Tag Archives: fridge maintenance

Guide to Getting rid of Unpleasant Odors from Your Fridge

Are you tired of opening your refrigerator and being met by foul odors? A bad-smelling fridge is not only unpleasant, but it also indicates the presence of bacteria and mold. But don’t worry; there are simple and efficient techniques to get rid of those unpleasant odors and restore the freshness of your refrigerator. Some of the ways you can go about it, as given by refrigerator repair professionals, include:

Empty and declutter the fridge

Begin by emptying your refrigerator of all items, including expired food, leftovers, and other potential odor causes.

You should throw away everything that has gone rotten or is no longer required. Doing this helps you to identify and concentrate on the source of the odor.

After removing all the items from the fridge, clean it. To clean the internal surfaces of your refrigerator, combine mild dish soap and warm water. Pay specific attention to spills, stains, and crevices, which can harbor bacteria and odor-causing agents. Rinse and thoroughly dry the surfaces with clean water.

Use natural deodorizers

Keep a bowl of baking soda or activated charcoal in your refrigerator to absorb odors. These natural deodorizers operate by neutralizing and trapping odors. To keep the baking soda or charcoal effective, replace it once a month or as needed.

Besides baking soda and activated charcoal, other products that you can use to absorb the odors include:

Coffee grounds: Because of their strong aroma, used coffee grounds can work as a natural deodorizer. Place used coffee grinds in an open container or coffee filter in the refrigerator. Coffee grounds assist in masking off-putting odors. For the best outcome, change the grounds every 1-2 weeks.

Lemon or citrus peels: Citrus fruits have a pleasant aroma that might help to mask odors. Put some lemon or orange peels in a bowl or on a platter in the refrigerator. Citrus oils in the peels mask and absorb undesirable odors. Every 1-2 weeks, replace the peels.

White vinegar: Vinegar is known for its deodorizing abilities. You need to wipe off the inside of the refrigerator with equal parts water and white vinegar solution. This assists in eradicating odors and disinfecting surfaces. Before replenishing the fridge, allow the vinegar to drain and air out.

Vanilla extract: Vanilla extract provides a lovely aroma that you can use to refresh your refrigerator. Dab a few drops of vanilla extract on a cotton ball or a little piece of fabric. Refrigerate it to give it a pleasant aroma. Every few weeks, replace the cotton ball.

Essential oils: To a cotton ball or a tiny piece of fabric, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lemon, lavender, or eucalyptus. Put it in your refrigerator to infuse it with a lovely scent. For the best outcome, renew the essential oil regularly.

Properly store the food.

You must ensure that all food is firmly wrapped or stored in airtight containers. This keeps strong odors from penetrating the refrigerator and helps keep it fresh. To seal leftovers and other food products, use plastic wrap, zip-top bags, or storage containers.

You should keep the perishable goods at or below 40°F (4°C): To inhibit bacterial growth and protect food quality, keep the refrigerator temperature to or below 40°F (4°C). You need to check the temperature with a refrigerator thermometer and make the necessary adjustments.

Store raw meats, poultry, and shellfish on the bottom shelf or in a separate drawer to avoid cross-contamination. Place these foods in airtight containers or plastic bags to keep juices from spilling onto other meals.

You should properly use the different refrigerator zones. To help you out, here is a guide on how to organize the different fridge sections:  

Higher shelves: Store ready-to-eat meals on the higher shelves. These shelves are best reserved for leftovers, cooked dishes, and drinks. These meals require less cooking and have better safety margins.

Lower shelves or drawers: Keep raw meats, poultry, and shellfish in these sections to prevent drips from contaminating other foods. This zone is also suitable for storing dairy goods such as milk and yogurt.

Door shelves: Due to frequent opening and closing, anything stored in the refrigerator door may be exposed to slightly higher temperatures. Keep condiments, sauces, and other foods with high acidity in the door since they have a longer shelf life and are less likely to spoil.

Have a fridge cleaning schedule.

You should have a cleaning schedule for your refrigerator. Aim to clean your unit at least once a month or more frequently if necessary. Regular maintenance prevents the accumulation of odor-causing substances and aids in the upkeep of a clean and fresh-smelling unit.

The beauty of cleaning the appliance is that you don’t need to hire a professional to help you with it—you can easily do it on your own.

As a rule, avoid using harsh chemicals that can ruin the appliance.

Check the drip pan and drain.

Odors can occasionally be caused by a clogged or dirty drip pan or drain. Consult your refrigerator’s owner’s manual for instructions on how to reach and clean these components. Taking care of them can help prevent the development of unpleasant odors.

The drip pan is at the bottom of the refrigerator, behind the front grille or kick plate. If you can’t find it, consult the owner’s manual for your refrigerator.

Before proceeding, disconnect the refrigerator or switch off the electricity to avoid any electrical dangers.

When you find the drip pan, carefully slide it out of its place. Be cautious, as it may contain contaminated water or residue.

You should empty the drip pan contents into the sink or a suitable container. You can rinse it with warm, soapy water or clean it with a mild cleaning solution, depending on the level of dirt and grime.

Scrub away any residue with a sponge or cloth, then thoroughly rinse. Before putting it back in the fridge, ensure it is fully dry.

There you have it.

Following these basic suggestions will efficiently remove odors from your refrigerator and enjoy a fresh and pleasant-smelling atmosphere for your food storage. Remember to practice good cleanliness and careful food handling to avoid recurrent odors.

For peace of mind that your unit is in top working condition, have it inspected by an experienced commercial appliance repair Alexandria professional at least once a year.

Tips to Keep Your Refrigerator Clean and Organised

Virginia Refrigerators Repair

Refrigerator organization is critical for preserving freshness, reducing waste, and optimizing storage space. Thankfully, you can easily organize your fridge. To help you out, here are tips given by refrigerator repair professionals that you can use to turn your fridge into a well-organized environment that keeps your food fresh and conveniently accessible:

Use clear containers

Clear containers and clever storage solutions increase fridge organization and visibility:

You should invest in transparent containers that allow you to see what’s inside without opening them. They also help to keep odors at bay and improve the shelf life of stored food.

You also should consider using stackable containers to conserve space and keep your fridge organized. Stack containers of similar sizes together to increase vertical storage space.

It’s also a good idea to go with drawer dividers or organizers that help you separate fruits, vegetables, and deli goods. They reduce cross-contamination and make specific things more accessible.

Pay attention to the temperature zones.

Temperature zones differ in different parts of the fridge. For an optimally functioning fridge, you must understand and use these zones properly.

Due to frequent temperature variations, the door shelves are the warmest portion of the fridge. This area should be reserved for condiments, beverages, and goods with longer shelf life, such as pickles or sauces.

Temperatures are stable on the top and middle shelves. This is the best place to keep leftovers, ready-to-eat foods, and goods that require easy access.

The bottom shelves and drawers are colder and have more consistent temperatures. Store perishable things such as dairy, raw meats, and fish here.

Store just what is enough.

Overcrowding the refrigerator is a typical mistake resulting in poor air circulation and uneven cooling. To avoid this, follow these guidelines:

Maintain a suitable capacity: You should leave enough space between the various products for proper ventilation. Avoid stuffing too much food into the fridge.

Organize comparable items: Organize your refrigerator by food types, such as dairy, vegetables, fruits, and meats. This arrangement makes it easy to find products and prevents overpopulation in specific places.

Improve shelf height: If your fridge allows, adjust the shelves to fit food products of varying sizes. An excellent way to go about it is to use adjustable shelves or remove a shelf to generate more vertical space if you have taller products such as bottles or pitchers.

Observe the first in, first out rule.

Follow the “first in, first out” rule to reduce food waste and ensure freshness. If this is the first time doing it, here is how to go about it:

Prioritize older things: When unpacking groceries or keeping leftovers, store older products near the top of the shelves or in easily accessible areas.

Label containers and shelves appropriately: You should mark the date you prepared or purchased food. The best way to mark the foods is by using detachable labels or masking tape. Doing this lets you track the food products and readily identify foods that should be consumed sooner.

Store the fruits and vegetables properly.

Improper fruit and vegetable storage can hasten rotting. Follow the following guidelines:

Separate fruits and vegetables: Some fruits emit ethylene gas, accelerating ripening and causing surrounding veggies to decay faster. Separate them or use ethylene-absorbing materials like produce storage bags or containers.

Make use of humidity drawers: Most refrigerators contain humidity-controlled drawers. Adjust the settings accordingly to maintain the optimal humidity levels for fruits and vegetables. Leafy greens want high humidity, while fruits prefer low humidity.

Properly use the fridge door.

Because the fridge door is prone to temperature swings, it is not ideal for storing perishable foods. Here’s how to make the most of your refrigerator door:

Keep products on the door shelves: Store frequent items, dressings, and sauces on the entryway shelves. These have a longer shelf life and are more temperature resistant.

Place clear, stackable containers or caddies on the door shelves to keep little objects tidy. You can store individual yogurt cups, cheese sticks, or miniature bottles here.

Keep dairy and eggs away from the door. The temperature on the door swings greater than in the rest of the fridge, which might lead to spoiling. Place dairy items and eggs on the interior shelves for optimal temperature control.

Regularly clean the fridge.

Cleaning and maintaining your refrigerator regularly is essential for both hygiene and organization. For a clean and properly maintained fridge, consider these tips:

Regularly inspect your refrigerator for expired products or food that has gone bad. Dispose of them as soon as possible to avoid unpleasant odors and cross-contamination.

Spills or leaks should be cleaned up right away. Wipe out shelves, drawers, and interior surfaces with a moderate vinegar-water solution or a light all-purpose cleaner.

Every few months, empty the fridge completely and properly clean all surfaces. To wash shelves and drawers individually, remove them. This technique aids in the preservation of a clean and sanitary atmosphere.

Other tips to have your fridge clean and organized

Use refrigerator bins: You must invest in various-sized bins to create distinct storage sections within your refrigerator. These bins allow you to store snacks, deli meats, and already-prepared meals. Placing the food items in bins also makes them easy to access.

Make use of lazy Susans or turntables: you need to place a lazy Susan or turntable on shelves to make it easier to reach stuff at the rear. To reach items, simply rotate the turntable without upsetting the arrangement.

Use door-mounted racks: To maximize vertical space, install door-mounted racks or organizers. These can store spices, small jars, or beverage cans.

Freeze the herbs: freezing the fresh herbs extends their life. All you need to do is cut them into small sizes and freeze them in ice cube trays with water or oil.

Label shelves and sections: Think of labeling shelves and sections with specific categories like “Snacks,” “Leftovers,” or “Meal Prep.” According to appliance repair Fairfax professionals, doing this makes it easy for family members to know where to place different items. It also helps to keep things organized.

Mistakes You Are Making Storing Food In The Refrigerator

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The refrigerator has made life easier for decades, and it’s up to you to take care of it and correctly put food away. This is because not doing so will increase your chances of getting sick and shorten the refrigerator’s life. You don’t want this, do you?

There is also the risk of the fridge breaking down regularly. You have to keep hiring appliance repair professionals to fix it. 

 There are many things you need to be cautious of, like putting food in the right container and ensuring the fridge stays at the right temperature.

To help you out, here are five mistakes you shouldn’t make when putting food in the fridge:

Failing to cover the food

The most common reason people will fail to cover the food as they put it in the fridge is that they are in a hurry. They will also fail to do it because they don’t want or they have the impression that covering it will get it spoilt. 

To stay safe, you should always cover your food as you put it in the fridge because open food is more likely to get bacteria and can also get contaminated by raw meat or other uncooked foods in the refrigerator. As you can guess, when you eat contaminated food, you will most likely suffer from food poisoning. And you don’t want this, do you?

The good thing is that you don’t have to do much to cover the food. Simply put the food in a container that won’t let air in or wrap it in plastic.

Putting more food than the fridge can carry

The other mistake many people make is storing more food than the fridge is designed to carry. Yes, there is the temptation to stock all the supplies you get from the grocery store in the refrigerator, but it’s not a good idea to pack the shelves too full. 

When you overstock your fridge, you shorten the time your food will last and reduce the refrigerator’s efficiency. Remember that to keep your food cool, your fridge needs to distribute the cool air throughout the appliance. 

When you fill all the shelves, you even block the air vents, which prevent the cool air from circulation, and as a consequence, the food gets spoilt. 

Just store the right amount of food inside to protect your appliance and avoid overstocking. Regularly cleaning your appliance is a great way to ensure that you don’t overstock it. At least once a week or before you head to the grocery store, remove all the items from the fridge and only put back what hasn’t expired. 

Washing fruits and vegetables before storing them

You might think you are being tidy and hygienic when you wash your fruits and vegetables before putting them in the fridge, but this isn’t the right thing to do. This is because when you wash these items, you introduce water to the food. 

This can lead to the growth of bacteria, which is bad for your health.

Instead of washing the fruits and vegetables before you store them in the fridge, you should wash them right before you cook or eat them. 

If you want to rinse them before putting them away, ensure they are completely dry.

Using the wrong storage containers

As mentioned above, you should always store leftover food in a container that keeps air out. If you don’t, the food will go bad, and your fridge will smell funny. Don’t keep your leftovers for too long, either. 

One of the biggest mistakes people make is to store the food in their original packaging. This is wrong. The right way to go about it is to use the above-mentioned containers. If you are using the original packaging, ensure it’s airtight so that moisture doesn’t get in.

Parting shot

These are some of the mistakes you should avoid making to protect your appliance from breaking down too often, and you are forced to hire a refrigerator repair Northern VA expert. Avoid these mistakes, and you will have a long-lasting appliance and a highly efficient unit. 

Tips and Tricks To Running Your Fridge More Efficiently

As a responsible homeowner, would you not want your fridge consuming too much energy? Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to ensure that your appliance runs as efficiently as possible and you spend as little as possible on your energy bill. Which are these strategies? Here they are as given by refrigerator repair professionals:

Cool food first

You must have visited someone or been tempted to put hot food in your fridge. As much as this might sound sensible, it isn’t. In fact, you should avoid it at all costs.

The reason for this is that when you put hot food in the fridge, you abruptly change the temperatures in the appliance, which triggers the refrigerator to start running to compensate for the changes.

As you can guess, when your fridge runs, it consumes the energy you want to save.

To conserve energy, avoid putting hot food in the fridge and instead only put it there once it’s completely cold.

Even if you are in a hurry, let the food cool before you place it in the fridge. In fact, it would be better to leave the food on the shelve for a few hours as you rush to work, then come back and put it in the fridge once it has fully cooled down.

Minimize the frequency you open the fridge door.

Most people will open the fridge door and decide what they want to pick. This results in them holding the door open for far too long it should.

Remember that the purpose of the fridge is to maintain a constant low temperature inside the appliance. This means that when you open the door and leave it open for a long, the cold air leaves, and the fridge has to kick in to fill in the lost air.

As you can tell, this leads to an increase in energy consumption, which increases your energy bill.

To save money, minimize the time you have your fridge door open. A great way to do this is to always know what you want from the fridge by the time you get there. Don’t open the door, start debating what you wish to do, as you will be wasting precious energy.

Another way to minimize the door opening frequency is to get all the things you need at once. This way, you won’t keep going to the fridge.

Adjust your thermometer

Some people think they should set their appliances at the lowest temperatures to keep their food fresh and frozen, but this has been proven not to be the case.

Your fridge will function just as well when you set it at 4 degrees and your freezer at -18 degrees. Most modern appliances have exact temperature readings, but if yours doesn’t, set the temperature dial to the midpoint.

This way, the fridge doesn’t have to work too hard to keep the temperature too low. The refrigerator won’t get triggered to start working every time you open the door, as the temperature doesn’t have to be too low.

Keep your fridge some room.

For your appliance to cool the food, it relies on airflow; when there is inadequate airflow, the fridge doesn’t function as well as it should.

This is because it tends to overwork, leading to high-energy consumption.

Be cautious of where you place your appliance to prevent this from happening. As a rule of thumb, avoid keeping it in a highly congested room, as this will impede proper airflow.

You also should avoid keeping it close to heaters, cooking stoves, and other heat-producing appliances, as this will lead to an overworking appliance you are trying to avoid.

If your kitchen is small, ensure that there aren’t any unnecessary items around. You also should keep the windows open as often as possible so that there is plenty of air getting in.

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These are some things you should do to keep your fridge functioning efficiently. Besides these, also make it a habit to hire appliance repair Northern VA professionals to inspect the appliance at least once a year and fix any issues present.

Why Is My Fridge Consuming Too Much Electricity?

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The refrigerator is meant to keep the food cold and fresh, and this task is accomplished with the help of fans, an evaporator, a condenser, thermostats, and timers. While this is the case, the unit shouldn’t consume too much electricity that you spend more than you should.

If you have noticed that your fridge is consuming a lot of energy, you might be wondering why this is the case, right? According to refrigerator repair professionals, this can be brought about by several factors. Here are these factors and what you can do to solve them and prevent a similar issue from resulting in the future:

You have faulty gaskets

The gaskets between the door and housing wear out over time, and the adhesive holding them in place sometimes wears out too. The gasket rubber also sometimes loses its elasticity.

As the door gaskets fail, the fridge loses cool air, and the refrigerator has to work harder to maintain cool air inside. As you can guess, this means the appliance consumes more electricity than it should.

To prevent the appliance from doing this, make it a habit to inspect the gaskets as you are doing the cleaning. If you notice them worn out, replace them.

You have a faulty thermostat.

The thermostat is a switch that is usually open. The switch closes when the temperature gets too high, causing the fan to force cooler air into the freezer and fridge.

Sometimes, the thermostat fails and sticks in the closed position. This means that the fan forcing the cold air into the freezer and fridge works continuously, which triggers the refrigerator to draw more energy than usual.

Like with the gaskets, regularly inspect the thermostats (especially if you have an older refrigerator) and fix them if faulty.

You place hot food in the fridge.

You might argue that when you put hot food in the fridge, the food cools down faster. While this might be true, you should know that doing it increases the temperature inside, forcing the refrigerator to work hard to maintain low temperatures.

When you place hot food directly from the stove into the fridge, experts observe that it takes up to 2 hours for the refrigerator to bring the temperatures to normal levels. This means your fridge will be in working mode for two hours, consuming power nonstop for this long.

To save energy, don’t put food directly into the fridge. Let it cool first, then only put it there once it has fully cooled down. This way, you don’t increase the temperature in the fridge hence the unit doesn’t overwork to maintain the low temperatures.

You have compressor problems.

The compressor creates cold air for the fridge and connects to the heat-exchanging pipe coils outside the refrigerator.

An expansion valve at the end of the pipe system allows the refrigerant to exit as fine mist. Another set of heat-exchanging pipes winds through the inner walls of the fridge.

In the event the coils or expansion valve get blocked, the compressor keeps running, which triggers it to use excessive energy, even if there is no cool air reaching the fridge.

To prevent this from happening, regularly inspect your fridge and replace it if the compressor is faulty or too old.

If you have had your fridge for over a decade and it’s constantly bringing problems, you will save money and have peace of mind by buying a new unit.

Your fridge is too close to the wall.

Like any other heat-producing appliance, when you place your fridge too close to the wall, heat gets trapped between the wall and the refrigerator, leading to the appliance overworking and consuming a lot of energy.

Ensure a 30 cm gap between the wall and your appliance to stay on the safe side.

If you have a large house, appliance repair Fairfax professionals recommend that you avoid keeping your fridge in the kitchen, as the room temperatures are high here.

You also should avoid keeping the heater, microwave oven, or any other heat-producing appliance close to your fridge.

Refrigerator Tips and Tricks Every Homeowner Should Know

As a homeowner, you want your refrigerator to function as efficiently as possible. The good news is that you can keep your fridge in optimal working condition by doing the right things. Which are these things that you should do? Here they are as given by appliance repair professionals:

Keep the right food in the fridge

Not every food belongs in the fridge, and putting the wrong food there always leads to problems. To help you out, here are some of the foods that shouldn’t see the door of your refrigerator:

Potatoes: The only reason you should refrigerate your potatoes is if you want them mealy sweet. If this isn’t the case, store them in a cool, dark place like the cellar.

Tomatoes: Contrary to popular belief, you shouldn’t store your tomatoes in the fridge as they will lose their flavor when cooled.

Bread: Bread tends to dry out in the fridge, so you shouldn’t store it there. Instead, store it in a bread box.

Bananas: Bananas don’t like the cold. In fact, they develop brown spots when you store them in the fridge.

Garlic and onions: These tend to go moldy faster when you store them in the fridge than when they are at room temperature.

Honey: Honey crystallizes in the fridge

Lemons: They belong in the fruit bowl at room temperature

Coffee: You shouldn’t keep coffee in the fridge as it quickly absorbs odors and loses its taste

Oils: Oils often become rancid, so you shouldn’t store them in the refrigerator. Instead, store them in the cupboard.

Try to save as much electricity as possible.

As much as you want fresh food, it doesn’t mean you are ready to spend an arm and a leg on electricity, does it? Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can save on electricity with your refrigerator. Which are these ways? Here they are:

Be strategic in how you place the fridge: When installing your fridge, don’t place it next to heat sources such as dishwashers, washing machines, radiators, or stoves. Also, don’t place it in an area that receives maximum sunshine. Always remember that the warmer the environment you place the fridge, the more electricity it consumes to cool the food inside.

Clean your fridge regularly: A dirty fridge is unsightly and consumes plenty of electricity. To reduce the amount of energy that your refrigerator consumes, clean your unit regularly. One of the things you should do is to dust the cooling bar and ventilation grille. Also, defrost the unit, regularly inspect the door seals, and ensure they are clean and not worn out.

Finally, inspect the unit and confirm that the temperature isn’t set too cold. Remember that a temperature of 7 degrees is enough to keep the food cool.

Fill the fridge just right.

Some homeowners have the impression that an empty fridge functions better than a full one, but this isn’t the case—a full one functions more efficiently. While keeping your unit full is good, don’t overfill it, as you will block the air vents, preventing the air from circulating correctly.

A fridge with blocked air vents functions harder than it should, leading to burnout.

To ensure that you don’t stock your appliance more than it should, don’t store anything that doesn’t belong there. At least once a week, remove all the food items and clean the unit.

For you to leave enough space for air to circulate, discard any expired food items.

As you restock your appliance, be strategic about how you go about it. For example, put any new items behind the older ones. This prevents you from forgetting the items with a closer expiration date at the back corner of the fridge.

Refrigerator repair Northern VA professionals recommend that you pay close attention to the coolest zones of the appliance and sort your food accordingly. Of course, store the food that needs lower temperatures in the areas with low temperatures and vice versa.

If it’s long since you have gone to the grocery store, don’t leave the fridge empty—place milk, water, and other items there to maintain the right temperature.

Proper Use of Refrigerator Tips

Virginia Refrigerators Repair

You need to use your refrigerator properly for it to function optimally and keep off a refrigerator repair professional. How do you do it? Here are tips on the proper use of a fridge:

Keep the used foods at the front

It’s common to open some foods then, after partially using them, return them to the fridge.

Many homeowners aren’t conscious of where they put the opened foods, which is wrong.

The right way to do it is to place the opened foods at the front of the fridge shelves, in front of the newer items. This way you are sure that you use the opened items before you move to the sealed ones.

Some homeowners will say they can remember the bottle they have opened, but this isn’t the case. Even if you place a label on the foods, don’t mix them with the unopened ones.

When storing the leftovers, move with haste and keep them before they enter the danger zone. If storing large amounts of the leftovers, store them in several small, shallow containers that will cool faster.

Remember to date them and keep them as fresh as possible by removing as much air from them as possible.

Put the non-perishables on the fridge doors.

The less perishable foods such as juices, fruits, and others respond better to temperature fluctuations, so you should put them on the fridge doors.

Remember that you will open and close the fridge door, so ensure that the foods you place here can withstand the temperature changes without changing their taste or texture.

Keep the raw foods at the bottom.

Raw meat and fish belong at the bottom of the fridge where the temperatures are lowest. These areas also don’t experience a lot of temperature fluctuations when you open and close the refrigerator.

Since the raw foods tend to be highly perishable, placing them at the bottom means that you put them away from the other foods, hence you don’t worry about them contaminating the rest of your foods.

As you put the raw foods at the bottom of the fridge, remember to keep them sealed and free of leaks.

Keep the refrigerator below 5 degrees centigrade.

You should keep your fridge below 5 degrees centigrade so that you can keep all of the food cool, fresh, and full of flavor. You are sure that even the highly sensitive milk won’t get spoilt at this temperature.

Don’t overstock the fridge.

It’s easy to be carried away and stock more than your fridge can carry, when you don’t want to make another trip to the grocery store.

As much as you will save a trip to the grocery store, overloading your refrigerator is not a wise thing to do as it prevents the air from circulating as well as it should, which, as you can guess, means that your foods don’t remain as cool as well as they should.

There is also the risk of the fridge overworking when you overload it, which drives it to an early grave.

What is the best thing to do instead?

The right thing to do is stock just the right amount of food in your fridge.

You are better off making another trip to the grocery store within the month than overloading your fridge and damaging it.

Clean the fridge once a week

At least once a week, remove all the foods in the fridge and clean them. Before returning any of the foods, find out their expiry date and discard them if necessary. You should also discard any food you aren’t sure whether should be in the fridge.

Parting shot

These are some wise fridge tips to keep your refrigerator in top working shape.

Don’t wait for your fridge to break down if you can afford it. Hire an experienced appliance repair Alexandria professional at least once a year to go over your unit and fix any issues your appliance might be having.

This way you prevent larger problems from resulting down the line, that might be too expensive to fix.

The professionals will also help you know expert tips to keep your appliance in top shape.

5 Rules for a Perfect Fridge

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Would you love to keep your fridge in perfect working order and keep off refrigerator repair professionals? You should keep these fridge rules into consideration:

Keep the fridge at the right temperature

Setting the fridge at the optimal temperature not only keeps your food fresh, but also prevents it from overworking. The ideal fridge temperature is between 1c and 4C as you have to keep the food at 5C or lower. If you recently visited the grocery store, so the fridge is full, keep the temperature settings a little lower to save energy.

If it’s empty or cold, keep the temperature a little high.

Besides doing this, make it a habit to defrost your appliance when the ice is more than 5mm thick or prevent the air from circulating as effectively as it should.

Keep the fridge clean.

It goes without saying that you have to keep the fridge in top shape to keep it clean. As a rule of thumb, clear any spillages as soon as they happen. You should also wipe down the handles daily and clean the door outside at least once a week.

Regularly inspect the shelves and containers for lackluster or out-of-date food items and remove them.

At least once every three months, empty the refrigerator and draw out all the removable parts (drawers, shelves, and racks), then wash them with hot water and washing liquid.

Never use bleach or any non-food-safe chemical cleaners.

If the fridge is too dirty or you have gone for a long time without cleaning it, you need to deep clean it. To do this, use a toothbrush and thick paste of bicarb mixed with water and get rid of any stains.

You should then unplug the unit and clean it by hovering underneath and behind it. You should also remove any vented covers and reach the dust-coated fans and coils.

Store the right things in the fridge

What you store in your refrigerator goes a long way towards maintaining sanity in your appliance. Don’t store opened tin cans in the appliance as once you open them to the air, the tin from the can can transfer more quickly to the can’s contents.

Only place cans that come with resealable lids in the fridge, and always decant leftovers.

You also shouldn’t refrigerate hot food as they cause contamination and mess up the fridge temperature, causing it to overwork.

If you want to store your food in the fridge, wait for it to cool completely.

Some of the items in the fridge include: milk, yogurt, all berries, citrus, fish, and any opened products that specify refrigeration once opened.

Eggs require consistent temperatures so if you bought them refrigerated, keep them that way.

You also should keep large tubs of nut butters that you don’t need immediately and open pickles and jams.

Place the items on the right shelves.

Placing the right items in the refrigerator isn’t enough—you need to put them on the right shelves.

Top shelf: This shelf belongs to the items that don’t need cooking. These include: dips, sliced meats, deli dishes, leftovers, tortilla wraps, etc. This shelf is also perfect for any unfinished tin cans.

Middle shelf: The best items to store here are dairy and eggs. Don’t store the items on the door racks or egg holders to avoid damaging your door.

Bottom shelf: You place meat and fish here

Vegetable drawers: These are designed for fruits, vegetables, herbs, and leaves. Lettuce and other greens belong here.

Store all soft, fresh herbs (except for basil) here.

Door racks: Door racks are for juices, condiments, spreads, and other items with long shelf lives.

Undertake regular inspections

After buying, most homeowners don’t inspect their appliances, which is wrong. To ensure that your unit is in top working condition, make it a habit to inspect it at least once a year. Go around the unit and find any issue it might be having.

You can inspect yourself or hire an appliance repair Springfield professional to help you out. When hiring the repair expert, ensure they are experienced and know what they are doing.

Is It OK To Put Magnets On A Refrigerator?

Most homeowners with stainless steel door fridges have little magnets on their refrigerators meant to decorate the fridge or pass a message.

They bring convenience but is it ok to put magnets on a refrigerator? One popular myth is that the magnets will affect the functioning of the refrigerator, but is this true?

According to refrigerator repair professionals, the magnets used to attach photos or notes on the fridge don’t have a lot of force or power to damage the refrigerator, so it’s okay to have them on your appliance.

While this is the case, you can harm your appliance when you mishandle the magnets. For example, if you are too rough when attaching or removing the magnets from the refrigerator, there is the risk of scratching the refrigerator surface.

Some women have long nails that can scratch the refrigerator surface as they are placing and removing the magnets.

If you want to retain the new look of the fridge, you should avoid using regular magnets. Instead, use plastic or vinyl coated magnets that would scratch the surface.

If you can’t find these magnets, use plastic suction cups with hooks in them and use them to hold up the notes, photos, or anything else that you might want to display on your fridge.

Other refrigerator myths

Besides the myth that magnets are harmful to the fridge, there are plenty of others you should be aware of. They include:

You don’t need a thermometer if the dial is working

While the dial comes in handy at helping you set the temperature in the fridge, it doesn’t mean that the figures shown in the dial are the real temperature in the refrigerator.

Plenty of factors can affect the internal temperature of your appliance, and the only sure-fire way to know the exact temperature inside is to use a thermometer. The ideal cool temperature inside the fridge is 3 and 4 degrees Celsius.

You can place anything anywhere in the refrigerator

If you have been researching about refrigerators, you know that you should place certain items in specific areas of the fridge. For example, you should place the meat and other highly perishable items in the freezer.

The reason for this is because the temperature in the fridge isn’t equal throughout. Certain areas, such as the fridge doors, are warmer, and you should place juice, water, beer, and other items that can withstand high temperatures here.

For your items not to go bad, you need to store them in the right compartments. If you aren’t sure how to go about it, here is a guide to help you out.

You can lock the cold air inside even with the power out

You must have heard that you don’t have to worry even if the power goes out, as the food will be safe as long as you don’t open the fridge and freezer doors. Well, this isn’t true.

If the power is out for less than four hours, most of the food will be okay, but even then, it’s safe to toss the dairy, meat, and leftovers as bacteria might have already started growing on them.

Veggies, bread, hard cheese, and fresh fruits should be alright.

You can keep leftovers in the fridge for as long as you want

The refrigerator is meant to extend the lifespan of the food you put there, but not keep it fresh forever. A good rule of thumb is to keep the leftovers in the fridge for a maximum of four days. If you can’t remember the last time you made the food or had it delivered, it’s time to toss it.

The produce bin doesn’t need cleaning.

Since the produce bin only carries fruits and vegetables, some people believe that it doesn’t get dirty and should not be cleaned.

Appliance repair Springfield professionals advise against it. When you store fresh fruits and vegetables, after some time, you are bound to have some bacteria growing there, and there is the risk of cross-contamination in your refrigerator.

To avoid this, make it a habit to clean the produce bins before loading a fresh batch of fruits or vegetables.

How Can I Make My Refrigerator Work Better?

Have you noticed that your fridge is consuming a lot of energy? According to refrigerator repair professionals, the reason for this is that you aren’t taking good care of your fridge to work better.

How can I make my refrigerator work better? If you are asking this question, you should know that there are plenty of ways to make it possible. These ways include:

Clean the fridge

Like your air conditioner or furnace, the fridge works better and more efficiently when clean. Besides wiping the shelves, you also should clean the coils behind the appliance. As you can tell, this calls for you to pull the fridge from the wall and remove any dirt and grime that might be on the coils.

If you are new with the fridge, you will find the coils across the bottom front, behind the grille. Dust and vacuum the exposed coils. Also, vacuum the area where the fridge stays.

Give the fridge room to breathe.

The fridge emits some heat, and when you place it too close to the wall, it has a problem dispersing the heat, which can choke it and prevent it from working as well as it should.

For the fridge to function efficiently, ensure that there is at least 5 cm of space between the fridge and the walls. There also should be 5 cm of space around the appliance.

In the same way, you should give the fridge enough space to breathe by keeping it away from the wall, you also should keep it away from the heat sources such as the oven and radiators. You also should keep it away from direct sunlight sources.

Keep the fridge full.

You might feel that a full refrigerator consumes more energy than an empty one, but this isn’t the case. A full fridge has less air to keep cool, so it doesn’t work too hard to keep it cool.

When you load many items in the fridge, these items help each other cool, making the refrigerator’s work even easier.

For a properly functioning fridge, keep it at least 2/3 full.

If you don’t have a lot of money to spend on supplies, you can fake the full look. You need to fill pitchers with tap water and place them in the excess spaces in the fridge. This creates a full factor that tricks the fridge to run efficiently. You also have plenty of chilled water to use during the hot, sweaty days.

You should note that while you should keep the fridge full, you should avoid overstocking it, as you will block efficient airflow, which can make the fridge overwork. And you don’t want this, do you?

Store the food properly.

Store the food using refrigerator safe containers. The best are glass containers as they absorb and retain cold better, so the refrigerator doesn’t keep working. You also should cover the foods and liquids to avoid overworking the compressor.

As you are organizing the food, take care not to block the air vents.

Keep the fridge closed.

In the middle of summer, you can be tempted to open the fridge door and let the cool air get into the kitchen, but this can be the worst mistake as the unit consumes a lot of energy that it shouldn’t have.

In the same way, you wouldn’t open your oven door to warm things up in winter, you shouldn’t keep the fridge door open to let the cold air to the rest of the house.

To keep the fridge in top condition all the time, keep the door closed at all times, unless you are getting something.

Many people open the door and spend up to a minute standing there deciding on what they want. Don’t do this as you will be wasting valuable energy.

Before you open the door, you should have decided what you want. Pick the item and close the door to reduce energy consumption.

Cool things before you put them in the fridge

After preparing the meals, don’t put them directly in the fridge. Commercial appliance repair Springfield professionals recommend you let the food cool first to prevent the fridge from overworking.