Tag Archives: washing machine technician

When Should You Replace A Washing Machine? Appliance Repair Professionals Answer

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Like other appliances, it comes a time when you have to get a new washing machine. When should you replace a washing machine? You will hear many people asking. Sadly, signs that your appliance is on its way out aren’t too obvious, so you have to be keen to pick them out.

To help you out, here are signs given by appliance repair professionals that your appliance is giving up on you:

The machine is leaking excessively.

Do you have water on your floor every time you do laundry? Your washing machine has a problem. Some problems are easy to fix, but in other cases, they are a sign of a much larger problem and it’s time to get a new appliance.

Your appliance will leak due to plenty of reasons. One of the most common ones is due to a broken hose. Most washing machines have two hoses: one for hot water and the other for cold.

These hoses connect the washer to the water source, which is typically in the wall. Like other hoses, since they are pressurized, they are prone to cracking and rupturing.

If having a leaking problem, inspect the hoses. If they have cracked, you have nothing to worry about as they are easy to replace. To avoid future leakages, replace both hoses. Not one.

The leakage might also be due to a damaged seal. Seals don’t come cheap, so before replacing them, determine whether you should get new seals or invest in a new appliance.

If your washing machine is more than 10 years old, you are better off getting a new unit.

You also should get a new appliance if the washer tub is cracked. This is because fixing a cracked tub is a major repair and not worth fixing if you have an old appliance.

The appliance is making a lot of noise.

It’s common for the washing machine to make some noise when working, but if yours is noisier than anticipated, you have a problem in your hands that you need to address as soon as possible.

Your appliance will sometimes sound as if it’s about to take a flight. You shouldn’t worry too much about this problem as it’s often a sign your machine is unbalanced. To fix the noise, position the washer so that all the feet are level.

You can do this by building or buying a platform for the washing machine to sit on. You can also check whether your washing machine has adjustable levels on its feet. Most of the modern appliances have them, and are easy to use.

If you try leveling the washing machine, but the noise won’t stop, you must be having a problem with your motor mount or drum. Contact a service technician to determine whether you can fix it and the amount of money it will cost you.

Again, if your appliance is old and the repair professional is charging a premium fee, there is no point in trying to fix it. Get a new unit.

Water doesn’t fill the drum.

If the drum in your washer isn’t filling up, you must be having delayed cycle selection, a problem with hot and cold water faucets, and hose kinks.

If you inspect all of these areas and they aren’t the source of the problem, your appliance might be having a complication such as with the water intake valve or filter, and this one needs an expert washing machine technician to look into it.

Issues with the switch and belts can also bring about this problem. Belts are easy to fix, but if the issue is due to a malfunctioning lid, you have to set out a significant amount to cater for the repairs.

Depending on the age of the washing machine and the amount charged by the repair professional, you should determine whether you should repair the appliance or get a new appliance.

Final thoughts

Regardless of whether you decide to get a new washing machine or stretch more life from the old one, remember, a washing machine has a lifespan of about 10 years. If your unit requires complex repairs, you are better off replacing it, but if the repairs are minor, let a washer repair Springfield professional look into it.