Tag Archives: washing machine

How to Ruin a Washing Machine

Wondering how to ruin a washing machine? There are plenty of ways to do it. Here are some of these ways:

Overloading the machine

You might have the impression that loading the machine’s drum to full capacity will save you time and money, but this isn’t the case. According to washer repair professionals, overloading the machine leads to some clothes coming out unwashed. Sometimes, you even put the machine at the risk of getting damaged.

Washing machines are designed to carry a specific weight of clothes. In fact, most of the modern appliances won’t start if you load more clothes than they are designed to carry.

If you have an older appliance, the appliance might still run while full. Unfortunately, the clothes don’t clean well as there is less room for water and detergent to spread throughout the load.

So there is the risk of overloading the washing machine leading to damage to the drum hence shortening the appliance’s life.

To avoid ruining your appliance and clean your clothes properly, load the washing machine properly. Before you start a cycle, ensure there is a space between the top of the drum and the top of the load in the drum. There should be a space equal to the width of your palm.

If you are strapped for time and want to clean as many clothes as possible within a short time, instead of cramming everything in one load, use the quick-wash setting and have two decent-sized loads.

Although, the clothes won’t be as clean as they should, you will have saved time, and you won’t have overloaded the machine.

Failing to service the machine

Like any other appliance, you need to maintain the washing machine to keep it in top working condition. At least once a year, hire an appliance technician to inspect the appliance and clean it to get rid of mold and awful smells.

If you go for a couple of months or years without giving the machine some attention, you will ruin it.

To avoid this, make it a habit to run a service wash every month that will keep the machine clean and get rid of odors.

The cool thing is servicing the machine isn’t complicated. All you need to do is to set the machine at 90°C then run the appliance using detergent or without. If not sure how to do it, check the machine’s manual.

Failing to level the machine

Washing machines run at super fast speeds. For them to do this safely, they need to be level on the floor. Unfortunately, if an inexperienced technician installed the machine, it won’t be level.

The machine might also not be level if you have gone for a long time without servicing it.

If your washing machine is making weird noises when running, chances are it’s not level. To level it, loosen the locking nut, then use a spanner to lower or raise it until its level. Check whether the machine is level with a spirit level and tighten the nuts.

Using too much detergent

Using a lot of detergents gives you immaculate clothes, right? Wrong! Besides the large amounts of detergents being harmful to your clothes and your hands, they can clog the washing machine, shortening its lifespan.

The cool thing it’s easy to avoid ruining the washing machine with too much detergent. Before running a cycle, check the owner’s manual and confirm the amount you need. Don’t guess the amount. Always measure the amount to avoid problems.

While you might save money by making your own soap, avoid using homemade soap as it rarely cleans as effectively. Washing machines are designed to use detergents, not soap, so you will ruin your machine by using soap.

Washing coins, belts, and other harmful items

Belts and coins can break the washing machine drum, leaving you with an expensive repair. To keep appliance repair Alexandria at bay, always double-check the clothes and ensure there are no belts. Also, check the pockets and ensure there are no coins.

Do you have clothes with large metal buttons? Don’t clean them bare—instead, place them in a laundry bag.

If you suspect the buttons on your clothes might break the glass, run the machine at a slower speed.

When Should You Replace A Washing Machine? Appliance Repair Professionals Answer

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Like other appliances, it comes a time when you have to get a new washing machine. When should you replace a washing machine? You will hear many people asking. Sadly, signs that your appliance is on its way out aren’t too obvious, so you have to be keen to pick them out.

To help you out, here are signs given by appliance repair professionals that your appliance is giving up on you:

The machine is leaking excessively.

Do you have water on your floor every time you do laundry? Your washing machine has a problem. Some problems are easy to fix, but in other cases, they are a sign of a much larger problem and it’s time to get a new appliance.

Your appliance will leak due to plenty of reasons. One of the most common ones is due to a broken hose. Most washing machines have two hoses: one for hot water and the other for cold.

These hoses connect the washer to the water source, which is typically in the wall. Like other hoses, since they are pressurized, they are prone to cracking and rupturing.

If having a leaking problem, inspect the hoses. If they have cracked, you have nothing to worry about as they are easy to replace. To avoid future leakages, replace both hoses. Not one.

The leakage might also be due to a damaged seal. Seals don’t come cheap, so before replacing them, determine whether you should get new seals or invest in a new appliance.

If your washing machine is more than 10 years old, you are better off getting a new unit.

You also should get a new appliance if the washer tub is cracked. This is because fixing a cracked tub is a major repair and not worth fixing if you have an old appliance.

The appliance is making a lot of noise.

It’s common for the washing machine to make some noise when working, but if yours is noisier than anticipated, you have a problem in your hands that you need to address as soon as possible.

Your appliance will sometimes sound as if it’s about to take a flight. You shouldn’t worry too much about this problem as it’s often a sign your machine is unbalanced. To fix the noise, position the washer so that all the feet are level.

You can do this by building or buying a platform for the washing machine to sit on. You can also check whether your washing machine has adjustable levels on its feet. Most of the modern appliances have them, and are easy to use.

If you try leveling the washing machine, but the noise won’t stop, you must be having a problem with your motor mount or drum. Contact a service technician to determine whether you can fix it and the amount of money it will cost you.

Again, if your appliance is old and the repair professional is charging a premium fee, there is no point in trying to fix it. Get a new unit.

Water doesn’t fill the drum.

If the drum in your washer isn’t filling up, you must be having delayed cycle selection, a problem with hot and cold water faucets, and hose kinks.

If you inspect all of these areas and they aren’t the source of the problem, your appliance might be having a complication such as with the water intake valve or filter, and this one needs an expert washing machine technician to look into it.

Issues with the switch and belts can also bring about this problem. Belts are easy to fix, but if the issue is due to a malfunctioning lid, you have to set out a significant amount to cater for the repairs.

Depending on the age of the washing machine and the amount charged by the repair professional, you should determine whether you should repair the appliance or get a new appliance.

Final thoughts

Regardless of whether you decide to get a new washing machine or stretch more life from the old one, remember, a washing machine has a lifespan of about 10 years. If your unit requires complex repairs, you are better off replacing it, but if the repairs are minor, let a washer repair Springfield professional look into it.

Washer Repair: How To Use A Washing Machine

According to washer repair professionals, the primary reason homeowners damage their washing machines is due to improper use. Have you been having issues with your appliance? Here are washing machine dos and don’ts:

Do read the tags

It’s no secret washing machines have come a long way, but despite all the technological advancements, they can’t read tags and tell the right settings. It’s up to you to do it.

You should note that failure to read the tags results in color bleeding, fabric shrinking, and even damage to your priced attire.

 Don’t use extra detergent.

You might have the impression using extra laundry detergent will get the clothes cleaner, but this isn’t the case. You are better off washing your load twice in a row with a normal amount of detergent than use extra detergent.

If your clothes are too dirty, use the prewash setting that you can use to remove the extra dirt. The reason you shouldn’t use extra detergent is because extra soap won’t rinse away properly, so you will have your clothes still with soap by the time you are removing them from the washing machine.

Extra detergent also means water will remain in your clothes and wind up deposited on the interior of your washing machine, where it risks gunking up the appliance components.

Do balance the machine.

An unbalanced washing machine is not only noisy, but it also works harder, so you end up with a huge electricity bill at the end of the month. The overworking appliance also tends to have a shorter lifespan.

To solve this, balance your washing machine. Thankfully, the process is simple as it involves adjusting the machine on the bottom corners, which takes a few minutes, and you don’t need to involve a professional.

Don’t leave wet clothes inside.

When you are multitasking, it’s normal to forget you have clothes in your appliance, and they sit there for a long time. This is wrong as the clothes tend to grow mildew and smell, which is bad for you, your washing machine, and your clothes.

To avoid this, set a timer on your phone to know when the cleaning cycle is complete. Don’t let the clothes sit here for long. Switch them immediately to avoid a smelly, damaged load.

Do clean the washing machine.

Since you use the washing machine to clean the clothes, it remains clean, so you don’t need to clean it, right? Wrong. Like any other appliance, you should clean your washing machine regularly.

Set the machine to a hot cycle and add a cup of vinegar to it. This will sanitize it and remove the off-putting smells. You don’t need to involve a technician but if you aren’t handy, let them help you out.

Don’t overload the machine.

Cramming the entire load in one go won’t save water or energy. You also won’t complete your work fast. Clothes crammed in the washing machine don’t move around enough to get a proper clean, so you are forced to rewash them.

For best results, put just enough clothes in the washing machine.

In the same way, you shouldn’t overload the machine, you shouldn’t wash small loads using a large load cycle as the machine will consume a lot of water and energy. Use the right cycle for your load size.

Do empty your pockets.

Before you put the clothes in the washing machine, check whether there are tissues, coins, keys, or any other item in your pockets. Remember, even a small item such as a coin or metallic button can damage the washing machine. Items such as tissues can cover the entire load in white fluff, forcing you to repeat the cleaning.

Do let expert professionals handle complex faults.

Even with the best care, it’s common for the washing machine to develop problems. For example, the water pipe can get blocked. When such issues come about, unless you have the skills, let a certified and experienced commercial appliance repair Alexandria technician handle them.

You don’t want to attempt fixing the appliance and cause more problems than were initially there, do you? When hiring the repair technician, ensure they are experienced enough. They also should be insured so you are safe in the event of an accident.

Can You Run A Washing Machine With Just Cold Water? Washer Repair Experts Answer

Ah, the washing machine. Hands down one of the greatest inventions of our time, it not only frees you time but saves you energy too. Homeowners are used to washing their clothes with hot water that they can’t imagine using cold water.

What happens when the hot cycle fails, and you can’t find a washer repair professional? Can you run a washing machine with just cold water?

The answer to this question is a resounding YES. Studies have shown that most of the clothes come out just as clean with cold water.

Washing clothes in cold water? Tips to consider

For you to get ideal results, you should put these tips into consideration:

  • Always sort the whites, lights, and dark colors out and wash them separately.
  • Always use high-quality detergents, preferably those made to be used in cold water. When using the detergents, ensure you use the right amount. Remember, when you use too much of it, most of it will build up in the clothes leaving too little for cleaning.
  • Consider adding additives to the detergents to boost the cleaning power of the detergent.
  • Like when cleaning using hot or warm water, take care not to overload the washer. Loading the washer properly ensures that it optimally which not only saves you time, it also extends the life of the appliance.
  • Before you begin cleaning, search for stained and extra dirty pieces of clothing and pre-treat them.
  • If cleaning many too dirty items, you will find some of the clothes still dirty after running the cleaning cycle. Before you remove the clothes from the washing machine, inspect them and if still dirty, repeat the cleaning.
  • In winter, be ultra-cautious and ensure the water is not below 60f as the clothes won’t clean well at this temperature.
  • For clothes that are heavily soiled and grease-stained, clean them with warm or hot water.

When does it make sense to clean with cold water?

Dark clothes: Washing clothes in cold water is an excellent way of preserving color. Studies also show that dark clothes clean better in cold water. Killing two birds with one stone, you might say.

Delicates: Clothes made from lace or silk can easily get damaged by hot water, which makes it logical to clean them with hot water.

Clothes that wrinkle or shrink easily: Hot water is known to wrinkle and shrink clothes, which gives them a cheap look. If you have clothes where wrinkles could be a problem, you can solve the issue by washing using cold water.

Lack of care label: To avoid damaging your precious clothes, it’s recommended you look out for the care label that guides you on the best way to handle the clothes. If you are getting ready to wash the clothes, then you notice you are missing the care label, don’t fret. Clean them with cold water, and you won’t have to worry about causing damage.

Situations when it doesn’t make sense to clean using cold water

While cold water has its perks, there are several situations when it doesn’t make sense of cleaning with cold water. Some of these situations include:

When you need high levels of sanitation: Some of these situations include when you are washing undergarments, sheets, and sick person’s clothes. Although laundry detergent does a great job of cleaning the clothes, hot water works excellently at killing the germs.

When using powdered detergents: Powdered detergents don’t dissolve easily, and in most cases, you need hot water to dissolve them completely. Using cold water with powdered detergents causes streaks on the clothes, which gives the clothes a cheap, ugly look.

When using a cheap detergent: When you are looking to save on detergents, you are better off using hot water. According to appliance repair Northern VA professionals, cheap detergents don’t have enough cleaning power to properly clean the soil and grime. Hot water comes in handy at helping in getting rid of the dirt.

When you have lower groundwater temperatures: In areas such as Alaska and Maine, where the temperatures are usually too low, the cold water might be too cold for cleaning making, it sensible to use hot water.

Washer Repair: Tips On How To Properly Clean Your Washing Machine

It’s a fact that the washing machine saves you time and effort. For you to keep it functioning optimally for long you need to take good care of it. Washer repair experts recommend that you clean it regularly to not only leave it looking great, but also to keep off awful smell and bacteria. For you to properly clean the unit you need to:

Wash the washing machine filter

It’s in the filter where gunk is collected after every cycle. Small items such as coins and buttons end up in the filter. With time, if you don’t clean it, dirt might buildup worsening the performance of the machine.

To clean the filter you need to begin with locating it. For the front load washing machines, the filter is located at the bottom, usually in the right corner. Remove it taking care that you don’t break it.

After removing it, use a paper towel to remove any lint that might have built up. Remove as much lint as you can using a paper towel. If the paper towel isn’t doing a good job, scrub off what is remaining using a toothbrush or sponge.

Pay attention to the screen that gathers all the gunk. Remove it and soak it in hot water to get out any dirt that might have stuck to it.

Once the filter is clean, take a look inside the unit before you put it back. Using a paper towel, trace the sides of the opening. You can also use an old toothbrush to get rid of all the dirt that might be on the inside.

To have an easy time, clean the air filter once every 3-4 months.

Get rid of the smell from the washing machine

If you have had your washing machine for a long time you must have been in a situation where you open the washing machine door and a pungent smell hits your nose. You don’t need to throw away your washing when it’s making the awful smells.

The first place you should look is the drawer. Take out the drawer then scrub it properly. You can use your hand or sponge. Once you are done with the cleaning, let it dry and put it back. For you to kill all the mold, use a mixture of baking soda and water.

You can also use a mixture of soda and vinegar. The mixture causes a reaction that eats away the mold or lint. Once the cleaning cycle has ended, you are left with a clean and fresh smelling machine. If you run a cycle with the mixture and still the machine doesn’t have a fresh smell, repeat the cycle.

It’s common for dirt and grime to hide in the crevasses of the seal. Mould also tends to grow there as the area holds moisture for a long time. To clean the seal, use a damp piece of cloth then run your fingers along the rubber to clean it. If you can remove the seal, do so and wash it under the water.

Pay attention to the outside of the washing machine

Cleaning the insides of the machine isn’t enough—you also need to clean the outside. It’s common for the washing machine to get dusty and start looking old and yellowish. To maintain the shine, use a dry clean cloth or rug.

Go over the entire exterior rubbing all the necessary areas. Get rid of the fingerprints and dried up marks that might be there.

Once you are done with the exterior, pay close attention to the windows. Start with going over the window with a dry rack to get rid of the excessive dust. You should then use your favorite mirror or glass detergent and spray it onto the glass. Once you are done, wipe the surface with a dry piece of cloth or paper towel. For ideal results, wipe in circular motions.

Cleaning products matter

For your washing machine to continue functioning optimally you need to keep it clean. Appliance repair Springfield professionals report that you should be cautious of the cleaning products you use. For ideal results, use high-quality detergents. If possible, go for eco-friendly detergents. While they will be a little bit expensive, they will give you perfect results.

Washer Repair: 5 Things You Should Know About Washing Machines

While washing machines have been around for a while, many people don’t know much about them. To help you out, here are some of the things you should know about them as given by washer repair professionals:

Front-loading machines are better

If you have been researching washing machines, you must have come across front-loading machines. One of the things you should know about the machines is that they are much better than top-loading machines in many ways.

Front-loading machines tend to wash and dry clothes much better than their top-loading counterparts. The machines also tend to be more efficient when it comes to water and soap usage.

Advances in technology have made the machines one of the most silent units in the market.

For you to get the most from the units, you should buy high quality machines that have a proven record.

It’s easy to be confused about the right machines that you should buy. If you don’t have time to do your research, ask a professional to help you in selecting the right machine.

Be cautious when filling the machine

Washing machines come with different load capacities. The capacities are often measured in volumes and marked in kilograms. You are highly discouraged from stuffing the clothes as you won’t achieve optimum wash, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t fill the machine.

You should note that you can go ahead and completely fill the machine with clothes and still give your clothes an optimum wash. All you need to do is to give your clothes a minimum compression.

While you shouldn’t give much thought to filling up the machine, you shouldn’t overfill the unit to the extent that the clothes don’t turn.

More detergent doesn’t mean better results

If you ask many people, they will tell you that adding more detergent to the clothes makes them get clean faster, but this isn’t the case. Using excessive amounts of detergents tends to make it difficult for the washing machine to get rid of the entire detergent in one single standard round of rinsing, hence the machine keeps on working.

In addition to you having a huge electricity bill at the end of the month as a result of the washing machine overworking, it also tends to damage the washer.

The rule of the thumb is to only use the amount of detergent that is ideal for the load you are looking to clean. The cool thing is that most detergent packaging give directions on the number of cups of detergent that you should use.

In addition to reducing the working of the washing machine, using minimal amounts of detergent tends to minimize the chances of washing spots and marks showing up.

Hot water cleans the clothes better

For you to give your clothes the perfect look, you should aim to clean them using hot water. Different clothes require different temperatures. Before you put the clothes in the water, take a look at the textile tags and check the temperature they can handle.

While hot water tends to give better results, you should note that most of the modern washing machines don’t require heat for them to give the clothes a clean wash.

If you feel that you should clean the clothes using hot water, you should be ready to have high energy bills at the end of the month. This is because the washing machine tends to consume a lot of energy to heat the water.

In addition to the hot water giving your clothes a better look, it also disinfects the clothes hence you have cleaner and safe clothes.

You need to clean the washing machine

It might seem ironical that you have to clean the washing machine that is designed to clean clothes, but for it to look good and last for a long time, you have to clean it.

Commercial appliance repair Alexandria professionals recommend that you clean the washing machine in and around the lid after every few washes. Remember to keep the lid open in order to air the machine.

For a thorough wash, fill the tub with water and a few drops of bleach. You should then run the machine’s longest available cycle.

Washer Repair: 7 Things That Can Destroy Your Washing Machine

A washing machine is an important household appliance. unfortunately, it tends to be destroyed by a number of items. Here are some of the things that can destroy your unit as given by washer repair professionals:


Zippers have a number of ways in which they can destroy your washing machine. If they are large, they can catch in the wash machine’s drum, destroying it in the process. Regardless of their size, they can scratch the doors of the washing machines, giving them an ugly look.

If you have a modern unit that features a glass panel, the panel can easily explode due to the constant scratching. For you to avoid damaging your machine, you should always pull away all the zippers that might be in place.


They are regarded as delicate and on first look they seem harmless but they are very dangerous. The bras can be rough even on the toughest washing machines. The damage often comes from underwires that damage the drum.

For you to protect your machine from the wrath of the lady things, you should consider hand washing the pieces. You can also place the lingerie in a specially-made mesh bag then place them in the washing machine.

If you don’t have a unique bag, consider using an old pillow case. Remember to knot it at the end so that the delicates don’t pour out.

Cold water

When you clean your clothes with cold water you save a lot of energy, you reduce the shrinking of the clothes, and the fading of the natural fibers. While this is the case, hot water has been shown to reduce the efficiency of the machine.

You might get away with cleaning the clothes with cold water for some time, but you will be damaging it over the long run. For you to keep it functioning optimally, you should make a habit of running a maintenance cycle every now and then.

This calls for you to set the washing machine to the hottest temperature then add a cup of vinegar. You should then put the washer through its paces in order to descale and remove any mineral deposits. For you to keep your washing machine in great condition, do this at least once a month.


Just like zippers, coins batter against the washing machine’s drum and glass door. Since they are heavier, their impact is even severe. For you to protect your washer, make a habit of checking the pockets of all your clothes before you toss them in the washing machine.

If the washing is being done by someone else, remind them to check the pockets when they are doing the laundry.

Too much detergent

You need detergent to clean your clothes but too much of it is harmful. When you use a lot of it, you leave your clothes dingy due to the leftover soap residue. In some cases, the excess detergent has been shown to damage the sensitive control panel.

The right way of doing this is to check the user’s manual and see the amount of detergent that is optimal for your washing machine. You should never us more detergent that your machine can handle.

Wet clothes

It’s not uncommon to find people leaving their wet clothes in the washing machine after running a cleaning cycle. This is wrong. This is because it tends to lead to unpleasant odors in the machine.

It has also been shown to lead to the development of mold in both clothes and the washing machine.

Once you are done with your washing, you should remove the finished loads from the machine and put them on the line.

In the event you can’t dry the laundry immediately, place the clothes in a plastic laundry basket. Remember to place the basket in a ventilated area in order to avoid smells and mildew.

Overstuffing the machine

Different washing machines have different capabilities and sizes. Some homeowners want to finish doing their laundry as fast as possible hence they overstuff their machines.

This is wrong as it leads to the machine overworking. Appliance repair Northern VA professionals observe that this also leads to a reduction in the life of the machine.

For you to be on the safe side, you should never stock your machine more than it can handle.

Washer Repair: 5 Ways You Are Hurting Your Washing Machine

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While washing machines have been around for a long time, washer repair professionals report that many homeowners do a number of things to their machines that leads to them developing problems. Here are some of the things you might be doing wrong with your washing machine:

You don’t check your pockets before you run your laundry

You need to simply shove the dirty clothes in the washing machine and it will do it’s work, right? Wrong. You need to inspect the pockets of your dirty clothes before they go into the washing machine.

This is because coins, keys, and other metal objects can get into the washing machine and damage the outer tub and inner drum of the machine.

The coins and metal objects have also been shown to damage the clothes, lead to a leaking washing machine, and other issues.

For you to avoid the issues brought about by the coins, you should carefully check the pockets of all shirts, pants, and jackets before you put them in the washing machine. To be even safer, you should check the pockets before you put the clothes in the hamper.

You put too many clothes in the machine

Putting a lot of clothes in the washing machine might sound like a good idea as you minimize the loads of laundry that you have to do, but it isn’t. There are plenty of dangers that come with overloading your washing machine.

When you overload the machine, you damage the clothes as the zippers and buttons can catch on the garments. Overloading also leaves your clothes dirty as the detergent can’t circulate well enough when the machine is full.

In some cases, small clothing items such as socks get sucked into the drainage line of the machine which leads to a blockage that not only brings about inconvenience, it also tends to be expensive to get rid of.

When you overload the washing machine, you put a lot of weight on the machine. The extra weight puts a strain on the washing machine’s motor to the extent where it’s damaged.

To avoid the complications that come with overloading the washing machine, you should load it with just enough laundry. If you aren’t sure of the right amount of clothes you should put in the washing machine, read the instructions given by the manufacturer.

You put the lingerie in the washing machine

While putting your bras and underwear in the machine will save you time, it often leads to their damage. This is because the errant wires and hooks catch other pieces of clothing, damaging them in the process. The hooks and wires also tend to damage the insides of the washing machine.

The best way of going about it is to keep the delicates out of the washing machine—you should wash them by hand instead. If you don’t have time to clean the pieces by hand and you have to use the washing machine, put them in a mesh bag to avoid the damage.

You use a lot of detergent

You might have the impression that using a lot of detergent will lead to clean clothes, but this isn’t the case. In fact, it has been shown to have opposite effects. Too much detergent leaves a film on the clothes, increases the lint levels, and causes damage to the washing machine.

Sometimes you might use too much detergent by accident. This often happens when the caps of the detergent bottles make it hard for you to see the amount of detergent that you should use.

For you to avoid using too much detergent, you should be cautious of how you measure it. If it helps, you should make a line on the measuring cup so you don’t overdose on the detergent.

You don’t clean the washing machine

Did you know that you need to clean the washing machine even though its designed to clean your clothes? Your machines requires an occasional deep clean and scrub. Appliance repair Alexandria professionals report that regular cleaning of the machine prevents it from running efficiently which ensures that it lasts for a long time.

Regular cleaning also prevents weird smells from coming about and affecting your clothes. When you regularly remove soap residues and mineral buildup, you keep your appliance and clothes in better shape.

Washer Repair: Common Washer Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Washer repair professionals report that most of the washer problems are due to the many mistakes that people make when they are using their washing machines. Here are some of the most common washer mistakes and what you should do go about them:

Maintenance mistakes

How you take care of the washer has a great impact on how it operates and how long it lasts. One of the mistakes that people make is failing to replace or check the water hoses. Water hoses are one of the most integral parts of the washer; therefore, when you aren’t inspecting them, you are making a serious mistake.

When you don’t inspect the hoses you can’t tell when they develop issues which often gets you by surprise.

For peace of mind you need to undertake regular water hose inspection. When you notice a crack or any other problem, you should replace the hose immediately. Some people tend to ignore the problem which leads to flooding of the house. As you might have guessed, this leads to house damage.

Another mistake that people make is failing to level their washing machines. When you work with an unleveled washing machine, the unit keeps on making annoying noises. The unleveled appliance also tends to scratch the floor causing damage to the floor and the machine.

For you to save money and have peace of mind, you should ensure that your washing machine is leveled all the time. One of the quickest ways of going about it is purchasing a leveler kit for your machine.

Washing machine cleaning mistakes

Washing machines are designed to clean, but you also need to clean them regularly. Some people make the mistake of never cleaning them. This is not only unhygienic, but also dangerous to the machine.

Others will clean the appliances, but they will forget some of the crucial areas. For example, some will forget to clean out the lint trap or filter. The lint trap is meant to protect the washer; therefore, it’s common for debris, dirt, and other materials to stick to the unit.

If you don’t clean it early enough, it’s bound to clog leading to the tub draining improperly. The drain can also leave fuzzy remnants on your clothes before they even get to the dryer.

When you are cleaning the washing machine, ensure that you pay close attention to the lint trap and ensure that you have cleaned it thoroughly.

Another cleaning mistake that people make is failing to run a cleaning cycle. When you fail to do so, soap residues and other particles are bound to buildup in the washing machine, shortening its life.

Other homeowners will clean their appliances, but they will fail cleaning them as deeply as they are supposed to. As you might have guessed, this doesn’t give the washers the clean look that they deserve hence they keep on developing problems.

For you to clean the washers as deep as possible, you need to run the longest wash and spin cycle. You should then refill the tub again with hot water while adding one quart of white distilled vinegar. Once you are done, repeat the longest cycle.

You don’t have to hire a professional to help you with the cleaning but if you don’t have the time or you feel that you are unable to properly clean the washing machine, you should go ahead and hire an experienced expert to help you out.

Usage mistakes

Commercial appliance repair Fairfaxprofessionals report that most of the washing machine problems are as a result of poor usage. The most common mistake is overloading the machine.

When you overload the washing machine, it tends to work harder in order to spin all the clothes. This puts more tension on the parts. This not only leads to damage to the appliance, it also tends to greatly reduce the lifespan of the appliance.

Others use a lot of detergent with the aim of giving their clothes an extra clean look. There is nothing that is as misleading as this. When you use a lot of detergent you don’t give your clothes a clean look. The extra detergent tends to build up in the unit leading to clogging.

Washer Repair: 5 Tips On How To Properly Maintain Your Washing Machine

washer repair

A washing machine doesn’t come cheap; therefore, if you own one, you should take good care of it for it to not only last for a long time, but also give you a great service. To help you out, here are tips given by washer repair contractors on how to go about it:

Undertake regular inspections

This is crucial as it helps you identify even the most minor issues and fix them before they get worse. One of the areas you should pay attention to is the water hoses. Inspect the hoses for signs of wear and tear. For ideal results, inspect the hoses a few times a year.

During the inspection, pay attention to cracks or blistering. If the hose has defects, fix it as soon as possible. The cool thing is that you don’t need to hire an expert to do the inspection for you. You can do it by yourself.

You shouldn’t ignore the damaged pipes as they can easily burst or leak. This puts your home at the risk of flood damage.

For you to avoid the stress that comes from worrying about whether the pipes have broken, consider replacing them once every five years. As a rule of thumb, install high-quality pieces that will give you a long service.

Use the right detergent

Did you know that you can’t use just any detergent you come across? This is because some of the detergents are harmful to the machine. For example, you should avoid using the regular detergent on high-efficiency machines.

If you have the high-efficiency machine, you should use specially formulated detergents. The detergents are not only healthy for the machines, they also prevent the buildup of materials that can clog the machine.

In addition to watching out on the type of detergent that you are using, you also should consider the quantity of detergent. While you might be using the right detergent, you might run into problems if you use too much of it. Be cautious and pour a detergent that is just enough.

Avoid overloading the machine

The amount of laundry you put into the machine not only affects how clean the clothes are, it also determines how long the machine lasts. Overloading the washing machine throws it off balance which leads to plenty of problems.

Different machines have different load limits; therefore, you should take your time and understand the appropriate load size you should go with.

The cool thing is that most of the machines come with a user’s manual from where you can get all the information you need.

Keep the machine level

The insides of the washing machine are always moving; therefore, it’s common for the machine to move a little especially when it’s not balanced. To prevent it from moving, keep it as close to the floor as possible.

Since the legs are adjustable with a locknut, you should position them to your desired height and tighten them.

Does your machine have self-adjusting rear legs? Ask someone to help you in adjusting them. All you need to do is to tilt the machine forward so that the rear legs are 3-4 inches from the floor. You should then set the machine back down and the legs will automatically set themselves.

While it’s common for the washing machine to move a little when working, it shouldn’t vibrate; therefore, when you notice it vibrating, it’s a telltale sign that it’s time to adjust the legs.

Clean the machine regularly

Just like any appliance you might be having, you need to regularly clean your washing machine. You should clean the insides of the machine to get rid of any detergent residues that might have built up inside the washing tubs.

To maintain the unit in the best working condition, clean it once a month with a high-quality cleaner that will not only get rid of the clogging material, but also get rid of annoying odors.

When it comes to the outside of the unit, appliance repair Northern VA professionals recommend that you simply polish it. To polish the machine, you should use stain remover or fabric softener that will help you in getting rid of any sticky mess that might be there.