Tag Archives: cleaning the washing machine

Washer Repair: Tips On How To Properly Clean Your Washing Machine

It’s a fact that the washing machine saves you time and effort. For you to keep it functioning optimally for long you need to take good care of it. Washer repair experts recommend that you clean it regularly to not only leave it looking great, but also to keep off awful smell and bacteria. For you to properly clean the unit you need to:

Wash the washing machine filter

It’s in the filter where gunk is collected after every cycle. Small items such as coins and buttons end up in the filter. With time, if you don’t clean it, dirt might buildup worsening the performance of the machine.

To clean the filter you need to begin with locating it. For the front load washing machines, the filter is located at the bottom, usually in the right corner. Remove it taking care that you don’t break it.

After removing it, use a paper towel to remove any lint that might have built up. Remove as much lint as you can using a paper towel. If the paper towel isn’t doing a good job, scrub off what is remaining using a toothbrush or sponge.

Pay attention to the screen that gathers all the gunk. Remove it and soak it in hot water to get out any dirt that might have stuck to it.

Once the filter is clean, take a look inside the unit before you put it back. Using a paper towel, trace the sides of the opening. You can also use an old toothbrush to get rid of all the dirt that might be on the inside.

To have an easy time, clean the air filter once every 3-4 months.

Get rid of the smell from the washing machine

If you have had your washing machine for a long time you must have been in a situation where you open the washing machine door and a pungent smell hits your nose. You don’t need to throw away your washing when it’s making the awful smells.

The first place you should look is the drawer. Take out the drawer then scrub it properly. You can use your hand or sponge. Once you are done with the cleaning, let it dry and put it back. For you to kill all the mold, use a mixture of baking soda and water.

You can also use a mixture of soda and vinegar. The mixture causes a reaction that eats away the mold or lint. Once the cleaning cycle has ended, you are left with a clean and fresh smelling machine. If you run a cycle with the mixture and still the machine doesn’t have a fresh smell, repeat the cycle.

It’s common for dirt and grime to hide in the crevasses of the seal. Mould also tends to grow there as the area holds moisture for a long time. To clean the seal, use a damp piece of cloth then run your fingers along the rubber to clean it. If you can remove the seal, do so and wash it under the water.

Pay attention to the outside of the washing machine

Cleaning the insides of the machine isn’t enough—you also need to clean the outside. It’s common for the washing machine to get dusty and start looking old and yellowish. To maintain the shine, use a dry clean cloth or rug.

Go over the entire exterior rubbing all the necessary areas. Get rid of the fingerprints and dried up marks that might be there.

Once you are done with the exterior, pay close attention to the windows. Start with going over the window with a dry rack to get rid of the excessive dust. You should then use your favorite mirror or glass detergent and spray it onto the glass. Once you are done, wipe the surface with a dry piece of cloth or paper towel. For ideal results, wipe in circular motions.

Cleaning products matter

For your washing machine to continue functioning optimally you need to keep it clean. Appliance repair Springfield professionals report that you should be cautious of the cleaning products you use. For ideal results, use high-quality detergents. If possible, go for eco-friendly detergents. While they will be a little bit expensive, they will give you perfect results.