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Parts that Commonly Break in Different Appliances

Are you wondering which are the common parts that break down in your appliance? Here they are as given by appliance repair professionals:


The ice maker draws water into uniform ice molds. Once the cubes have formed, the molds are heated or twisted to release the ice, and a sweep arm ejects them into a container to be distributed as needed.

In the refrigerator, this is the most common part that breaks down. 

Problems with the water supply are the most common reasons ice makers stop working. Ice makers require a constant supply of water to function effectively. 

The ice maker may stop working if there is a problem with the water supply, such as a plugged or frozen water line. Examine the water line to ensure it is correctly connected and not kinked or blocked.

The water inlet valve controls the water flow into the ice maker. Water may not reach the ice maker if the valve is faulty or obstructed. This can result in no or insufficient ice production.

Ice can collect and jam the ice maker mechanism over time, preventing it from working correctly. This can happen in the ice mold, the ice chute, or the water line, causing the ice-making process to slow.

Regardless of why your ice maker isn’t working, you should try out troubleshooting methods specific to your model, listed in the user handbook.

If the problem persists, it is recommended that you contact a professional technician or the manufacturer’s customer care for assistance.


In most cases, you won’t notice most dishwasher problems immediately. Your dishwasher will gradually stop washing well until you’re fed up and wondering what’s happening.

The most common problem with dishwashers are clogged filters and spray arms. Over time, dishwasher filters and spray arms get clogged with food particles, debris, or hard water deposits. 

When these components get clogged, water flow is impeded, resulting in poor cleaning performance or a dishwasher that won’t finish a cycle.

In other cases, the problem is brought about by overloading the unit. Overloading or poorly loading the dishwasher can obstruct the spray arms, prevent adequate water circulation, or interfere with the operation of other components.

To avoid damaging your dishwasher, follow the manufacturer’s instructions when loading your dishwasher.

In rare cases, your impeller will break. The impeller is the pump that creates the water pressure required to spin the spray arms. 

If a seed, pit, or piece of glass gets inside the pump, it might cause harm. You should address this problem as soon as possible.

This can cause water to flow into the motor and onto your floor. How will you know if your impeller needs to be replaced? There will be a loud rumbling noise.

As mentioned, you should move with haste and fix it before things turn for the worse.


The most common parts that break in a washing machine are: 

The door or lid switch: Prevents the drum from spinning until the door or lid is shut.

The drain pump: It is responsible for removing water from the drum.

Tub bearings Keep the tub in place and allow it to spin smoothly.

When your washing machine has problems, it will make squealing and knocking sounds. 

A worn or loose belt often causes a squealing noise. The belt that drives the drum might have become worn or slack over time, causing it to slip or squeak. This problem means it’s time to get a replacement for the belt.

You will hear the sound if the motor is malfunctioning. You should contact a professional technician to inspect and repair the motor in such instances.

Knocking sounds often come about due to loose or damaged parts. Check for any things that might have fallen into the drum or trapped between the drum and the tub, such as buttons or coins. 

Unsecured drum paddles or tub mounts might cause knocking sounds during the wash cycle. Find out where the noises are coming from.


The common parts that break in the dryer are: 

Thermal fuse: Prevents overheating of the appliance.

A wire coil in an electric dryer or a burner in a gas dryer serves as the heating element.

A continuous piece of felt wrapped around the rim of the drum allows it to spin while controlling airflow.

The beauty of most dryers is that they are often well made, and as a result, there are relatively few dryer problems that cannot be fixed—it is uncommon to have to replace the entire unit due to this problem.

How to ensure your appliances last for a long time

You must do several things to prevent your appliances from breaking down often and ensure they last for a long time. These things include: 

Ensure that your appliance is properly installed. This calls for you to follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Remember that improper installation can cause problems with performance or even damage the unit. After buying the unit, take time to find an experienced professional to help with the installation. Don’t hire just anyone. 

Because appliances are susceptible to power fluctuations, it is critical to ensure that you have a stable power source. Use surge protectors or voltage stabilizers to safeguard your appliances from voltage spikes and electrical surges.

Keep your outside and inside appliances clean by regularly wiping off surfaces and following the cleaning recommendations. Remove any accumulated dust, grime, or debris to ensure proper functioning.

It’s wise to have a maintenance routine for each of your appliances. Regularly inspect and clean filters, vents, coils, and other components during maintenance, as directed in the user handbook.

Also, arrange for professional servicing or tune-ups to keep the appliances in good working order.

As a rule of thumb, ensure that the servicing is done by an expert commercial appliance repair Springfield who knows what they are doing. 

Regardless of how versatile an appliance can be, use every appliance for its intended purpose and only utilize it for tasks it was not built for. For example, don’t use a dryer as a heater.

How to Get Better Cooling from Your Refrigerator

The purpose of the fridge is to keep the food cool so that they last for a long time. Unfortunately, you can’t keep the food cool if the refrigerator isn’t cool. The good thing is that you can do several things to keep the appliance functioning at its best. Some of these things, as given by appliance repair professionals, include: 

Ensure the rubber seals are in top working condition

Although this vital plastic lining is essential for ensuring your appliance performs smoothly and efficiently, it is occasionally disregarded.

This seal, also known as a gasket, keeps undesired heated air out of your refrigerator. As the doors are repeatedly opened and closed, it is normal for gaskets to wear and lose some of their suction. While your refrigerator can run smoothly for years, your gasket will likely degrade or tear after only a few years.

As this critical sealer wears out, your unit must work harder to keep your food refrigerated, resulting in increased energy bills and a shorter lifespan.

You should regularly check the seals and ensure they are always in good working condition. To do this, insert a dollar note between the fridge door and the door seal. You should do this at several spots around the door edge.

If the dollar bill rolls easily, it’s time to change your seals. Of course, you should install high-quality seals that will keep as much air in and last for a long time. 

Keep the fridge door closed.

This is the most obvious—and cheapest—way to lower your energy consumption, regardless of your refrigerator type. Standing in front of an open fridge may increase your energy bill significantly.

As cold air escapes from your appliance, more energy is required to return it to its original temperature. Decide what you want from the fridge before opening your refrigerator or freezer doors. 

Making decisions before opening your fridge allows you to limit the number of times you open it daily, which saves a significant amount of electricity and keep the refrigerator cool. 

To decrease energy usage and maintain optimal temperature levels within the fridge, keep the fridge door open for the shortest time feasible. The longer the fridge door is left open, the warmer air enters the refrigerator, raising the temperature and potentially spoiling perishable products.

As mentioned, you should only open the fridge door when necessary and grab products as quickly as possible. This calls for you to have a clear idea of what you need before opening the door and organizing your fridge’s contents in a way that allows simple access. 

When collecting or placing goods inside the fridge, keeping the door open for 30 seconds to a minute is best. Remember that optimal refrigerator use can contribute to energy savings while preserving the quality and safety of your stored food.

Make use of indoor water and ice.

Rather than opening the freezer door to obtain some fresh ice cubes or a bottle of water, utilize the in-door feature to limit the number of times the doors are opened. This easy procedure can quickly enhance the efficiency of your appliance, saving you money and prolonging the unit’s lifespan.

If your refrigerator lacks an ice dispenser, consider purchasing a countertop portable ice maker. This useful device allows you to obtain ice without opening your freezer door.

Always cool off your leftovers.

Even minor details can save you significant money on your next energy bill. Allowing leftovers to cool after a meal helps to reduce the amount of heat added to the interior of your appliance. 

You should also store your food correctly in a protective wrapping or Tupperware before placing it in the refrigerator to prevent residual heat from escaping into your unit. While this is a good move, remember to be careful not to leave your food to chill for too long, or it will spoil.

Set the temperatures at optimum levels.

You should set the refrigerator to 37 degrees Fahrenheit and the freezer to 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything cooler causes your fridge to work harder, consuming more energy. 

Many refrigerators do not allow you to control the temperatures precisely—and even with digital screens, temperature settings are not always accurate. 

For peace of mind that you have set the right temperature, purchase a fridge thermometer to help you determine the true temperature of your refrigerator.

Keep your fridge full.

Some people think a full fridge is warmer, but this isn’t true. A full refrigerator requires less air to keep cool and hence does not have to work as hard as an empty one.  

When your fridge is full, the items help keep each other cool when adequately loaded. 

For the best outcome, keep your fridge at least two-thirds full. 

If your refrigerator is too large, place water jugs in each compartment. 

While you should keep your fridge full, take care to fill it sparingly. Remember that good airflow is essential for effective refrigerator performance. Also, keep an eye out for air vents and make sure nothing is blocking them.

Organize your fridge

Refrigerator repair Alexandria professionals recommend using your inner neat freak and arranging your refrigerator’s and freezer’s interior. When your things are easy to find inside your refrigerator, you may spend less time with the door open looking for them, minimizing the energy you use.

You should also consider limiting the number of goods on your refrigerator’s top shelf, particularly large bread products, food boxes, or serving dishes.

This prime area in your refrigerator should be reserved for your most frequently used items. The easier it is to grab them, the faster the door closes.

Furthermore, heavier objects on top of your appliance may trap heat inside your unit, forcing your compressor to work harder to overcome and ultimately costing you more money in the long run.

A good rule of thumb is to always place what you regularly use closest to the door. This way, you can be sure you will easily reach it when needed.


Signs It’s Time to Clean Your Dishwasher

Sometimes some homeowners go for a long time without cleaning their dishwashers, which is wrong because it not only makes the appliance work too hard than it should but also brings many other problems. 

How do you tell that you have ignored your appliance for too long and it’s time to show it some love? Here are things you should look out for as given by dishwasher repair professionals. 

Your dishes come out dirty and cloudy.

It’s annoying to wait for a washing cycle to finish and then find that your dishes are still dirty or have a white, cloudy film. 

Dirty and cloudy dishes can be a sign that you need to clean your dishwasher more or use dishwasher soap made for hard water.

Residue on dishes or other items can also be a sign that your dishwasher needs some attention. In some cases, it can also be a sign of other problems. To be safe, check on your dishwasher and clean it at least once a month.

In addition to checking the filter and racks once a week for buildup, you should take the racks and filter or screen out and clean them with warm water and dish soap.

You also should look for a film or rough coating on the inside of the dishwasher. Here check to see if the holes in the spray arms are clogged, and give the arms a push by hand when the machine is off to see if they spin easily.

The dishes come out with a weird smell.

If you don’t keep an eye on your dishwasher filter and clean it regularly, it’s easy for it to get full of food bits. These food pieces give off an awful smell that makes your house uncomfortable to live in. The food pieces can also cause bigger, more expensive problems. 

To prevent these problems, check and clean the filter after every use and sanitize your dishwasher at least once a week.

You also should consider filling a bowl with white vinegar, putting it on the top or bottom rack, and running a normal clean cycle with hot water. 

When done, use a simple mixture of water, dish soap, and white vinegar to clean the door locks and the inside of the dishwasher. 

The dishwasher doesn’t drain as well as it should

If you’ve ever seen a pool of water at the bottom of your dishwasher or water spilling into your sink, this may not only be a sign of a clog that needs clearing but also that your dishwasher might need to be replaced altogether.

Bring in the experts if you’ve cleaned out the filter basket, and there is still standing water, or your dishwasher continues to be slow-draining.

A step-by-step guide to cleaning your dishwasher

To prevent the issues that come with poor care, you should regularly clean your dishwasher. To help you out, here are the steps you should follow:

Remove all the dishes and pans.

Empty out your dishwasher of lingering plates, pans, cups, or utensils. You want to avoid getting in the way of deep cleaning, especially if you haven’t cleaned your dishwasher in a while.

Remove and soak the removable parts.

If you’re overwhelmed by cleaning your dishwasher, remove the removable parts first. Cleaning the utensil holders and dishwasher racks is a great place to start. 

Give them a good rinse with a paper towel or damp cloth first. If these parts look extra dirty, you can soak them in your sink with warm water and 2 cups of white vinegar while you take care of the rest.

Get rid of food debris.

You should put on those cleaning gloves if you haven’t already. Get a paper towel and start picking up any food still stuck. You should remove all the debris before you take the next action. 

Run a hot cycle

Again, distilled white vinegar comes to the rescue. Pour 1 cup of pure white vinegar into a bowl that can go in the dishwasher. Put it on the top rack of your empty dishwasher with the right side up. Run your dishwasher on the hottest setting and leave the door open when it’s done.

Clean the drains

Most of the time, the drain will be on the bottom of your dishwasher. It can also cause clogs, water back-ups, and food bits to stick around. 

To clean it, mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of warm pure white vinegar and pour the mixture down the drain. After about 15 minutes, slowly pour hot water over the mixture to clear it.

Clean the filter

Every dishwasher is different. Some modern appliances have screens that clean themselves. Check your manual to see if yours has a filter that cleans itself. If not, your dishwasher’s manual will tell you how to remove the filter for cleaning.

Once the filer is off, clean it out with a wet paper towel or microfiber. You should then clean it with warm water, soap, and a toothbrush. The purpose of doing this is to ensure that you scrub and get even into the small areas.

Pay attention to the inside door.

Clean that toothbrush, swirl it around in hot water, and then use it to wipe and scrub around the inside of the door.

Allow your dishwasher to air dry.

If your dishwasher still feels wet after the run, let it dry completely before closing it. Put back the parts that you had taken off. 

For a fresh-smelling dishwasher, repeat this process at least once a month or as needed.

Parting shot

These problems come from failing to clean your dishwasher as often as possible. To prevent the issues, make it a habit to clean your unit at least once a month. 

In most cases, you must clean the appliance by yourself, but if you encounter a problem, let a professional appliance repair Springfield look at it. 

When hiring a repair professional, ensure they are experienced and know what they are doing. 

Tricks to Make Your Appliances Last For a Long Time

Home appliances help wash clothes, cook meals, heat and cool homes, and make coffee.

As much as you depend on your appliances to help with daily tasks around the house, you need to give them a little TLC every now and then to ensure they keep functioning optimally.

How do you do this?

Here are tricks given by appliance repair professionals:

Don’t overload your washing machine

With just a few simple maintenance tips, your washing machine will keep your clothes clean for years. First, don’t load it up too much because that will make the motor work harder.

At the same time, please don’t use the washer with only a few items in it. This is because this can throw the machine off balance and put stress on its drive, increasing the chances of it getting damaged.

You should load your appliance with just the right amount of clothes.

While at it, ensure you use the right type and amount of detergent. Don’t use too much detergent because too many suds can make the washer work too hard, which increases its chances of getting damaged.

Keep the refrigerator coils clean.

Even though keeping a refrigerator neat is important to make sure it cools its contents evenly, if you want to make it last longer, all you have to do is clean its condenser coils.

The refrigerant is cooled and condensed by coils found under the fridge behind a plastic grate or on the back of the refrigerator.

When these coils are full of dust, hair, and other junk, they also can’t release heat. This makes the condenser work harder to cool the inside of the fridge.

To avoid this, clean the coils in your fridge at least once a year. The best way to do this is by using a soft brush attachment on your vacuum.

Clean the dishwasher filter.

Did you know your dishwasher has a filter at the bottom that should be cleaned about once every six months?

Yes, it has, and you need to clean it. If you don’t want your dishwasher to smell bad. Failing to clean the filter also means that your glasses will be cloudy, and you don’t want this, do you?

To access the filter, you need to slide the bottom rack out and then turn it counterclockwise to take it out. Wash it in the sink and put it back together.

To reduce the gunk that gets to the filter, make it a habit to rinse the dishes before putting them in and only run the dishwasher when it’s full.

Delint your dryer

Even if cleaning a dryer vent of a year’s worth of lint isn’t your idea of a fun afternoon, you shouldn’t skip this once-a-year job.

If your dryer’s exhaust vent is clogged, the dryer has to work harder to dry your clothes. This puts stress on the motor and shortens the dryer’s life. Also, a buildup of dryer lint makes a fire more likely to start.

To keep the dryer in top shape, move the dryer away from the wall and remove the vent. Remove any lint that might have built up in the dryer vent and hose, and then put it back together.

Remove spills from your oven.

The range/oven is the workhorse of your kitchen. It gets a lot of use and gets beat up by spills, heavy cookware, and high heat. The best thing you can do for your kitchen’s heart is to keep it clean.

Whenever spills happen, clean them right away because they may be hard to get off the cooktop once they have burned. If your oven can clean itself, use it every few months to keep burned food from sticking to the walls.

Dedust the dehumidifier

Like other appliances that heat or cool air, ensuring good airflow around your dehumidifier means not blocking its intake or outlet.

If you use the filter often, you should change or clean it every few months.

Since dust, hair, and other things can get stuck in the coils, you should clean them once a year to ensure the dehumidifier works right.

You can do the cleaning yourself or let an experienced commercial appliance repair Alexandria professional do it.

Items That Should Never See The Insides Of Your Washing Machine

As much as a washing machine is a vital appliance in your home as it makes cleaning easy, you shouldn’t wash everything using it. This is because some items can cause damage to them, and you are forced to hire an appliance repair professional.

Which are these items? Here they are:

Memory foam pillows

You can wash most synthetic, cotton, and even down pillows in the washer, but you can’t do this to memory foam pillows usually can’t. This is because foam is too fragile, and the process can easily tear it. Even if you choose not to spin, the clothes will still be heavy and wet, so don’t do it.

Most of the time, you can wash the covers in the washing machine. But use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum to clean the foam pillow. If you need to clean specific spots, use a microfiber cloth, a mild dish detergent solution, and a damp cloth to clean.

Loose bras

Washing a bra can ruin its shape and hurt its underwire. On top of that, the metal clasps can easily catch on other things in the load and tear them while the cycle is running.

Use a laundry bag when you wash your bras in the washing machine. If you want to be safe and don’t want any damage, wash by hand.


Even if the tag on your swimsuit says it can be washed in a washing machine, you should wash it by hand if you want it to last.

You should note that when you put the swimwear material through a wash cycle, the material will stretch and sag, which means it will lose shape over time. You don’t want this, do you?

Whether your swimwear is made of nylon or spandex, the material can easily get caught on other things in the load, like zippers or clasps, and get damaged. To avoid damage and disappowashingr, wash it gently is better by hand.

Embellished items

If your clothing has sequins all over it, it’s likely to get ruined in the washing machine.

Even if you turn the item inside out, many threads can still be pulled or caught during the cycle.

If the decorations are stuck on, that won’t help either because the heat can melt the glue.

Don’t put your embellished clothing items in the washing machine to avoid all the problems that can come about.

For the same reason, you shouldn’t put anything with lace or embroidery. Lace is too fragile and can be torn easily by other things. To protect your clothing, follow the care label and take them to a dry cleaner if you need to.

Delicate sweaters

This is probably the mistake that people make the most. If the item is made of wool, cashmere, or velvet, check the care label to learn how to wash it.

The high temperatures in a washing machine can make the fabric shrink, and rubbing against other things can make it look old.

You can wash your sweater by hand with a mild detergent or take it to the dry cleaners if necessary.

Even if the care label says you can wash the sweater in a machine, use a laundry bag to protect it during the cycle and make it last longer.


It makes sense to follow ties with suits, which should also not be washed in a machine. Most are made of delicate fabrics that can easily get ruined in the wash.

Even if the suit is made of cotton or polyester, it will still have interfacing, giving it its shape. Water can break down interfacing and make it bend out of the body, so don’t wash your suits in the washing machine. Instead, take them to a dry cleaner.

Parting shot

These are some of the clothing items you shouldn’t wash in the washing machine. You protect your clothing and engine by passing the right things in your washing machine, so you don’t need a washer repair Springfield professional.

Tricks To Getting the Most From Your Dishwasher

The dishwasher is one of the hardest-working appliances in the kitchen. You need to do several things to get the most out of the appliance. These things, as given by dishwasher repair professionals, include: 

Use aluminum foil to make your silverware shine.

This may be the easiest tip for a dishwasher: Before running the dishwasher, crumple up a ball of aluminum foil and put it in the silverware caddy. 

This trick works because the baking soda-like parts of the dishwashing detergent react with the aluminum foil in a scientific way called oxidation. Together, the steps remove rust from your dishes, leaving you with sparkling kitchenware. 

The method is also a brilliant way to get more use out of a piece of foil that isn’t too dirty before you throw it away.

Regularly maintain your dishwasher.

Like a car, you must regularly maintain your dishwasher to keep it in top shape. And the good thing is that you don’t need to be fancy about it. 

 Turn on the hot water tap at the sink before you run the dishwasher. After each use, clean the filter. While at it, wipe down the seals with a damp towel. Don’t forget to clean the spray arm, and once a week, clean the dishwasher with vinegar.

It’s also wise to hire a dishwasher expert at least once a year to inspect the appliance and fix any issues it might be having. Please note that your appliance doesn’t have to be damaged to hire a contractor—hire them even if your unit is in perfect shape. 

Don’t do these things.

You can get the most out of your dishwasher by doing a few things to keep it in good shape and remembering a few things you shouldn’t do. 

If you hear your unit shaking, don’t turn it on. Some homeowners ignore the minor issues that develop with their appliances, which is wrong as the small problems worsen over time. 

When you experience even a small problem, such as the appliance shaking, turn off the appliance and ask an expert to look into it before you can start using it. 

Other things you shouldn’t do include: 

  • Don’t get in the way of the sprayer. 
  • Refrain from pre-washing your dishes. Scrape the extra food from the dishes, but don’t pre-wash them
  • Don’t put glasses on top of the tines. 
  • Don’t place plastic items on the bottom rack.

Clean your dishwasher often.

Since your dishwasher’s role is to clean the dishes, it doesn’t need cleaning. Well, wrong. Like any other appliance in your kitchen, your dishwasher needs cleaning to keep it looking great and have a long life. 

A telltale sign that it’s time to clean your dishwasher is if your dishes are dirty, cloudy, smells funny, or don’t drain properly. 

For peace of mind, clean your dishwasher once a month, check and clean the filter after each use, and sanitize it at least once a week.

Use dishwasher soap the right way.

The soap you use on your appliance makes a huge difference in your experience with your dishwasher. 

For a great experience, ensure you use the right detergent. 

Newer machines work best with liquid detergent because their water doesn’t get as hot and doesn’t dissolve powder or pods as well as it does in older machines.

 And don’t use too much detergent because that can cause too much sudsing, damage your unit, or make your dishes less clean.

Check your spray arms regularly.

If your dishes don’t get clean after every cycle, it could be a problem with your spray arms. Look to see if they are working and if they need to be cleaned.

Load the dishwasher properly.

Many people have different opinions on how to load their dishwashers. And this is a common bond of contention among people living in the same house.  

Regardless of how you load your appliance, here’s what appliance repair Northern VA experts say: Face knives down and forks and spoons up. You should also try not to put the same items next to each other and try not to overcrowd. 

How to Know a Good Refrigerator

If your fridge is old and you are tired of hiring a refrigerator repair professional, the best way to fix the problem is to get a new appliance. Of course, when buying a refrigerator, you must get a good one.

How do you know that you are buying a good refrigerator? There are several things you can look out for. These things include:

Size of the fridge

You want a fridge that will adequately fit your kitchen. Before you head to the stores or place your order, measure the space you want to place the unit. Pay attention to the area’s depth, width, and height when calculating.

You also should consider your storage needs. If you have a large family, you will need a large unit, but a small appliance will get the work done if you live alone.

If buying the appliance online, carefully compare the specifications given in the descriptions with your measurements and place the order only after you have ascertained that the new unit will fit your space.

The efficiency of the fridge

If you have had your old fridge for a long, you must have noticed that it consumed a lot of energy, right? You don’t want your new unit to do the same, do you?

To ensure this doesn’t happen, buy an energy-efficient appliance.

Besides ensuring that the unit is suitable for your needs and space, ensure that the appliance has a high-energy star rating. While at it, pay attention to the annual energy consumption and always go for a unit with low consumption, often quoted in kilowatt-hours (kWh).

Certain brands are known to be more energy efficient than others so take your time to buy one with a good reputation. The brand might be a little expensive, but it will save you a lot of money.

Reputable brand

As mentioned, you should always buy a fridge made by a reputable brand. This way, you not only have a highly efficient unit but a unit that will also last for a long time.

To tell whether a brand is worth it, check the customer ratings. After all, they are the ones that have already used the appliance, right?

It’s rare to even for the best brand to have a perfect 5-star rating, but you should pay attention to several positive and negative reviews. Of course, you should go for a brand with more positive ratings than negative ones.

When you come across a brand with perfect ratings, you should be wary of it, as chances are it’s cheating. This is because it’s rare for even the company to make the best appliance to please everyone. There is always someone that doesn’t like what they do.

Besides the brand having high-quality appliances, it also should provide warranty and service at a local service center. This way, you are sure you are covered in an accident and can quickly fix your unit in your local store.

The right type

There are many brands to buy from in the same way you can purchase many types of fridges. Of course, for the refrigerator you are looking to buy to be the right one, it has to be of the correct type.

The different types of fridges in the market are bottom freezer, top freezer, side-by-side, compact, French door, built, and so on.

We all have different tastes, and all you need to do is to choose the one that is best for you.


Besides the functional fridge, it also needs to be good-looking for it to be the right one to buy. The appliance should also have several attractive features, such as automatic defrosting.

You may need to visit different stores and compare various devices to buy the best appliance. If there is something that you are doubtful of, get the input of a commercial appliance repair Fairfax professional.

What Are The Three Most Important Rules When Using A Dishwasher?

You should follow plenty of rules to ensure that you properly clean your dishes using the dishwasher and keep the unit in top shape. While this is the case, you should follow a couple of more important rules.

If you are wondering which these rules are, here they are as given by appliance repair professionals:

Sort dishes properly

You need to sort the dishes properly to ensure that all of them are properly and there is enough room for the water to circulate.

If you are new to this, here is a guide you should follow:

Place large items on the bottom rack, such as pots, pans, and casserole dishes. When doing this, you allow the larger dishes to be closer to the water source and ensure that they get cleaned properly.

For medium-sized items, such as plates, bowls, and cups, place them on the middle rack. as you place them, take care not to stack them too closely together, as doing so will prevent the water from reaching all surfaces.

The small items, such as utensils, cutting boards, and small bowls, belong on the top rack. You can place these items in the utensil basket or on the top rack, depending on the size and shape of the dishwasher.

Avoid placing sharp or pointed items, such as knives, on the same rack as delicate items, such as wine glasses, as you will break them. The best way to do it is to place them separately to prevent damage.

Besides these tips, it’s also wise to consult the owner’s manual for specific instructions on loading your dishwasher. This is because some dishwashers have specific loading instructions or features that you should be aware of.

Don’t overcrowd the dishwasher.

Overcrowding the dishwasher prevents the dishes from getting clean and also damages the dishwasher itself. To be safe, leave enough space between the dishes to allow the water and detergent to reach all surfaces.

This calls for you to avoid stacking dishes too closely or placing them at odd angles.

You also should avoid filling the dishwasher to the point where it is overflowing or packed too tightly. This is because this can prevent the dishes from getting clean. It can also damage the dishwasher, and you are forced to repair it, which isn’t cheap.

As you arrange the dishes, always use the correct rack for each item: Be sure to place larger items on the bottom rack and smaller items on the top rack. The purpose of doing this is to ensure that all items are cleaned properly and that there is enough room for the water to circulate.

You also should be cautious of the detergent dispense and ensure you don’t block it. Leave the detergent dispenser clear to dispense the correct amount of detergent during the wash cycle.

Use the right detergent.

The detergent you use determines how well your dishes get and impacts the dishwasher’s durability. Of course, when you use the wrong detergent, you significantly increase the chances of damaging your unit.

To stay on the safe side, use a detergent specifically designed for use in your dishwasher.

You should avoid hand dishwashing detergents as they are not formulated for dishwashers and can create suds that can damage your appliance. Also, avoid detergents with bleach as the bleach can damage dishwasher parts and may be harmful to inhale.

Detergents with added enzymes are also a no go zone. While the enzymes can be effective at breaking down food particles, they can also be harsh on your dishwasher’s seals and gaskets, damaging the appliance.

While non-phosphate detergents are environmentally friendly, they may not be as effective at cleaning dishes as detergents that contain phosphate, so stay away from them.

As mentioned, find the detergents designed for your dishwasher and go for them. For a great experience, dishwasher repair Alexandria experts recommend using the correct amount of detergent as specified by the manufacturer.

Dishwasher Detergent Hacks: 5 Alternatives When You Don’t Have Dishwasher Detergent

For the best outcome, you should always use dishwasher detergent to clean your dishwasher correctly. But what if you can’t afford it or have the right detergent? Well, according to dishwasher repair professionals, there are several alternatives you can go with. These alternatives include:

Use a combination of baking soda and white vinegar

Here you must mix equal parts baking soda and white vinegar and use this mixture as a substitute for dishwasher detergent. The baking soda will clean and deodorize, while the vinegar removes stuck-on food and grease.

Remove any large pieces of food or debris to clean your dishwasher using this mixture. You should then sprinkle a cup of baking soda over the bottom of the dishwasher, followed by a cup of white vinegar, into a dishwasher-safe container and place it on the top rack of the unit.

You should close the dishwasher and run it on a hot water cycle.

Once the cycle is complete, wipe the inside of the dishwasher with a soft cloth to remove any residue.

Use liquid dish soap.

If you don’t have dishwasher detergent, you can use a small amount of liquid dish soap instead of the detergent. As much as the dish soap is great, take care not to use too much of it as you can cause suds to overflow from the dishwasher, and you don’t want this, do you?

To clean your dishwasher using liquid dish soap, remove any large debris or food particles from the dishwasher. You should then fill a bowl with a mixture of hot water and liquid dish soap, dip a clean cloth or sponge into the soapy water, and use it to scrub the dishwasher’s interior, including the door seal, racks, and spray arm.

You should rinse the cloth or sponge to remove any soapsuds or residue.

Once you are done, run an empty dishwasher cycle with hot water to rinse away any remaining soap and debris.

Use lemon juice

For years, lemon juice has been known as a natural cleaning agent that you can use to remove soap scum and mineral deposits from the inside of a dishwasher. The juice is also a natural deodorizer, so using it to clean the dishwasher can help to freshen up the appliance.

You should add a few tablespoons of lemon juice to the dishwasher detergent compartment or mix it with water and use it as a pre-rinse before loading the dishwasher.

Remember to always rinse the dishwasher thoroughly after using lemon juice. This is to avoid leaving behind any acidic residue that could damage the appliance or affect the taste of future loads of dishes.

Use borax

Like lemon juice, borax is a known natural cleaning agent to remove stuck-on food and grease from dishes. To clean your dishes, add 1/2 cup of borax to the dishwasher’s detergent compartment, then run the dishwasher as you normally would.

If there are hard-to-remove stains in the dishwasher, mix equal parts borax and water and use this mixture as a substitute for dishwasher detergent.

You can also mix the borax with water to create a paste and use it to scrub away tough stains on dishes before loading them into the dishwasher.

If you use borax paste, rinse the dishes thoroughly to remove any residue before placing them in the dishwasher.

Remember that borax can be harmful if ingested, so keep it out of reach of children and pets. Also, be cautious when handling borax, as it can irritate the skin and eyes.

Use laundry detergent

Use a small amount of liquid laundry detergent in place of dishwasher detergent to thoroughly clean the dishes. Always use a small amount of detergent, as using too much can cause suds to overflow from the dishwasher.

Parting shot

These are some alternatives you can go with if you don’t have dishwasher detergent. As mentioned, always use small amounts of the alternatives, and don’t make it normal behavior, as you can end up damaging your appliance.

Appliance repair Alexandria professionals also recommend thoroughly rinsing the dishwasher and remove any leftovers that can compromise the appliance and future loads.

Which Clothes Should you Not Wash In Washing Machine?

As much as you would want to make your work easy and throw all your clothes in the washing machine, it’s often impossible as some clothes might get damaged. In other cases, these clothes might damage the washing machine, forcing you to hire a washer repair professional to fix the machine.

Are you wondering which clothes you shouldn’t wash in the washing machine? Here they are:

Delicate fabrics

Delicate fabrics such as silk, lace, and wool are prone to damage when you wash them in the machine.

When you wash the fabric in the washing machine, the mechanical action of the machine can stretch, snag, or even tear the fabric, and you don’t want this, do you?

Delicate fabrics are also prone to shrinkage and color bleeding when you wash them in a washing machine using hot water, which can ruin the garment’s appearance.

The harsh detergents and chemicals used in the washing machine can also strip the fabric of its natural oils and cause it to become dry and brittle. Consequently, you have ugly clothes that you aren’t proud to wear.

To avoid damaging your delicate fabrics, instead of washing them using the washing machine, hand wash them. When you hand wash the outfits, you have control of the agitation and the temperature of the water, which protects the fabric from damage.

If you don’t want to hand wash the clothes, you can always dry clean them. Here you use a chemical solvent to clean the garment, rather than water and detergent that have been shown to damage the outfits.

Clothes with embellishments

You shouldn’t machine wash clothing pieces with embellishments such as beads, sequins, or buttons, as the mechanical action of the machine can cause the decorative elements to get loose or fall off.

The heat and water of the wash cycle can also cause the embellishment to become discolored or tarnished, which ruins the garment’s appearance.

Like the delicate fabrics, don’t use a washing machine to clean the clothes with embellishment. Instead, hand wash or dry-clean them to preserve the integrity of the decorations and maintain the overall appearance of the garment.

Leather and suede

As much as leather and suede appear tough, they aren’t. Both materials are delicate and can easily get damaged by machine washing. The harsh detergents and high water temperatures used in the machine-washing process can strip away the natural oils and finish of the leather or suede, causing it to become dry and brittle.

The agitator in the washing machine can also cause abrasions and scuffing on the surface of the leather or suede, giving the materials an ugly look.

The best way to clean leather and suede is by wiping them down with a damp cloth and a gentle cleaner designed to clean them. If the leather or suede is too dirty or needs a deeper cleaning, take it to a professional cleaner experienced in cleaning these materials.

Clothes with metal hardware

There are plenty of reasons you shouldn’t clean clothes with metal hardware using a washing machine. For one, the zippers, buttons, and snaps can damage the clothing during the washing process. This happens when the metal in the clothes rubs against the fabric, creating holes and tears.

The metal pieces can also get caught in the agitator or the pump, causing damage to the machine. In some cases, the metal can cause the machine to break down.

When exposed to water and detergents, some metal hardware can corrode or rust, discoloring the clothing and even leaving unsightly stains.

Finally, the noise comes about as the metal hardware bounces around inside the washing machine. The noise is not only disruptive but also annoying.

Hand wash the outfits to avoid the issues with machine washing the clothes with metal hardware. If you have to machine wash them, always place them in a mesh laundry bag before placing them in the washing machine.

According to appliance repair Fairfax professionals, when you do this, you protect the clothing and machine and prevent the metal hardware from corroding or rusting.