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Guide to Getting rid of Unpleasant Odors from Your Fridge

Are you tired of opening your refrigerator and being met by foul odors? A bad-smelling fridge is not only unpleasant, but it also indicates the presence of bacteria and mold. But don’t worry; there are simple and efficient techniques to get rid of those unpleasant odors and restore the freshness of your refrigerator. Some of the ways you can go about it, as given by refrigerator repair professionals, include:

Empty and declutter the fridge

Begin by emptying your refrigerator of all items, including expired food, leftovers, and other potential odor causes.

You should throw away everything that has gone rotten or is no longer required. Doing this helps you to identify and concentrate on the source of the odor.

After removing all the items from the fridge, clean it. To clean the internal surfaces of your refrigerator, combine mild dish soap and warm water. Pay specific attention to spills, stains, and crevices, which can harbor bacteria and odor-causing agents. Rinse and thoroughly dry the surfaces with clean water.

Use natural deodorizers

Keep a bowl of baking soda or activated charcoal in your refrigerator to absorb odors. These natural deodorizers operate by neutralizing and trapping odors. To keep the baking soda or charcoal effective, replace it once a month or as needed.

Besides baking soda and activated charcoal, other products that you can use to absorb the odors include:

Coffee grounds: Because of their strong aroma, used coffee grounds can work as a natural deodorizer. Place used coffee grinds in an open container or coffee filter in the refrigerator. Coffee grounds assist in masking off-putting odors. For the best outcome, change the grounds every 1-2 weeks.

Lemon or citrus peels: Citrus fruits have a pleasant aroma that might help to mask odors. Put some lemon or orange peels in a bowl or on a platter in the refrigerator. Citrus oils in the peels mask and absorb undesirable odors. Every 1-2 weeks, replace the peels.

White vinegar: Vinegar is known for its deodorizing abilities. You need to wipe off the inside of the refrigerator with equal parts water and white vinegar solution. This assists in eradicating odors and disinfecting surfaces. Before replenishing the fridge, allow the vinegar to drain and air out.

Vanilla extract: Vanilla extract provides a lovely aroma that you can use to refresh your refrigerator. Dab a few drops of vanilla extract on a cotton ball or a little piece of fabric. Refrigerate it to give it a pleasant aroma. Every few weeks, replace the cotton ball.

Essential oils: To a cotton ball or a tiny piece of fabric, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lemon, lavender, or eucalyptus. Put it in your refrigerator to infuse it with a lovely scent. For the best outcome, renew the essential oil regularly.

Properly store the food.

You must ensure that all food is firmly wrapped or stored in airtight containers. This keeps strong odors from penetrating the refrigerator and helps keep it fresh. To seal leftovers and other food products, use plastic wrap, zip-top bags, or storage containers.

You should keep the perishable goods at or below 40°F (4°C): To inhibit bacterial growth and protect food quality, keep the refrigerator temperature to or below 40°F (4°C). You need to check the temperature with a refrigerator thermometer and make the necessary adjustments.

Store raw meats, poultry, and shellfish on the bottom shelf or in a separate drawer to avoid cross-contamination. Place these foods in airtight containers or plastic bags to keep juices from spilling onto other meals.

You should properly use the different refrigerator zones. To help you out, here is a guide on how to organize the different fridge sections:  

Higher shelves: Store ready-to-eat meals on the higher shelves. These shelves are best reserved for leftovers, cooked dishes, and drinks. These meals require less cooking and have better safety margins.

Lower shelves or drawers: Keep raw meats, poultry, and shellfish in these sections to prevent drips from contaminating other foods. This zone is also suitable for storing dairy goods such as milk and yogurt.

Door shelves: Due to frequent opening and closing, anything stored in the refrigerator door may be exposed to slightly higher temperatures. Keep condiments, sauces, and other foods with high acidity in the door since they have a longer shelf life and are less likely to spoil.

Have a fridge cleaning schedule.

You should have a cleaning schedule for your refrigerator. Aim to clean your unit at least once a month or more frequently if necessary. Regular maintenance prevents the accumulation of odor-causing substances and aids in the upkeep of a clean and fresh-smelling unit.

The beauty of cleaning the appliance is that you don’t need to hire a professional to help you with it—you can easily do it on your own.

As a rule, avoid using harsh chemicals that can ruin the appliance.

Check the drip pan and drain.

Odors can occasionally be caused by a clogged or dirty drip pan or drain. Consult your refrigerator’s owner’s manual for instructions on how to reach and clean these components. Taking care of them can help prevent the development of unpleasant odors.

The drip pan is at the bottom of the refrigerator, behind the front grille or kick plate. If you can’t find it, consult the owner’s manual for your refrigerator.

Before proceeding, disconnect the refrigerator or switch off the electricity to avoid any electrical dangers.

When you find the drip pan, carefully slide it out of its place. Be cautious, as it may contain contaminated water or residue.

You should empty the drip pan contents into the sink or a suitable container. You can rinse it with warm, soapy water or clean it with a mild cleaning solution, depending on the level of dirt and grime.

Scrub away any residue with a sponge or cloth, then thoroughly rinse. Before putting it back in the fridge, ensure it is fully dry.

There you have it.

Following these basic suggestions will efficiently remove odors from your refrigerator and enjoy a fresh and pleasant-smelling atmosphere for your food storage. Remember to practice good cleanliness and careful food handling to avoid recurrent odors.

For peace of mind that your unit is in top working condition, have it inspected by an experienced commercial appliance repair Alexandria professional at least once a year.

Tips to Keep Your Refrigerator Clean and Organised

Virginia Refrigerators Repair

Refrigerator organization is critical for preserving freshness, reducing waste, and optimizing storage space. Thankfully, you can easily organize your fridge. To help you out, here are tips given by refrigerator repair professionals that you can use to turn your fridge into a well-organized environment that keeps your food fresh and conveniently accessible:

Use clear containers

Clear containers and clever storage solutions increase fridge organization and visibility:

You should invest in transparent containers that allow you to see what’s inside without opening them. They also help to keep odors at bay and improve the shelf life of stored food.

You also should consider using stackable containers to conserve space and keep your fridge organized. Stack containers of similar sizes together to increase vertical storage space.

It’s also a good idea to go with drawer dividers or organizers that help you separate fruits, vegetables, and deli goods. They reduce cross-contamination and make specific things more accessible.

Pay attention to the temperature zones.

Temperature zones differ in different parts of the fridge. For an optimally functioning fridge, you must understand and use these zones properly.

Due to frequent temperature variations, the door shelves are the warmest portion of the fridge. This area should be reserved for condiments, beverages, and goods with longer shelf life, such as pickles or sauces.

Temperatures are stable on the top and middle shelves. This is the best place to keep leftovers, ready-to-eat foods, and goods that require easy access.

The bottom shelves and drawers are colder and have more consistent temperatures. Store perishable things such as dairy, raw meats, and fish here.

Store just what is enough.

Overcrowding the refrigerator is a typical mistake resulting in poor air circulation and uneven cooling. To avoid this, follow these guidelines:

Maintain a suitable capacity: You should leave enough space between the various products for proper ventilation. Avoid stuffing too much food into the fridge.

Organize comparable items: Organize your refrigerator by food types, such as dairy, vegetables, fruits, and meats. This arrangement makes it easy to find products and prevents overpopulation in specific places.

Improve shelf height: If your fridge allows, adjust the shelves to fit food products of varying sizes. An excellent way to go about it is to use adjustable shelves or remove a shelf to generate more vertical space if you have taller products such as bottles or pitchers.

Observe the first in, first out rule.

Follow the “first in, first out” rule to reduce food waste and ensure freshness. If this is the first time doing it, here is how to go about it:

Prioritize older things: When unpacking groceries or keeping leftovers, store older products near the top of the shelves or in easily accessible areas.

Label containers and shelves appropriately: You should mark the date you prepared or purchased food. The best way to mark the foods is by using detachable labels or masking tape. Doing this lets you track the food products and readily identify foods that should be consumed sooner.

Store the fruits and vegetables properly.

Improper fruit and vegetable storage can hasten rotting. Follow the following guidelines:

Separate fruits and vegetables: Some fruits emit ethylene gas, accelerating ripening and causing surrounding veggies to decay faster. Separate them or use ethylene-absorbing materials like produce storage bags or containers.

Make use of humidity drawers: Most refrigerators contain humidity-controlled drawers. Adjust the settings accordingly to maintain the optimal humidity levels for fruits and vegetables. Leafy greens want high humidity, while fruits prefer low humidity.

Properly use the fridge door.

Because the fridge door is prone to temperature swings, it is not ideal for storing perishable foods. Here’s how to make the most of your refrigerator door:

Keep products on the door shelves: Store frequent items, dressings, and sauces on the entryway shelves. These have a longer shelf life and are more temperature resistant.

Place clear, stackable containers or caddies on the door shelves to keep little objects tidy. You can store individual yogurt cups, cheese sticks, or miniature bottles here.

Keep dairy and eggs away from the door. The temperature on the door swings greater than in the rest of the fridge, which might lead to spoiling. Place dairy items and eggs on the interior shelves for optimal temperature control.

Regularly clean the fridge.

Cleaning and maintaining your refrigerator regularly is essential for both hygiene and organization. For a clean and properly maintained fridge, consider these tips:

Regularly inspect your refrigerator for expired products or food that has gone bad. Dispose of them as soon as possible to avoid unpleasant odors and cross-contamination.

Spills or leaks should be cleaned up right away. Wipe out shelves, drawers, and interior surfaces with a moderate vinegar-water solution or a light all-purpose cleaner.

Every few months, empty the fridge completely and properly clean all surfaces. To wash shelves and drawers individually, remove them. This technique aids in the preservation of a clean and sanitary atmosphere.

Other tips to have your fridge clean and organized

Use refrigerator bins: You must invest in various-sized bins to create distinct storage sections within your refrigerator. These bins allow you to store snacks, deli meats, and already-prepared meals. Placing the food items in bins also makes them easy to access.

Make use of lazy Susans or turntables: you need to place a lazy Susan or turntable on shelves to make it easier to reach stuff at the rear. To reach items, simply rotate the turntable without upsetting the arrangement.

Use door-mounted racks: To maximize vertical space, install door-mounted racks or organizers. These can store spices, small jars, or beverage cans.

Freeze the herbs: freezing the fresh herbs extends their life. All you need to do is cut them into small sizes and freeze them in ice cube trays with water or oil.

Label shelves and sections: Think of labeling shelves and sections with specific categories like “Snacks,” “Leftovers,” or “Meal Prep.” According to appliance repair Fairfax professionals, doing this makes it easy for family members to know where to place different items. It also helps to keep things organized.

Signs It’s Time to Clean Your Dishwasher

Sometimes some homeowners go for a long time without cleaning their dishwashers, which is wrong because it not only makes the appliance work too hard than it should but also brings many other problems. 

How do you tell that you have ignored your appliance for too long and it’s time to show it some love? Here are things you should look out for as given by dishwasher repair professionals. 

Your dishes come out dirty and cloudy.

It’s annoying to wait for a washing cycle to finish and then find that your dishes are still dirty or have a white, cloudy film. 

Dirty and cloudy dishes can be a sign that you need to clean your dishwasher more or use dishwasher soap made for hard water.

Residue on dishes or other items can also be a sign that your dishwasher needs some attention. In some cases, it can also be a sign of other problems. To be safe, check on your dishwasher and clean it at least once a month.

In addition to checking the filter and racks once a week for buildup, you should take the racks and filter or screen out and clean them with warm water and dish soap.

You also should look for a film or rough coating on the inside of the dishwasher. Here check to see if the holes in the spray arms are clogged, and give the arms a push by hand when the machine is off to see if they spin easily.

The dishes come out with a weird smell.

If you don’t keep an eye on your dishwasher filter and clean it regularly, it’s easy for it to get full of food bits. These food pieces give off an awful smell that makes your house uncomfortable to live in. The food pieces can also cause bigger, more expensive problems. 

To prevent these problems, check and clean the filter after every use and sanitize your dishwasher at least once a week.

You also should consider filling a bowl with white vinegar, putting it on the top or bottom rack, and running a normal clean cycle with hot water. 

When done, use a simple mixture of water, dish soap, and white vinegar to clean the door locks and the inside of the dishwasher. 

The dishwasher doesn’t drain as well as it should

If you’ve ever seen a pool of water at the bottom of your dishwasher or water spilling into your sink, this may not only be a sign of a clog that needs clearing but also that your dishwasher might need to be replaced altogether.

Bring in the experts if you’ve cleaned out the filter basket, and there is still standing water, or your dishwasher continues to be slow-draining.

A step-by-step guide to cleaning your dishwasher

To prevent the issues that come with poor care, you should regularly clean your dishwasher. To help you out, here are the steps you should follow:

Remove all the dishes and pans.

Empty out your dishwasher of lingering plates, pans, cups, or utensils. You want to avoid getting in the way of deep cleaning, especially if you haven’t cleaned your dishwasher in a while.

Remove and soak the removable parts.

If you’re overwhelmed by cleaning your dishwasher, remove the removable parts first. Cleaning the utensil holders and dishwasher racks is a great place to start. 

Give them a good rinse with a paper towel or damp cloth first. If these parts look extra dirty, you can soak them in your sink with warm water and 2 cups of white vinegar while you take care of the rest.

Get rid of food debris.

You should put on those cleaning gloves if you haven’t already. Get a paper towel and start picking up any food still stuck. You should remove all the debris before you take the next action. 

Run a hot cycle

Again, distilled white vinegar comes to the rescue. Pour 1 cup of pure white vinegar into a bowl that can go in the dishwasher. Put it on the top rack of your empty dishwasher with the right side up. Run your dishwasher on the hottest setting and leave the door open when it’s done.

Clean the drains

Most of the time, the drain will be on the bottom of your dishwasher. It can also cause clogs, water back-ups, and food bits to stick around. 

To clean it, mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of warm pure white vinegar and pour the mixture down the drain. After about 15 minutes, slowly pour hot water over the mixture to clear it.

Clean the filter

Every dishwasher is different. Some modern appliances have screens that clean themselves. Check your manual to see if yours has a filter that cleans itself. If not, your dishwasher’s manual will tell you how to remove the filter for cleaning.

Once the filer is off, clean it out with a wet paper towel or microfiber. You should then clean it with warm water, soap, and a toothbrush. The purpose of doing this is to ensure that you scrub and get even into the small areas.

Pay attention to the inside door.

Clean that toothbrush, swirl it around in hot water, and then use it to wipe and scrub around the inside of the door.

Allow your dishwasher to air dry.

If your dishwasher still feels wet after the run, let it dry completely before closing it. Put back the parts that you had taken off. 

For a fresh-smelling dishwasher, repeat this process at least once a month or as needed.

Parting shot

These problems come from failing to clean your dishwasher as often as possible. To prevent the issues, make it a habit to clean your unit at least once a month. 

In most cases, you must clean the appliance by yourself, but if you encounter a problem, let a professional appliance repair Springfield look at it. 

When hiring a repair professional, ensure they are experienced and know what they are doing. 

What Should You Never Put In The Refrigerator?

If you visit many homes, you will find their refrigerators filled with all sorts of foods. While there is nothing wrong with preserving as much food as possible, did you know there are some food items that should never see the insides of a fridge?

Here are some of these items as given by appliance repair professionals

Uncut melons

Putting a whole watermelon in your fridge, whether a honeydew or cantaloupe, is unwise. Besides the melon taking up too much fridge space, it keeps it from ripening, which means it doesn’t get as tasty as when you would have left it at room temperature.

The low fridge temperatures also reduce the healthy antioxidants in the fruit, which means that it doesn’t become as healthy as you would want it.

The right thing to do is leave the watermelon on the countertop until it’s ripe enough to eat. If you eat it and there are some leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the fridge for a maximum of three days.


At first look, honey looks like an excellent candidate for the refrigerator, but it isn’t. Due to its high sugar content, honey is a natural preservative—it doesn’t need any refrigeration. In fact, putting it in the fridge increases the chances of damaging it.

When you refrigerate honey, it hardens and sometimes crystallizes, losing its original state.

The best way to treat honey is to leave it on the shelf in your pantry. If you have already made the mistake of refrigerating it, don’t be quick to toss it out. Instead, place the bottle in a hot (not boiling) water pan until it returns to its liquid state.

Raw potatoes

You shouldn’t put your raw potatoes in the fridge as the low temperatures will alter the starchy complex carbohydrates in the potatoes, and you end up with extremely sweet and gritty potatoes.

For the best flavor and texture, store your potatoes in a well-ventilated basket or drawer, away from direct sunlight.


Like honey, tomatoes look like they belong in the fridge, but they don’t. This is because when you refrigerate them, they often end up having an awful taste.

Even after harvesting, tomatoes continue ripening and developing flavor.

The big chill stops the ripening process and dulls the flavor when you place them in the fridge.

Snip off just a bit of the vine when harvesting if you grow your tomatoes. The attached vine has been shown to help keep the tomatoes fresh longer and give them a better flavor.


The fridge’s low temperatures and high humidity often damage the onions, breaking down their fibrous structure, leaving them mushy and prone to mold growth.

Store your onions in well-ventilated, dark, and cool (not cold) areas for the best flavor and texture. One of the best places to store the onions is in an open weave basket in the pantry.

Green avocados

Green avocados are often unripe, and for them to fully ripen, they need to be at room temperature. The only time to keep your avocados in the fridge is if they are fully ripe but you aren’t ready to eat them.

You should note that even when you put the avocados in the fridge, you shouldn’t leave them there for more than two days as they will go bad.


You should never put bread in the fridge. While refrigeration slows down mold growth, it makes the bread tough, chewy, and stale tasting.

The best way to go about it is to store the bread in a breadbox or a cabinet shelf.

If you won’t eat the entire bread, wrap the excess in freezer paper and store it in the freezer. Here the bread can stay for up to a month.


Most people eat their chocolates in one sitting, and for those unable to eat all of it in one go, the last thing they want is to let it go to waste. Unfortunately, keeping the chocolate in the fridge isn’t the right thing to do.

While keeping the chocolate in the fridge won’t make the chocolate inedible, it absorbs odors and changes its consistency.

Refrigerator repair Alexandria recommend you leave the chocolate on the counter or in the pantry to maintain maximum deliciousness.

How Do I Keep My Fridge Tidy? 5 Tips To Make It Sparkle

A tidy fridge is not only beautiful to look at, but also saves you money as it runs more efficiently, not to mention lasting for a long time.

How do I keep my fridge tidy? If you are asking this, you should know that there are plenty of ways to do it, as given by refrigerator repair professionals.

Which are these ways? Here they are:

Maximize the shelf space

Most people will say that their fridges are full, but when you inspect them, you find that they aren’t using their shelf space as well as they should.

To keep your fridge tidy, you need to make the most of your shelf space. And the beauty is there are plenty of ways to make it happen.

One of the things you should do is avoid having unopened cans or single-serve bottles crowding the food that you should keep cold. This calls for you to keep the cans out of your fridge.

Instead of keeping the cans in the fridge, keep them in the pantry. If you need to cool the bottles, use ice, instead of placing them in the refrigerator.

Another way to make the most of your shelf space is to use square instead of round plastic containers. The reason for this is because square bottles store more food and look much cleaner than round ones.

If there is leftover food, don’t place it in huge, space-sucking containers. Instead, put it in individual portions in smaller bins. You can also store them in resealable bags that you can easily grab and go.

Make the food items accessible.

You will be doing double work removing items out of the way then restocking them. You will also be messing with your fridge by doing it.

You should strategically place the different items in your fridge to ensure this doesn’t happen. Of course, the items you use regularly should be near the door to easily access them.

Experts also recommend you use a Lazy Suzan.

Regularly clean the fridge.

You should regularly clean your fridge and remove any materials that might make the unit look dirty. For the best outcome, thoroughly clean the insides of the refrigerator,

Besides the cleaning, reduce the work you have to do to keep the unit clean by lining the bins with paper towels that will catch the drips.

It’s also wise to keep the sticky items such as syrups, jams, and sauces in removable shelf bins. This way, if dribbles happen, you only need to take them out and rinse them.

As you are doing the cleaning, you will come across stuck-on messes. To remove these, use a damp scrubber sponge sprinkled with baking. This will not only remove the messes, but also get rid of dirt and odors.

Clip the opened bags

When you have many bags in your fridge, it’s easy to forget what you have already opened, and you end up with many half-used food items that make your fridge look full and disorganized.

To ensure that you exhaust one bag before moving to the next, mark the bag you have already opened.

One way to do this is to clip the bags to the shelf with a binder clip. Of course, you should keep the bag close to the fridge door so that it becomes the first thing you see when you open the refrigerator.

Keep the items sorted in the freezer.

Due to its small size, things can quickly build up in the freezer, giving it an untidy, disorganized look. To avoid this, keep the items in small containers. For example, you can have fish, poultry, or even vegetable containers.

After keeping the items in clear plastic containers,  label them to make them easy to find.

Parting shot

These are some of the ways to keep the fridge clean and organized. As you organize the food items, store them to make them last for as long as possible. This calls for you to double bag certain foods such as raw meat.

Appliance repair Springfield professionals also recommend you pat the wet fruits and vegetables with a dry paper towel to get rid of excess moisture that can spoil the items.

How Long Does A Washing Machine Take To Wash Clothes?

Wondering how long does a washing machine take to wash clothes? Well, according to washer repair professionals, it often depends on the type of washing machine you have. Here is the average amount of time it takes for different washing machines to clean clothes:

  • Front-loading machines: 70-120 minutes
  • High-efficiency top-loading machines: 60-85 minutes
  • Agitator top-loading machines: 35-80 minutes

If you have been following washing machines, you should have noticed that these figures are higher than years before, and there is a reason for that—washing machine manufacturers are deliberately designing slower machines.

While this might be off-putting as it means you will be spending more time waiting for the clothes to get clean, it comes with several perks:

  • The clothes don’t tear or wear out too fast as the machine isn’t too fast, and this comes in handy at ensuring that the clothes last for a long time.
  • Although the washing machine manufacturers have come up with slower machines, they have increased the tub capacities meaning that you can wash more clothes than before, which means you still save time.
  • You spend less water as the machine isn’t pulling a lot of water. When the washing machine is spinning at high speed, the machine consumes a lot of water, which increases your monthly water bill.
  • Since most modern washing machines are slower, they don’t consume a lot of water which sees you saving money as your water bill isn’t too high.

How the washing machine works

If this is your first time using the washing machine, you should know that it works in different stages that include:

Prewash: Here, the lid locks, and the tub senses the load’s weight and volume. It then fills with water and agitates the clothes lightly to distribute the detergent throughout the load. If you had selected the presoak option, this is where it will occur.

Wash: At this stage, the clothes will be agitated for some time then the machine allows them to rest so that the detergent can do its work. If you had chosen a heavy-duty wash cycle, the machine will have longer periods of agitation and soaking.

Rinse: Rinsing involves draining away the soapy water and spraying the clean water over the clothes. The washing machine adds clean water, spins the load to drain, and then adds clean water again to rinse away the detergents and soil.

If you are washing the delicates such as the underwear and brassieres, the washer doesn’t spin as fast, but if the cycles involve heavier soils, the washer might be fast and do several rinses to ensure that all the soils are completely removed.

Final spin: The final spin might include one or more rinses, then it picks up speed to wring out the clothes before they enter the dryer. It’s at this level when the washing machine spins at its highest, and if the load is unbalanced, you might have problems such as the machine making a lot of noise or moving around too much.

How to reduce your wash time

Even if most machines are now slow, you can do several things to ensure that they are efficient and clean the clothes as fast as possible. Some of the things you should do include:

Use the right detergent.

The detergent you use can significantly affect the time it takes to wash the clothes, so you need to ensure that you use the right one. As a rule of thumb, ensure that you use a detergent specifically designed for the machine model you are using.

Balance your load

According to appliance repair Springfield professionals, the load will often get unbalanced if you have overloaded it, mixed heavy and lightweight items, or using an improperly leveled machine.

Most modern machines will pause the cleaning cycle when they sense the load is imbalanced, which results in you wasting a lot of time.

To save time, take your time when loading the machine and ensure that you have loaded it properly. As a rule of thumb, ensure that you have loaded the right amount of clothes. Also, ensure that you aren’t mixing lightweight and heavyweight clothing items in the same cycle.

Are Dishwashers Worth It?

Are you on the fence about buying a dishwasher and wondering, are dishwashers worth it? Dishwasher repair experts recommend every homeowner own a dishwasher. And no, this isn’t because the repair technicians want more homeowners to service machines for. It’s because dishwashers come with plenty of benefits. Some of these benefits include:

You save time

Studies show that homeowners spend an average of 60 minutes every day washing up after meals. If you are like me, this is a pretty long time that you would spend doing other things. And the good news is you can get back this time by using a dishwasher in your cleaning.

Loading a dishwasher takes approximately 9 minutes meaning that you have a whopping 51 minutes to spare and do the activities you have always been yearning to do.

Some dishwashers even come with timed programs that range from 30 minutes to 120 minutes, so you can set the dishwasher and let it run while you engage in other activities.

You save water

If you are saving money cleaning the dishes with your hands, a recent study showed that using a dishwasher reduces the amount of water used by up to 74%. Some of the modern appliances even consume less water, so you spend less and less.

It’s easier

This is a no-brainer. To clean the dishes with a dishwasher, you simply need to put the dishes in the unit and wait for it to do the work. The dishwasher does all the work without your involvement. Like when working with any other machine, it’s much easier to work with the dishwasher as you aren’t directly involved with it.

It’s safer

If you have fragile grasses and other crockery, it’s much safer to clean them using the dishwasher as you won’t be risking your hands in the event they break. You also won’t put them at the risk of dropping when handling them with soapy hands.

You have cleaner dishes.

Cleaning the dishes using a dishwasher not only takes less time and saves your energy, but it also gives you cleaner results. Most dishwashers have a steam gloss feature that makes your dishes appear cleaner, brighter, and shinier.

You get rid of germs.

To eliminate germs from your dishes, the water needs to be above 60 degrees centigrade. When you are cleaning the dishes by hand, this is a temperature you can’t achieve, as water above 27.5 degrees centigrade is too hot to touch. And as you can guess, this isn’t high enough to kill the germs.

The water inside a dishwasher is heated up to 75 degrees, so your dishes not only get out clean and spotless, but also germ-free.

It’s kinder to your hands.

To clean dishes with your hands, you have to deal with soaps, chemicals, and scrubbing the stubborn dishes. As you can imagine, this isn’t being kind to your hands, is it?

With a dishwasher, you simply need to put the dishes in the machine, and it does all the work while you are preparing the meals or having a chat.

What should you consider when buying a dishwasher?

As you can see, dishwashers come with plenty of benefits, and there is no reason you shouldn’t buy one. While this is the case, you shouldn’t buy the first machine you come across—you should take your time and ensure you buy the right one. Some of the factors to pay attention to when making the purchase include:

Washing cycles

How many washing cycles does the machine have? The most important cycles are a regular wash, light wash, heavy wash, and economy settings. To have a great time with your machine, ensure the dishwasher has all the necessary cycles.

Performance features

The number of washing levels influences the performance of the machine. This is how and where the water jets are distributed. Go for a machine with a three-tire system or more as it will provide a better experience.

Are dishwashers really worth it?

As we have seen, dishwashers are worth it, and you should go for them. You should note that buying the unit isn’t enough—you also need to clean and maintain it. At least once a year, let an appliance repair Fairfax professional go through it and fix any issues it might be having.

6 Signs Your Refrigerator Is Dying As Given By Refrigerator Repair Experts

While homeowners know they have to replace their refrigerator at a particular time, most of them don’t know the exact time to do it. So you will find them trying to salvage a dying horse. They will keep contacting a refrigerator repair professional, not realizing they are pouring money down the drain that they could have put to better use by simply buying a new appliance.

Do you have a hunch your refrigerator is on its deathbed? Here are signs your refrigerator is dying:

You can hear the motor.

Refrigerators are loud, but if you have never noticed its sound, but now you start hearing the motor, you have a problem. The temperature control board supplies voltage to the fan motors and compressors. If this part is malfunctioning, it could send continuous power making the fridge too cold. As a result, the motor runs continuously.

A motor that runs unnecessarily not only makes a lot of noise, it also increases your energy bills.

Your electricity bill keeps going up.

If your appliance has faulty components, you are bound to see your electricity bills go up. For example, if your fridge has a defective gasket, other components such as evaporator, fans, condenser, and thermostat have to work harder to compensate for it, which translates to high energy use.

If you haven’t installed a new appliance in your home and you have noticed your electricity bills going up, you should check whether you have a faulty part or there is food that has built up in the appliance. While it seems harmless, sticky food buildup can lead to tearing up of gaskets. To prevent the buildup, regularly clean your refrigerator with warm, soapy water.

It’s common for older appliances to consume more energy than newer models, but the consumption shouldn’t be too much that it doubles your energy bills.

Your refrigerator is sweating.

Your fridge will look like its sweating as a result of excess condensation, which is an indication of insufficient cooling capabilities. Carefully inspect the refrigerator. If the moisture is appearing on the exterior, check the door seal, and if faulty, replace it.

If the seal looks in good condition or the condensation is coming from the inside of the appliance, the appliance’s internal temperature isn’t cold enough to keep the food from spoiling, and it’s time to replace it.

The freezer is too cold.

Yes, the freezer can be too cold. The freezer is supposed to be precisely zero degrees, so if yours feels like it’s more than freezing, you have a problem. If you have an older appliance, this problem might be brought about by a cracked door seal that is allowing warm, moist air to enter.

If you do an inspection and find that’s not the reason for the low temperatures, you must be having a problem with the refrigerator defrost sensor, or your appliance might be on its way out.

Food keeps getting spoilt.

Does your food keep getting bad much faster than usual? It’s an indication your fridge might be faulty. Before you run into conclusions, check the temperature settings. A properly functioning appliance should have a temperature of between 37 and 41 degrees.

If the temperature is within a normal range, but you are still having this problem, check whether the door seals are tight and clean. Door seals keep cool air in the fridge and prevent warm air from getting in.

Cleaning the seals can keep the fridge working optimally and prevent it from getting spoilt. If you do your inspection and find out everything is in top working condition, but the food is still getting spoilt, chances are your appliance is too old, and it’s time to replace it.

The back of the fridge is too hot.

The back of the fridge should always feel warmer than the front as this is where the motor is located, but if it’s too hot to the touch, it’s a sign the fridge is overheating. The overheating can be brought about by plenty of factors such as: dirty condenser, coil problem, and ventilation system problems.

Appliance Repair Springfield experts recommend you clean the coils, and the fridge will start running more efficiently, which decreases the operating costs. If you do this and still the appliance is malfunctioning, it’s time to get a new unit.

Can You Repair A Refrigerator? Appliance Repair Professionals Have Their Say

If you have a faulty refrigerator, you must be wondering, can a fridge be repaired? If you are one of the people asking this question, appliance repair professionals report that yes, you can repair a refrigerator.

While this is the case, you shouldn’t just go ahead and hire a repairman as you might be wasting your money. Before you do it, you should consider plenty of factors that include:

Factors to consider before hiring a repair professional

Age of the fridge: If you have had your refrigerator for more than a decade, you will be wasting money as it will be too expensive to repair it. This is because old appliances keep on failing, and you have to keep on fixing it. A never-ending money pit, you might say.

Spares for old appliances are also difficult to locate, not to mention the cost of maintaining the appliance. If your appliance is old, you should simply replace it.

Cost of repair: The other factor you should pay attention to is the cost of hiring the repair professional. If your fridge is not from a popular brand or is inbuilt, it will be expensive to repair compared to one from a popular brand.

Before you ask a repair technician to repair the appliance, first compare the price of fixing it and that of getting a new one.

Energy efficiency: How efficient is the appliance you are looking to repair? If you have had it for a long time, the chances are that it’s old and inefficient. Therefore, it’s contributing significantly to your home’s energy bill.

If you can improve the efficiency of the appliance, well and good, but if you can’t, you are better off simply replacing it.

What if you don’t have money to hire an AC repair professional?

If you don’t have the money to hire a repair technician, try fixing it by yourself. Some of the problems that you can easily fix include:

Failure of the freezer to switch on: The fridge will fail to turn on if you haven’t used it for a long time. When this happens, the first thing to check is the power. Is it on? Is the appliance properly connected to the socket?

Properly functioning freezers should be properly connected directly to the socket. If an extension lead connects your appliance, it could provoke a problem.

Failure of the internal freezer light to come on: The light inside the fridge can stop working due to many reasons: the light bulb might be blown, the lamp may have gotten loose, among many other issues. You need to find out why the light isn’t working and fix it.

Failure of the fridge door to close properly: In most cases, the fridge will fail to close properly if it’s not level on the ground. Here you simply need to level the fridge.

The door will also fail to close correctly if you have placed too much weight on the door shelves.

Check the condition of the fridge and fix it appropriately. While at it, also check the door seals for wear and tear and replace them if necessary.

Taking care of the refrigerator

To avoid having to repair the appliance, you should take good care of it. Some of the things you should do include:

Defrost the freezer regularly: Defrosting gets rid of excess ice. Before you defrost it, remove any foods that might be there. You should then unplug it from the power source and let the ice melt away. To speed up the ice melting, use a blow dryer or place a bowl of steaming water in the unit.

Clean the fridge: Another thing you should do is to clean the appliance regularly. Most people pay attention only to the exterior, but you should also pay attention to the interior too. At least once a week, remove all the food material and using warm soapy water, wipe all the interior surfaces.

To avoid damaging the surfaces, refrigerator repair Alexandria professionals advise against using harsh chemicals such as bleach. Stick with dishwashing liquid and natural cleaners.

Maintain the right temperature: Finally, you should maintain your refrigerator at the right temperature. As a rule of thumb, ensure that the freezer is -18° Celsius. To avoid damage, regularly check the temperature and be alert for any spoilt food.

Appliance Repair: Washing Machine Maintenance Tips

For your expensive washing machine to last longer and function optimally, you need to take good care of it. According to appliance repair professionals, you should have a daily, weekly, and monthly washing machine maintenance routine to keep the appliance in top shape the entire year-round:

Daily maintenance of the washing machine

Once you are done using the machine, take some time to wipe the drum. This comes in handy at preventing the machine from getting smelly. You also should check the detergent compartment and confirm whether there are still any detergent residues left.

If there are any left, wipe them away with a clean dish rag. By so doing, you prevent mold from building up. If you want to have an ultra-clean appliance, clean it with a hose taking care not to damage it with excessive water pressure.

Once the clothes are clean, immediately remove them from the washing machine and transfer them to the dryer or hang them on the clothing line to dry. You shouldn’t leave them in the washing machine as they will get moldy and musty.

When you aren’t cleaning, leave the washing machine door open. This will allow the air to circulate inside the machine reducing the chances of mold or awful smells from developing.

Weekly washing machine maintenance

At least once a week, inspect the washing machine for signs of leakages. Ensure that the rubber seal of the washing machine hose is still working perfectly at sealing the connection of the hose and the water source.

If you notice the connection beginning to deteriorate, consider replacing it.

Pay attention to the detergent compartment water slots. These are the slots where the water comes out. Ensure that there are no hard minerals or residues left that might clog the slots. Pay close attention to them and clean them if necessary.

Monthly washing machine maintenance tips

Here you should pay attention to the belt of the washing machine and pay attention to any signs of wear and tear. If the machine is wearing out faster than it should, the chances are that you are using the wrong laundry cycle.

Take time to go back to the manual and confirm the cycle you should be using. You also should use the washing machine wisely by avoiding running small laundry cycles.

Are there worn out or damaged parts that should be replaced? Whether they are belts or bearings, replace them if they need to. While at it, tighten up screws or parts that might have gotten loose.

If you live in a hard water region, limescale can build up, leading to plenty of problems such as limescale building up on the heating element resulting in the component being less effective.

To prevent this, descale the washing machine at least once a month. If the water in your area isn’t hard, you should still descale your appliance, but you should do it every three to six months.

Proper washing machine use

How you use the machine goes a long way towards keeping it in top shape. One of the things you shouldn’t do is to overload the machine. When you overload it, you throw the machine off balance which leads to plenty of problems.

If you are new to using the machine, consult the owner’s manual for instructions on the proper loading sizes.

Keep the machine level: Washing machines always vibrate when working, and when they aren’t level with all the four legs, they rock back and forth and even vibrate strongly than they should.

To prevent this, ensure that the machine is level at all times. You also should keep it as close to the floor as possible to reduce the vibration.

Use the right amount of detergent: Most people pay attention to the information given on the packaging, but you shouldn’t. The best way out is to follow the owner’s manual and follow the instructions given by the washing machine manufacturer.

According to commercial appliance repair Springfield, when you do this way, you don’t use more detergent than you should hence putting your appliance at the risk of clogging up.