Tag Archives: commercial appliances

How to Use a Dishwasher Correctly to Save Energy and Money

Studies have shown that dishwashers are four times more water efficient than hand washing, with the most water-efficient full-sized dishwasher using nearly ten times less water to wash the same quantity of dishes as hand cleaning.

While this is the case, you could spend more energy, time, and money washing your dishes when you improperly use your dishwasher. To help you out, here are some of the ways recommended by dishwasher repair professionals to use your dishwasher to save energy and money:

Don’t prewash the dishes.

This is an age-old mistake that many people continue to do. You should note that there is no need to rinse dishes into the dishwasher, no matter how dirty they are.

Apart from wasting water, rinsing plates beforehand will stop the dishwasher sensors from working correctly as they measure how much dirt is in the water after the initial cycle.

So, when there isn’t much dirt on the dishes, they won’t work hard, so they won’t properly clean your dishes. 

Dishwasher detergent tablets work best when there are food particles to allow them to do their work. This means that when you pre-rinse the dishes, the detergents don’t work properly, so they don’t clean the dishes as well as you would want them to. 

Instead of pre-rinsing the dishes, scrape the extra food particles and let the dishwasher do the rest. 

Load and unload the dishwasher correctly.

Overfilling and placing dishes in the wrong area or at an improper angle may prevent the dishwasher from washing your dishes effectively.

The best way to load your dishwasher is by placing large things like plates on the bottom tray, followed by cups and utensils on the top. 

You should separate items so there is space between them to allow the jets to wash. This includes separating the cutlery so the water can reach all areas.

You should make sure that nothing is preventing the spray arms from turning freely. Place the cups and bowls vertically so that the water can drain off properly, and they can dry.

The same way you need to load the dishwasher properly is how to unload it properly. 

Unload the dishwasher’s bottom rack first. The reason for this is that during a cleaning cycle, top rack cups and bowls can sometimes pool water.

This means moving them first will result in a spill and splash of water on the clean dishes below. And you don’t want this, do you?

Run the dishwasher when full.

Running a dishwasher with only a couple of dishes loses electricity and money in the same way that leaving your washing machine half full wastes energy and money.

Compared with hand-washing in the sink, dishwashers are highly water-efficient, but to get maximum efficiency, you should wait until the dishwasher is completely loaded.

This means you will be wasting energy and water by running it half-empty.

A full dishwasher will also have superior drying performance due to its higher thermal mass. 

Dishes are also more likely to smash and bump into one other when loads are partially full, increasing the danger of damage and breakage. So, always take your time and wait until you have enough dishes before you run a cleaning cycle. 

Use the right temperature.

Eco-mode exists for a reason—to save electricity. While you may be put off by the idea that it may take longer to wash your dishes in this setting, the fact that it pumps around more times means that less water needs to be heated, and your dishes will be washed for longer.

A standard dishwasher setting is usually between 55oC and 65oC, however, the lower eco temperature could consume 20% to 40% less energy. This helps you save money. 

If your appliance lacks the handy eco button, consider purchasing one that does.

Run a vinegar cycle.

At least once a month, fill a bowl with white vinegar and place it on the top rack of an empty dishwasher to run. The purpose of doing this is to give your dishwasher a refresh.

When you do this, it is like giving your dishwasher a spa treatment, as it will neutralize odors and break down grime.

When your dishwasher is clean, it not only properly cleans the dishes, but also runs efficiently, saving you energy. 

Leave the door open after use.

Your dishwasher, like your washing machine, has a moist atmosphere and fragile rubber door seals.

If you close the door tightly, your seals won’t get a chance to dry out, which promotes mold growth and foul odors.

After running a cycle, leave the dishwasher door open. This will expel any lingering moisture, which will help the machine last longer.

Don’t put everything in the dishwasher.

As much as you should run the dishwasher when full, it doesn’t mean that you should throw everything inside. 

As tempting as it is to throw everything in the dishwasher, some objects need to be dishwasher-compatible.

As a rule of thumb, don’t throw cast iron and nonstick pans in the dishwasher because it will remove the nonstick coating.

Also, don’t throw wooden spoons and chopping boards inside, as the hot water in the machine might break the wood and ruin the coating.

Placing plastic goods in a dishwasher, unless labeled “dishwasher safe,” isn’t wise, as the heat will melt them. 

If they are dishwasher safe, pop them on the top shelf only.

Also, don’t put sharp knives in the dishwasher as the dishwasher will gradually dull them.

Use the right detergents.

Some dishwasher detergents contain abrasives that quickly dull or wear away fragile glassware.

To stay on the safe side, commercial appliance repair Northern VA recommends that you use a detergent with a rinse aid to guarantee a thorough cleaning and drying.

Unlike hot air dryers, modern dishwashers dry with hot water. The rinse aid in the detergents allows the water to slide off the tub and dishes and down the drain. As a result, you don’t use too much water.

A tell-tale sign you use the wrong detergent is if you have spots on your glasses. If that’s the case, get a new detergent. 

5 Dishwasher Problems You Should Never Ignore

According to appliance repair professionals, every appliance, including a dishwasher, develops problems in its life. Some of the problems are minor, and you can continue using the dishwasher without fixing it, but others are too elaborate, and you should never ignore them. Which are these problems? Here they are:

Bad odor coming from your appliance

Your dishwasher should be smelling fresh and clean, so if yours produces a bad odor, it means that there is something wrong, and you should look at it. In most cases, the primary culprit is the drain filter.

Most appliances have a drain filter to prevent food particles from clogging the drain, so if it’s dirty, it’s bound to produce bad smells that can be off-putting.

To get rid of the smells, you should remove the drain filters from the floor of your dishwasher and clean them in your kitchen sink with hot water and soap. It will even be better if you can use a bottlebrush in the cleaning so that you can reach all the interior surfaces.

You should clean the filter, ensuring it’s free of food debris and gunk.

Loud, abnormal noises

While dishwashers aren’t the quietest appliances, they aren’t supposed to be too loud that you are uncomfortable using them. As a rule of thumb, anything outside the typical low-pitched whirring means something is wrong.

The problem might be due to a minor issue such as a large pot getting in the way of spray arms, and all you need to do is rearrange the dishes so they can get clean.

The problem could also be due to a more complicated problem such as a drain pump, wash pump, or motor malfunctioning. If the abnormal noises are due to more complicated problems, have the appliance inspected by an experienced professional.


Rust is often not a reason to raise the alarm, especially if it’s just minor rust on the exterior, but if you see plenty of rust on the interior, there is a reason to worry. Rust is often a clear indication of an ongoing water leak, showing that your appliance is at the later stages of its life.

You can’t reverse or fix rust problems, so if there is a lot of rust on your appliance, so if your appliance has a lot of rust on it, it’s time to get a new unit. Of course, buy a new modern appliance and the ideal fit for your lifestyle.

Grime on the interior

It’s normal for grime to accumulate on the interior walls of your appliance, especially if you have been using it for a long time. The grime is usually black, gray, or even orange, and it’s brought about by food, mildew, bacteria, or mold buildup.

The grime is harmless to your appliance, but you risk getting sick from consuming the bacteria and mold when it gets to your dishes. It’s also common for the gunk to get to the dishwasher parts, leading to a malfunction.

Whenever you notice grime on your appliance, regardless of its size, move with haste and remove it. Begin with removing upper and lower racks, then run them under hot water in the kitchen sink. You should then scrub the insides of the dishwasher with a rag or sponge dampened with hot water, ensuring that you wipe down the door gasket, which can collect mold and mildew.

Water leaking on the outside

Most people will notice their appliances surrounded by a pool of water after running them, then ignore them. This is wrong as when the appliance keeps leaking water, the water can rot the floor, which, as you can guess, isn’t cheap to fix.

When you notice your appliance leaking, you shouldn’t ignore it—you should move with haste and fix the problem immediately.

The leaking problem can be brought about by several reasons, such as a clogged drain filter or parts having rust or calcium/lime buildup.

If you don’t know what you are doing, don’t try troubleshooting the appliance yourself—let a professional handle it.


These are some of the dishwasher problems you shouldn’t ignore. While they appear minor, they often lead to complex problems, so try to fix them as soon as possible. To avoid ruining your appliance, don’t try to fix the problems yourself—let a commercial appliance repair Springfield professional do it.

How Can I Make My Refrigerator Work Better?

Have you noticed that your fridge is consuming a lot of energy? According to refrigerator repair professionals, the reason for this is that you aren’t taking good care of your fridge to work better.

How can I make my refrigerator work better? If you are asking this question, you should know that there are plenty of ways to make it possible. These ways include:

Clean the fridge

Like your air conditioner or furnace, the fridge works better and more efficiently when clean. Besides wiping the shelves, you also should clean the coils behind the appliance. As you can tell, this calls for you to pull the fridge from the wall and remove any dirt and grime that might be on the coils.

If you are new with the fridge, you will find the coils across the bottom front, behind the grille. Dust and vacuum the exposed coils. Also, vacuum the area where the fridge stays.

Give the fridge room to breathe.

The fridge emits some heat, and when you place it too close to the wall, it has a problem dispersing the heat, which can choke it and prevent it from working as well as it should.

For the fridge to function efficiently, ensure that there is at least 5 cm of space between the fridge and the walls. There also should be 5 cm of space around the appliance.

In the same way, you should give the fridge enough space to breathe by keeping it away from the wall, you also should keep it away from the heat sources such as the oven and radiators. You also should keep it away from direct sunlight sources.

Keep the fridge full.

You might feel that a full refrigerator consumes more energy than an empty one, but this isn’t the case. A full fridge has less air to keep cool, so it doesn’t work too hard to keep it cool.

When you load many items in the fridge, these items help each other cool, making the refrigerator’s work even easier.

For a properly functioning fridge, keep it at least 2/3 full.

If you don’t have a lot of money to spend on supplies, you can fake the full look. You need to fill pitchers with tap water and place them in the excess spaces in the fridge. This creates a full factor that tricks the fridge to run efficiently. You also have plenty of chilled water to use during the hot, sweaty days.

You should note that while you should keep the fridge full, you should avoid overstocking it, as you will block efficient airflow, which can make the fridge overwork. And you don’t want this, do you?

Store the food properly.

Store the food using refrigerator safe containers. The best are glass containers as they absorb and retain cold better, so the refrigerator doesn’t keep working. You also should cover the foods and liquids to avoid overworking the compressor.

As you are organizing the food, take care not to block the air vents.

Keep the fridge closed.

In the middle of summer, you can be tempted to open the fridge door and let the cool air get into the kitchen, but this can be the worst mistake as the unit consumes a lot of energy that it shouldn’t have.

In the same way, you wouldn’t open your oven door to warm things up in winter, you shouldn’t keep the fridge door open to let the cold air to the rest of the house.

To keep the fridge in top condition all the time, keep the door closed at all times, unless you are getting something.

Many people open the door and spend up to a minute standing there deciding on what they want. Don’t do this as you will be wasting valuable energy.

Before you open the door, you should have decided what you want. Pick the item and close the door to reduce energy consumption.

Cool things before you put them in the fridge

After preparing the meals, don’t put them directly in the fridge. Commercial appliance repair Springfield professionals recommend you let the food cool first to prevent the fridge from overworking.

How To Fix An Ice Maker Not Making Ice

Virginia Refrigerators Repair

You have heard that making ice takes time, so you take your sweet time. You check your ice maker after a few minutes, and there is nothing. You come back after a few hours and still, nothing.

What could be wrong? You wonder.

A properly functioning ice maker should produce ice, so if yours isn’t, you have a problem you should address as soon as possible. To help you out, here are tips given by refrigerator ice maker repair experts on how to fix ice maker not making ice:

Check the water connections.

The failure of the appliance to make ice is most likely due to poor water connections. Since the connections vary depending on the refrigerator models, it’s hard to pinpoint where the connections are located, so check the instructions in your appliance’s user manual.

If you don’t have the hard copy manual, you can always download it online. Before you touch the connections, first confirm they are correctly in place and unobstructed.

Since you are inexperienced, avoid tinkering with connections in hard to reach areas as you can easily damage your appliance.

Check the power connections.

Sometimes you might get your pants in a bunch for nothing. You might think your appliance is faulty, but in a real sense, it’s simply switched off. Check the power connection to the ice maker. Is it switched off? If it is, switch it on.

Check the water supply line.

If you can see the arm swing into motion accompanied by a buzz, and yet the appliance isn’t making ice, it means the water valve is asking for water that isn’t arriving.

This often happens when the valve and the solenoid function properly, but the water supply isn’t.

Check your appliance’s water supply that will most likely be located behind or beneath the refrigerator. Find the shut-off valve behind the fridge or under the sink, turn it off, unscrew the copper line from the back of the fridge, put the copper line in a bucket, turn on the valve and see whether water pours out.

Confirm whether the filter has clogged up

Like a furnace and other appliances in your home, the ice maker will fail to make ice if the filters are clogged up. A dirty filter reduces the amount of water getting into the ice machine, reducing the ice maker’s chances of making ice.

If you find out the filter is clogged, clean it following the owner’s manual instructions.

Check the tap valve

The tap valve is a small device that connects the ice maker’s water supply tube to the water pipe. In some cases, the valve develops problems, so water fails to get to the ice maker.

If you do the inspection and find the valve malfunctioning, replace it together with the inlet valve. When undertaking the replacement, go for a valve that requires you to drill a ¼ inch hole instead of the self-piercing type.

You can purchase the connection kit and work yourself or hire a repair professional to do the work for you.

Take a look at the solenoid.

The solenoid attaches to the water line at the back and bottom of the fridge then travels to the ice maker. Sometimes the solenoid gets defective or fails to receive power resulting in plenty of problems.

Inspect the solenoid, unplug the refrigerator, and then remove the sediment screen inside and flush it with water. While at it, take a look at the seals and confirm they are in perfect working condition.  If not in good shape, replace them.

Look out for a frozen line.

It’s common to have a frozen water line, especially if you live in icy areas. To fix the frozen line, unplug the fridge, then locate the shut-off valve, often located under the sink or behind the fridge.

You should then turn the valve to the closed or off position then fill the turkey baster with warm water. You can also defrost the line with a hairdryer or by letting the fridge sit unplugged for at least two hours.

If you do this and still the ice maker doesn’t make ice, ask an experienced commercial appliance repair Northern VA professional to inspect the appliance. It might be having a more serious problem.

Dishwasher Repair: Tips On How To Properly Load The Dishwasher

Dishwasher repair professionals report that one of the reasons why dishwashers keep on failing is due to improper loading. For you to keep your unit functioning optimally you need to be cautious of how you load it. Here are tips on how to do it:

Start with the bottom

Many people start loading their appliances from the top. This is wrong. You should start from the bottom. Insert the plates into the slots in the bottom section of the dishwasher. Ensure that they are facing towards the center.

If the plates have to lean, lean them inwards and downwards. This is to ensure that they are properly sprayed by the jets that spray water outwards, from the center.

When arranging the plates, keep the surfaces separated and accessible to the water stream. When it comes to the cups, bowls, and glasses, place them at an angle so that they get enough water from below. Take caution that they don’t take up a lot of room.

The best way of going about it is stacking the bowls neatly on an incline. This ensures that the washing solution reaches inside the bowl.

Place plastics on the top rack

Since the heating element of most dishwashers is on the bottom, you should place plastic items in the bottom rack. This is to prevent them from melting or warping. When loading them, take caution that you don’t crowd them, making it hard for water and cleaning solution to reach them.

If you have large plastic items, consider handwashing them first before you place them in the dishwasher. This makes the work of the unit much easy.

Properly load the cutlery basket

The cutlery basket carries the knives, spoons, and forks. Do you have dangerous or ultra-sharp knives? Hand wash them. This is to prevent the dishwasher from getting dull. You should distribute the cutlery loosely, positioning the soiled surfaces of the spoons and forks apart so that the water can reach them.

Be cautious when loading long pieces of cutlery. This is because they tend to block the spray from the nozzles, tubes, and rotating devices. If you have the long pieces, lay them in the upper basket.

When it comes to the larger serving utensils, place them at the top section of the dishwasher. You should arrange them facing down, so that water doesn’t collect in them.

Use the plastic safety rack to hold wine glasses

Does your dishwasher have a plastic, mesh-like piece on the top rack? It’s designed to hold wine glasses, so make use of it. In addition to wine glasses, you can also use it to hold any fragile pieces you might be having.

After loading the dishwasher, inspect the spinning arms and rotating devices and ensure that they are spinning freely. There should be no tubes or sprayers obstructing them.

Also, check the detergent cups and ensure that they open fully. You should note that if there are any materials obstructing or blocking the surfaces, they make it harder for the dishwasher to properly clean the dishes.

Tips on how to get the most from your dishwasher

In addition to properly loading the dishwasher, there are plenty of other things you can do to ensure that your unit is functioning optimally.

One of the things you can do is to scrape off large food pieces from the dishes and into the trash or garbage disposal. You should get rid of things such as seeds, bones, corncobs, peelings, and any other thick materials that might be there. If the dishes are too dirty, consider pre-rinsing them.  

Everyone wants shiny dishes when they are coming from the dish washer. For you to make it easy for the unit to give you the results you are looking for, make use of a rinse agent or pre-wash fluid. The fluid helps you to reduce water spots, especially if you have hard water.

Commercial appliance repair Northern VA professionals recommend that you run the garbage disposal before you run the dishwasher. Most of the dishwashers drain into the same pipe as the sink; therefore, when you run the garbage disposal, you drain it thus making it easy for the dishwasher to work and give you clean dishes.

Commercial Deep Fryer Repair: What You Need To Know About Deep Fryers

commercial deep fryer repair

A deep fryer is one of the essential units in your kitchen. To keep the unit in top shape, you should work closely with commercial deep fryer repair professionals who will not only help you with repairing the faulty parts, but also help you with the day to day maintenance of the unit.

Types of deep fryers

There are two main types of these units on the market that you can go for: pressure and specialty fryer. A pressure fryer features an airtight kettle that traps steam from the food that you are frying and increases the pressure inside the kettle.

You should note that the temperature in the pressure fryer increases 3 degrees Fahrenheit for every pound of pressure.

Pressure deep fryers are designed for use in a large restaurant where you need to fry large volumes of food. Since the unit relies on pressure frying, it works at lower temperatures.

A specialty fryer is designed to fry a specific type of food. There are chicken, fish, donut, chips and many others. These are ideal for you if you are dealing with a particular type of food in your restaurant. Most of them come with computerized systems that allow you to control time, temperature, and other features.

Tips on how to maintain your deep fryer

As mentioned above, you need to properly maintain your unit for it continue functioning optimally. One of the things you should do is to clean the element every time you change the oil or filter it. By doing this, you ensure that you maintain proper heat transfer.

At the end of the working day, commercial appliances repair professionals recommend that you wipe off the exterior. You should pay close attention to the vat’s rim. When you do this, you prevent the oil from the unit from drizzling to the floor and causing slip and fall accidents.

You also should remember to scrub off the food particles and crumbs. Also, clean the fry baskets and place them in an area where they can dry.

When frying the food, you should stick to the recommended temperatures. If you use temperatures that are too high, you affect the taste of food. You are also required to replace the oil more often translating to extra expenses. The deep fryer also tends to have a reduced lifespan.


This is what you need to know about the deep fryer. When you notice an issue with the unit, you should hire experienced commercial appliances service providers to help you in fixing it.

Commercial Oven Service: Tips On How To Keep Your Oven In Top Shape

commercial oven services

As a restaurant owner, you know that an oven is an integral part of your business as it comes in handy in warming the food of your customers. Due to the importance of the appliance, it’s paramount that you keep it in top shape. To help you out, here are expert tips given by commercial oven service providers on how to keep your unit in top shape:

Use the oven properly

This is the first thing to ensuring that your unit is working optimally. You should always use the right bottles in the unit. For example, never use the microwave to heat up baby bottles. If using plastic, glasses, or ceramic materials, always ensure that they are safe for microwave cooking.

You should be cautious when using plastic as it tends to melt easily. It also causes harm to the food that you are heating. To avoid the complications that it comes with, commercial appliances service providers recommend that you avoid it. If you have to cook fatty food, use glass vessels.

Regularly clean the oven

A clean oven is not only beautiful to look at, it also tends to last for a long time. Dirt, excess oil, and grease interfere with the working of the oven; therefore, you should clean the spills as soon as you notice them. For ideal results, use water and mild detergent. You also should use a paper towel or clean cloth.

When cleaning, you shouldn’t simply clean the surfaces—also clean the joints on the door. This is to prevent soil from building up.

In addition to cleaning the unit, commercial appliance services recommend that you also work at getting rid of odors in the unit. The best materials to use in getting rid of the odors is lukewarm water combined with baking soda.

Fix the issues as soon as they happen

It’s common for the appliance to develop issues even when you take good care of it. For example, the door might get loose, the unit develop electrical issues, among many other things.

When many people identify minor issues, they ignore them. This is wrong as it not only results to the improper working of the appliance thus you don’t heat the food as fast as you want to, it also gives you plenty of stress as you always worry of the unit halting to a stop.

To be on the safe side, contact commercial kitchen appliance repairs Vienna to fix the unit as soon as possible. Regardless of how minor the issue is, you should ask the professional to fix it.

Commercial Appliances Repair: Tips On How To Save Money On Food Cooling

commercial appliances repair

If you have a commercial refrigerator, you will agree with me that it tends to consume a lot of energy. While it’s common for it to do it, you don’t have to always pay a high amount as there are many tips that you can use to ensure that your unit consumes only little energy. To help you out, here are tips given by commercial appliances repair professionals:

Invest in a new unit

One of the prime reasons for the high energy is because you are using an old refrigerator. Just like your car or any other unit, your refrigerator will consume more energy if its old. If your unit is more than ten years old, consider investing in a new one.

When buying the new appliance, go for one that has a high energy rating. When you invest in such a unit, you will be sure that it will work efficiently thus save you a lot of money in the long run.

Check the temperature settings

Another reason why your unit is consuming a lot of energy is that it has the wrong settings. In most cases, you have set the unit in such a way that it is consuming more energy than it should. To reduce the amount of energy that your unit consumes, check your temperature settings.

You should set the temperature in between 38 and 42 Fahrenheit. When it comes to the freezer, commercial refrigerators service providers recommend that you set it between -17 and -15 Celsius.

Avoid overloading the refrigerator

How you pack the fridge not only determines how effectively the food gets cooled, it also determines the amount of energy that you use. Most people try to save money by stocking the refrigerator to the brim, which often doesn’t give ideal results.

You should note that when you overload the refrigerator, you put it at the risk of developing refrigerator problems. The unit also tends to consume a lot of energy. The best way of going about it is to avoid overloading your unit. When stocking your food, leave at least an inch of space between the inner walls of the appliance and food.

While you should avoid overloading the refrigerator, you also should avoid leaving it empty. When you don’t have any food to cool, store pitchers of water in the unit.


These are some of the things you should do to avoid paying a large amount of money on energy when cooling your food. As mentioned above, you should work with a reputable commercial kitchen appliance service Alexandria for you to have an easy time keeping your unit in top condition.

Commercial Appliances Repair: Situations When You Have To Replace Your Commercial Appliances

commercial appliance repair

According to commercial appliances service providers, there will be a time when you will have to install a new kitchen appliance. This calls for you to be on the lookout for the signs that tell you that it’s time to do it:

Expensive repairs

It’s common for the kitchen appliance to develop problems now and then but if you have noticed that the unit is broken most of the time, it’s time to invest in a new one.

If you have hired a commercial appliances repair professional before you will agree with me that they don’t come cheap. This means that if you regularly have to hire them, you will end up spending a lot on repairs, which isn’t worth it.

Whenever you repair your appliance, you should keep a receipt of the repair cost. If you find that you have spent more than half of the amount that you bought the appliance, you should go for a new unit.

The unit is inefficient

If you find that your energy bill is increasing every month and yet you haven’t added a new appliance, it means that the current one is running inefficiently and it’s time to invest in a new unit.

The unit isn’t working as it used to

Even if you regularly hire kitchen appliance maintenance professionals to keep the unit in top shape, there will come a time when it will stop working as effectively as it used to. It might develop rust, be destroyed by power surges, or meet the wrath of careless cooks.

If you want your unit to work as good as new, you have to way out—you have to invest in a new appliance.

There is a better equipment

This is not a good reason to replace your old appliance, but if there are better appliances in the market that will save you time and money, you are better off going for them. For example, instead of using a food steamer and a conventional over, you are better off using a combi oven.

The oven will not only save you kitchen room, it also will save you money as you won’t spend a lot of energy.


These are some of the situations when you may have to replace your kitchen appliance. When buying the new appliance, go for one that has an energy rating. You also should ensure that the appliance is installed by a reputable commercial kitchen appliance repairs Vienna.

commercial appliances repair: Tips On How To Properly Maintain Your Appliances

commercial appliances repair

In addition to regularly hiring commercial appliances repair professional to maintain and improve your units, you also need to do a number of many other things to keep your unit in top shape. Some of these other things include:

Clean the commercial appliances

This goes without saying. There is no way that your appliances will function optimally if they are dirty—you need to clean them. One of the areas you need to pay attention to is the range hood or downdraft vent filters.

You should wash the metal-mesh grease filters using your hands and use a little bit of soap. If you have charcoal or paper filters in your home, avoid cleaning them as they will get damaged. The best way out is to replace them.

You also need to pay attention to the stovetop drip bowls. To clean them you need to remove the bowls from underneath and presoak them in a cleaning solution for at least five minutes. You should then hand wash and replace them to their right place.

Finally, clean the refrigerator coils. It’s common for the coils to clog up due to dirt, pet hair, and dust. When these materials get on the coils, they restrict effective air flow causing the refrigerator to work harder than it should. The fridge also tends to break down more often, and you have to hire an expensive commercial refrigerator repairs professional to fix the unit.

To keep the unit running efficiently, take a look behind the refrigerator, and you will find a kick plate. The coils are usually located behind the plate. You only need to use a vacuum cleaner to clean the units.

Replace the faulty parts

Another thing you need to do to keep your units in top shape is to replace the faulty parts. When you identify a problem with the appliance, you should find the part that is malfunctioning and fix it as soon as possible. For example, if you notice that the ice maker isn’t making ice that is clean enough, you should take a look at the air filters.

If they are too dirty or damaged, you have no way out other than to replace them. When you are replacing the parts ensure that you buy the units recommended by commercial appliance services providers.


These are some of the ways in which you can take good care of your commercial appliances. When working with commercial appliances service Vienna, ensure that you work with the most reputable and experienced.