Tag Archives: washing machine noises

How to Ruin a Washing Machine

Wondering how to ruin a washing machine? There are plenty of ways to do it. Here are some of these ways:

Overloading the machine

You might have the impression that loading the machine’s drum to full capacity will save you time and money, but this isn’t the case. According to washer repair professionals, overloading the machine leads to some clothes coming out unwashed. Sometimes, you even put the machine at the risk of getting damaged.

Washing machines are designed to carry a specific weight of clothes. In fact, most of the modern appliances won’t start if you load more clothes than they are designed to carry.

If you have an older appliance, the appliance might still run while full. Unfortunately, the clothes don’t clean well as there is less room for water and detergent to spread throughout the load.

So there is the risk of overloading the washing machine leading to damage to the drum hence shortening the appliance’s life.

To avoid ruining your appliance and clean your clothes properly, load the washing machine properly. Before you start a cycle, ensure there is a space between the top of the drum and the top of the load in the drum. There should be a space equal to the width of your palm.

If you are strapped for time and want to clean as many clothes as possible within a short time, instead of cramming everything in one load, use the quick-wash setting and have two decent-sized loads.

Although, the clothes won’t be as clean as they should, you will have saved time, and you won’t have overloaded the machine.

Failing to service the machine

Like any other appliance, you need to maintain the washing machine to keep it in top working condition. At least once a year, hire an appliance technician to inspect the appliance and clean it to get rid of mold and awful smells.

If you go for a couple of months or years without giving the machine some attention, you will ruin it.

To avoid this, make it a habit to run a service wash every month that will keep the machine clean and get rid of odors.

The cool thing is servicing the machine isn’t complicated. All you need to do is to set the machine at 90°C then run the appliance using detergent or without. If not sure how to do it, check the machine’s manual.

Failing to level the machine

Washing machines run at super fast speeds. For them to do this safely, they need to be level on the floor. Unfortunately, if an inexperienced technician installed the machine, it won’t be level.

The machine might also not be level if you have gone for a long time without servicing it.

If your washing machine is making weird noises when running, chances are it’s not level. To level it, loosen the locking nut, then use a spanner to lower or raise it until its level. Check whether the machine is level with a spirit level and tighten the nuts.

Using too much detergent

Using a lot of detergents gives you immaculate clothes, right? Wrong! Besides the large amounts of detergents being harmful to your clothes and your hands, they can clog the washing machine, shortening its lifespan.

The cool thing it’s easy to avoid ruining the washing machine with too much detergent. Before running a cycle, check the owner’s manual and confirm the amount you need. Don’t guess the amount. Always measure the amount to avoid problems.

While you might save money by making your own soap, avoid using homemade soap as it rarely cleans as effectively. Washing machines are designed to use detergents, not soap, so you will ruin your machine by using soap.

Washing coins, belts, and other harmful items

Belts and coins can break the washing machine drum, leaving you with an expensive repair. To keep appliance repair Alexandria at bay, always double-check the clothes and ensure there are no belts. Also, check the pockets and ensure there are no coins.

Do you have clothes with large metal buttons? Don’t clean them bare—instead, place them in a laundry bag.

If you suspect the buttons on your clothes might break the glass, run the machine at a slower speed.