Tag Archives: fridge repair services

How to Know a Good Refrigerator

If your fridge is old and you are tired of hiring a refrigerator repair professional, the best way to fix the problem is to get a new appliance. Of course, when buying a refrigerator, you must get a good one.

How do you know that you are buying a good refrigerator? There are several things you can look out for. These things include:

Size of the fridge

You want a fridge that will adequately fit your kitchen. Before you head to the stores or place your order, measure the space you want to place the unit. Pay attention to the area’s depth, width, and height when calculating.

You also should consider your storage needs. If you have a large family, you will need a large unit, but a small appliance will get the work done if you live alone.

If buying the appliance online, carefully compare the specifications given in the descriptions with your measurements and place the order only after you have ascertained that the new unit will fit your space.

The efficiency of the fridge

If you have had your old fridge for a long, you must have noticed that it consumed a lot of energy, right? You don’t want your new unit to do the same, do you?

To ensure this doesn’t happen, buy an energy-efficient appliance.

Besides ensuring that the unit is suitable for your needs and space, ensure that the appliance has a high-energy star rating. While at it, pay attention to the annual energy consumption and always go for a unit with low consumption, often quoted in kilowatt-hours (kWh).

Certain brands are known to be more energy efficient than others so take your time to buy one with a good reputation. The brand might be a little expensive, but it will save you a lot of money.

Reputable brand

As mentioned, you should always buy a fridge made by a reputable brand. This way, you not only have a highly efficient unit but a unit that will also last for a long time.

To tell whether a brand is worth it, check the customer ratings. After all, they are the ones that have already used the appliance, right?

It’s rare to even for the best brand to have a perfect 5-star rating, but you should pay attention to several positive and negative reviews. Of course, you should go for a brand with more positive ratings than negative ones.

When you come across a brand with perfect ratings, you should be wary of it, as chances are it’s cheating. This is because it’s rare for even the company to make the best appliance to please everyone. There is always someone that doesn’t like what they do.

Besides the brand having high-quality appliances, it also should provide warranty and service at a local service center. This way, you are sure you are covered in an accident and can quickly fix your unit in your local store.

The right type

There are many brands to buy from in the same way you can purchase many types of fridges. Of course, for the refrigerator you are looking to buy to be the right one, it has to be of the correct type.

The different types of fridges in the market are bottom freezer, top freezer, side-by-side, compact, French door, built, and so on.

We all have different tastes, and all you need to do is to choose the one that is best for you.


Besides the functional fridge, it also needs to be good-looking for it to be the right one to buy. The appliance should also have several attractive features, such as automatic defrosting.

You may need to visit different stores and compare various devices to buy the best appliance. If there is something that you are doubtful of, get the input of a commercial appliance repair Fairfax professional.