thus increasing the amount of energy that the unit uses hence the high monthly energy bill.

While you should keep the refrigerator full, you should avoid overstocking it. This is because you tend to end up destroying it. Just keep only what the fridge can take.

Make use of baskets

If you visit most refrigerators, you will find them in disarray. This not only gives your fridge an ugly look, it also reduces the amount of food that you can store in it. For you to keep the unit organized you should make use of baskets.

Buy a few small baskets that you use to sort the different products on the shelves and indoors. According to refrigerator experts, the baskets not only keep the fridge organized, they also act as a protective layer where they capture the spills and any food mess that is there.

Due to this, you have an easy time cleaning the refrigerator. When you are looking to clean the unit, you only need to remove the basket and clean it.

Use the right temperature all the time

For you to keep the food in the fridge fresh, you need to use the right temperature all the time. You should note when you set your unit at high temperatures thus keep it warm, the food tends to rot. On the other hand, when you keep the temperature too low, you end up damaging the food.

The best temperature to set your fridge is 37 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. For optimal freezing, set the freezer at 5 degrees Fahrenheit. This way you are sure that the food won’t get spoilt. This temperature has also been shown to ensure that the food tastes good, the electricity bill remains low, and the fridge isn’t overburdened.

Undertake regular inspections

You need to regularly inspect the unit for any issues it might be having. During the inspection, give attention to the condenser coils that are responsible for the proper cooling of the insides of the fridge.

Are the coils coated with dust or grime? Check them out. You should note that if they are dirty, they won’t work as well as they are supposed to unless you clean them. In some cases, you might find them damaged. In such a scenario, hire an appliance repair Springfield professional to help you with the inspection and fixing of the parts.

When buying new coils, buy high-quality ones that will last for a long time.

Commercial Appliance Repair And Maintenance Tips

As a commercial appliances owner, it’s your responsibility to keep your appliances in top shape. To help you out, here are tips on how to go about it as given by appliance repair experts:

Ensure that the oven door seal is tight

When the door seal isn’t tight enough, the oven can lose up to 20% of the heat. The end result is the food taking longer to cook. In some cases, the food cooks unevenly. For you to ensure that the door seal is tight all the time, you need to regularly inspect it.

You should open the oven door and locate the fiberglass gasket or rubber around the door. Carefully feel around for broken, torn, or deformed areas. Are there any leaks on the seal? Close the door to find out.

If you find any problems, replace the seal immediately.

Keep the appliances clean

Regardless of the appliances you have in your place of work, you need to keep them clean all the time. Do you have a stove? You should keep the top spotless. Remove the drip bowls from underneath the burner elements and presoak them in a cleaning solution for at least five minutes.

You should then hand wash and replace them.

It’s common to have spills on the stove. When they come about, you should clean them immediately. This is because they tend to damage the drip bowls. When the spills burn into the bowls, they damage them so that you have to replace them.

When it comes to the refrigerator, in addition to cleaning the insides and outsides of the unit, you need to pay attention to the coils. Pet hair, dirt, and dust tend to build up on the coils restricting effective air flow. As a result, the refrigerator works harder than it should.

Once or twice a year, you should clean the coils using a vacuum cleaner. When cleaning, you should note that the location of the coils varies depending on the refrigerator model.

The garbage disposal keeps your drain pipes sane. While it’s meant to carry waste, you should keep it clean all the time. Turn the unit off and look down the unit for any items that might have got stuck.

If there are any stuck items, use a pair of tongs or any other tool to remove them. You should then use vinegar, ice cubes, and salt to clean the unit. Once you are done, run cold water for at least 10 seconds.

For you to get rid of odors, place a few citrus peels in the disposal then run cold water.

Finally, you need to pay attention to the dryer exhaust. Lint in the dryer exhaust not only reduces the efficiency of the appliance, it also poses a fire risk. For you to clean the unit you need to loosen the clamp and pull the exhaust from the back.

Are there lint clumps? Remove them from the tubing using your hands. If you can’t reach the tubing, scrap the lumps with a straight coat hanger. Once you are done, vacuum the unit and reattach.

Regularly inspect the appliances

In addition to cleaning the appliances, you also need to regularly inspect them for any issues they might be having. When it comes to the refrigerators, be on the lookout for noises that the unit might be making.

Do you have a washing machine? Check the hoses that connect to the back panel. Be on the lookout for leaks, weak spots, or cracks. If you find any issues, replace the hose.

Appliance maintenance experts recommend that you replace the hoses every five years regardless of whether they have any issues or not.

Repair the appliances

Even with the best care, it will come a time when the appliances will develop problems and you will have to fix them. Many people ignore the minor problems, but this shouldn’t be you. Remember, the smaller problems get worse if you don’t fix them early enough.

When you notice a problem, regardless of how minor it seems, contact a refrigerator repair Fairfax or any other professional to fix it. For you to get ideal results, ensure that the contractor you hire is experienced enough.