Commercial Refrigerators Service: Tips On How To Keep Your Commercial Refrigerator In Top Condition

For generations, refrigerators have been used in restaurants and other commercial areas to keep food cool. To avoid contamination and keep your refrigerator in good working condition you should take good care of it. Here are some of the ways of going about it:

Keep your commercial refrigerator cool

Refrigerators are meant to keep the food put in them cool but according to commercial refrigerators service providers you should also work at keeping your unit cool. One way of accomplishing this is to limit the amount of food items that you put in your unit. Remember that the more the items you put in the refrigerator the less air will be able to circulate thus the less cool the unit will be.

You should also avoid placing the refrigerator in direct sunlight or next to heat producing appliances. Commercial kitchen appliance repairs recommend that you shouldn’t leave the refrigerator door open longer than it should. Remember that the cooler you keep your refrigerator, the more efficient it is thus the less the amount of energy you use to cool your food.

Maintain your commercial refrigerator at the right temperature

For the air conditioner to be effective in its working you should maintain it at 40 degrees Fahrenheit. To help you monitor the temperature inside your unit place an appliance thermostat in the refrigerator. If your property has had a power outage for a long time, avoid taking the food that you might have placed in the refrigerator as it’s most likely contaminated by bacteria.

Regularly clean your commercial refrigerator

Regular refrigerator cleaning not only maintains the unit in good condition, it also aids in keeping food inside fresh. For a clean look use a clean sponge and warm water and clean both the inside and outside of the unit. Avoid using chemical cleaners as they have negative effects on the taste of food. Chemicals have also been shown to degrade the refrigerators. After cleaning the unit, use a piece of cloth or paper towel to dry it.

Store the products properly in the refrigerator

How you place the food products has a great impact on the effectiveness of the cooling process and the durability of your unit. Store fish, meat, poultry, and other food products at the bottom of the refrigerator. To avoid damaging the refrigerator door, commercial kitchen appliance service Alexandria recommend that you only place light products there. These can be butter, sodas, and condiments.

Commercial Oven Repair: Common Oven Problems

commercial oven repair

Just like any other unit in your kitchen, it’s common for the oven to develop problems. According to commercial oven repair professionals, your oven can have many problems including:

Inability of the gas oven to light

A gas oven is loved by many people for its rapid on-off time. Unfortunately, it tends to develop ignition problems. When the igniter is working properly you will hear it click a few times before the gas gets ignited. When the igniter has problems you will hear a few clicks and then the sound stops entirely. If your unit is behaving this way, you should turn off the gas to avoid catastrophic gas leaks.

In some cases, the gas oven may have delayed ignition that is brought about by blocked ignition ports. Whether the ignition isn’t working entirely or you are experiencing delayed ignition you should hire a commercial appliances service provider to inspect the unit.

Electric oven doesn’t heat

Your electric oven won’t heat if the fuse has blown. If the fuse is intact, you should check the circuit breakers and test them. If there is power to the oven but it still doesn’t heat, you should inspect the heating elements for damage. All you need to do is turn on the oven and wait for the element to glow. A telltale sign that the element is damaged is the failure of one-half of the element to glow.

In some cases, the oven will heat but it doesn’t heat evenly. This is a sign that the heating element is burnt out. Here the element is burnt out on one side affecting one corner of the oven. You can easily replace the element but if you aren’t sure where the problem is, ask a commercial repair professional to have a look at the oven.

Gas odor in the gas oven

If you can smell gas when the oven is in use, it means that there is something wrong. The most common cause of this problem is defective gas valves. The valves might have opened up too soon thus failing to allow the gas ignition to reach the right temperature. This lack of synchrony may result to gas leaks. The odor may also come about due to damaged gas valves. The valves might have got old or a hole might be present.

A gas leak is a serious issue and should be fixed as soon as possible by a commercial kitchen appliance repairs Falls Church.

How to Get Rid of Fridge Smells

If you have a smelly fridge, you should work on getting rid of the smells as soon as possible. This is because the smells make storing your food in the refrigerator undesirable. Sometimes, the smells are too strong that your kitchen is unlivable.

To make your kitchen more comfortable and fun, you need to get rid of these smells. To help you out, here is how to go about it:

Wipe down the fridge

To keep the refrigerator odor-free, clean it regularly by wiping all inner surfaces with a moist cloth.

You should then dry it well with a soft cloth. Clean the outside using a washing-up liquid solution, wiping down any metal parts with a damp cloth. For the best outcome, use a general-purpose e-cloth.

You can do all the wiping yourself without hiring a refrigerator repair professional.

Get rid of the spoiled food.

Spoiled food is the primary cause of a smelly fridge, so you should eliminate it. And there is no magic to it. You simply need to reach the insides of the refrigerator and remove any spoiled or expired products.

To be safe, remove all the materials and only return what is expired.

Use baking soda

You should place an open box of baking soda or a small cup of baking soda on the refrigerator’s shelf. This will help to remove unpleasant odors by absorbing them. You should replace this box every 1-2 months for optimal results.

Use coffee grounds

Like baking soda, coffee grounds will also absorb the smells. You should place a bowl of freshly ground coffee in the refrigerator. The coffee grinds will absorb and hide odors. To keep your fridge smelling fresh, replace the grounds every several days.

Make use of vanilla.

Here, you need to soak a cotton ball or piece of cloth in vanilla extract and refrigerate. Vanilla has a perfume that will disguise other odors.

Mask the smells using citrus peels.

You need to soak a cotton ball or piece of cloth in vanilla extract and chill. Vanilla has a pleasant aroma that can mask the odors.

Tricks to keep your fridge smelling fresh

Prevention is always better than cure. Instead of working hard to restore your fridge smelling good, you should keep it fresh all the time, negating the need to use smell-killing materials.

Some of the things you need to do to achieve this include:

Make use of the humidity controls

You need to keep your food fresher for longer by storing it in the ‘crisper’ drawer, a dedicated section where you can manage the internal moisture level.

Most of the modern humidity drawers have two settings: you should place farmers’ products, such as fruits and leafy greens, in the high-humidity drawer, while poultry and fish are best stored in a low-moisture environment to avoid condensation and bacteria from forming.

Use airtight containers

The thrifty will be familiar with keeping leftovers to reduce food waste. The rookie mistake you can make is putting leftovers in a bowl with clingfilm or tin foil on top (tin foil is the worst because it makes it difficult to see what food is inside!)

Using airtight containers will keep the food fresher for longer and prevent any unpleasant odors from escaping if you mistakenly leave it in the fridge past its prime.

Be organized

So, you have your airtight containers, but do you recall when you put the leftover lasagne in the fridge? Labeling and dating your leftovers will not only keep you from getting food illness but also keep the food from spoiling.

This is because you can tell when the food will get spoiled and remove it.

When labeling the food, do it in an open area where everyone can see it. You also should write the dates in bold, big letters so that someone doesn’t have to fish for them.

Keep your shelves clean.

You need to clean any movable portions of the refrigerator, such as the shelves and drawers. Thankfully, most modern fridges simplify this by providing easy access to glass shelves and drawers you can easily remove.

All you have to do is soak them in warm, soapy water for a few minutes before using a kitchen sponge to remove stains. Allow the shelves to air-dry completely as you thoroughly clean the refrigerator.

Make it a habit to remove spills immediately.

It’s a good practice to wipe up spills and drips right away. If you don’t do this, you might have to deal with them when they’ve caked up and started to smell. And you don’t want this, do you?

Besides cleaning the spills immediately, you also should line the shelves of your fridge with fridge liners. The liners will absorb unexpected spills and are easy to dispose of. When a mess occurs, just remove and wash the affected liner rather than cleaning the entire fridge.

Watch the temperature of your appliance.

Bad odors are frequently produced by food rotting, which is why fridge temperature is critical. A high temperature causes food spoiling, but a low temperature may cause energy waste. Ideally, adjust your refrigerator to 0 to 4 degrees Celsius and freezer to -18 degrees Celsius.

If your fridge or freezer is still not cold enough after you’ve adjusted the temperature, it could be a sign of a bigger problem.

Call an appliance repair Alexandria professional to inspect your refrigerator for leaks, drip pan issues, or a malfunctioning defrost drain. If not addressed, these concerns can boost refrigerator temperatures and cause food to spoil prematurely. Which, in turn, leads to the bad smells that you don’t want.

When hiring a repair professional, don’t hire just any other. Take your time to find a reputable one that knows what they are doing. The last thing you should do is to hire a contractor who causes more harm than your unit had.

Guide To Professional Commercial Garbage Disposal Maintenance

commercial garbage disposal

Many people have voted the garbage disposal as one of the greatest kitchen appliance discoveries of the 20th century. In addition to preventing your drain pipes from getting clogged from the things that you flush down there, it also brings about convenience. It also keeps your kitchen clean and comfortable to live in. To keep your appliance working for long you should undertake proper garbage disposal maintenance Vienna. To help you out, here are tips on how to go about it:

Keep the garbage disposal biodegradable

To avoid constant commercial appliances repair you should be cautious of what you put there. To be on the safe side ensure that you only put organic matter there. You should avoid fibrous materials such as onion skins and corn shucks as they can get wrapped around the blades causing them to jam. In worse situations, the blades can malfunction. You should also never put oils in the garbage disposal.

Regularly use the garbage disposal

It’s common for some restaurant owners to have more than one garbage disposals. If this is the case with you, you shouldn’t completely ignore the disposal that you don’t regularly use—you should sometimes fire it up. According to commercial garbage disposal maintenance professionals, regular use of the unit prevents the moving parts from corroding. This aids in ensuring that the unit doesn’t lock up.

In addition to regularly using the unit, you should also regularly clean it. The best way of doing it is using hot water and dish washing soap. The soap will get rid of sludge and bad smells in the unit. To avoid damaging your unit, avoid using harsh chemicals to clean it.

Hire professional garbage disposal repair

Even with the best care, it’s common for the garbage disposal to stop working from time to time. When the unit stops working you should hire a professional commercial garbage disposal service provider to repair it. There are some restaurant owners that make the mistake of hiring their friends or anyone that says that he/she can fix the unit. While you will save money by hiring anyone, you will have declared the death of your unit as the person you hire won’t give the service that your unit deserves.


These are maintenance tips for your commercial garbage disposal. When your unit gets jammed, never reach into the unit with your hands as the blades are extremely sharp. If the unit develops problems, hire an experienced commercial kitchen appliance service provider to fix it.

Commercial Dishwasher Repairs: How To Maintain Your Dishwasher

commercial dishwasher repairs

The dishwasher saves you plenty of time and energy as it does the work for you. To avoid expensive commercial dishwasher repairs Vienna you need to take good care of your unit. To help you out here are tips on how to take good care of it:

Properly load the dishwasher

The way that you load the unit greatly determines how it works and how long it lasts. To avoid damaging the racks you need to load it carefully. The racks are made of steel wire and coated with a vinyl material that gets damaged when used roughly. Your dishes also have sharp edges that can cut through the vinyl coating thus exposing the metal wire to rust. By carefully loading the dishwasher you protect it from damage thus it lasts for a long time.

Regularly repair the dishwasher racks

Even with the best care of the unit, it’s common for the dishwasher to wear out with time. To prevent the damage from getting extensive thus requiring you to undertake expensive repair, you need to repair the parts as soon as you notice a flaw. If there are any areas in the unit where the vinyl material has come off, you should recoat it to prevent it from becoming too rusted. Due to the movement of the racks, it’s common for them to wear out. If the racks are getting difficult to move, remove the wheels and replace them as soon as possible. The cool thing is that you can easily replace them without requiring the services of commercial appliance services.

Listen to the dishwasher while it’s running

Just because the unit is working properly it doesn’t mean that everything is okay. Sometimes broken glass and bone fragments can enter the pump area causing serious damage to the filters, seals, and impellers. To avoid damage you should make it a habit of listening to the unit while it’s running. If you notice grinding, scraping or rattling noises you should stop the machine and ask a commercial kitchen appliance repairs professional to take a look at it.

Regularly inspect the dishwasher

There is nothing as bad as running your unit blindly without minding of its condition. To avoid being required to undertake expensive emergency commercial appliances repair, you should regularly inspect your unit. You should inspect the door gasket and other parts and ensure that everything is perfect. For ideal results, inspect the unit at least once a week.

Tricks to A Perfectly Functioning Dishwasher

A dishwasher isn’t a necessity, but it really comes in handy. After all, who wants to deal with a massive mound of dishes after preparing and eating a meal? Unfortunately, you can’t enjoy your unit if it functions incorrectly.

Thankfully, you can do several things to ensure that the unit is always in top working condition. These things include:

Keep the filters clean at all times.

You should clean your dishwasher’s filter after each usage. That may seem like a lot of labor, but it’s worth it.

After removing the filter from the machine, just rinse it under running water to loosen any trapped particles, allow it to dry, and then replace it. If you can’t remember to do it after each usage, try once a week.

The beauty of cleaning the filters is that you don’t need to hire a dishwasher repair professional to help you. You can easily do it by yourself.

Always scrape food from the dishes.

To avoid clogging the filter, scrape your plates and remove as much food residue from pans and dishes as possible before adding them to the washing machine. Foods like Weetabix and porridge adhere to dishes if they sit in the dishwasher for an extended period before being run.

Put these plates in the sink to catch the water when you run the faucet. This will assist in soaking up the worst of the breakfast leftovers. Then, just before the cycle begins, place them in the dishwasher.

Some people have the notion that they should pre-wash the dishes before placing them in the dishwasher, but you don’t have to. In fact, you usually end up causing more havoc when you pre-wash the dishes.

This is because when you pre-wash the dishes, you remove the adhering surfaces for the soap. As a result, the soap doesn’t clean the dishes as well as it should. The consequence is leaving you with dirty dishes even after running them in the dishwasher.

The right way to do it is to scrape the food from the dishes, and you are good to go. This will remove the food particles that can clog the unit and, at the same time, leave binding spaces for the soap so that it effectively cleans the dishes.

Keep the dishwasher salt topped up at all times.

Experts report that using salt is the key to a long-lasting dishwasher. Salt serves two functions in your machine: first, it softens the water and prevents the buildup of hard water deposits, and second, it helps keep the dishwasher clean by preventing bacteria buildup.

Some dishwashers allow you to tell how hard the water is where you live, but if yours doesn’t, you can find out the exact level by calling your local water board.

If your dishwasher has this feature, it will use the least amount of salt necessary to keep hard water deposits at bay.

A common misconception is that you don’t need to add salt if you live in a soft water area or have a water softener. This is not the case.

You must always add salt to the machine to keep it bacteria-free. If germs are allowed to multiply, your dishwasher’s water flow and wash performance will suffer.

Inhibiting the water flow over time may dramatically diminish the life of your dishwasher. And you don’t want this, do you?

Regularly check spray arms for blockages.

You should also clean the spray arms regularly with a mix of washing up liquid and water (how often depends on how frequently you use your dishwasher).

While you’re at it, look for debris in the jets, such as fruit pips and small food particles. A clever approach is to send water into the intake of each arm – if it flows freely, it is not clogged. If it is, clear it with a toothpick or something similar.

Besides unclogging the spray arms, check them to confirm they aren’t bent. If they are, straighten them. In some cases, you might find them too bent or damaged. In such a case, simply straighten them.

Deep clean the dishwasher

Dishwashers are one of the appliances that many people clean the least. This is because many people have the impression that they are always clean, but this isn’t the case.

According to survey, consumers clean their dishwashers three times per year on average. This is not enough. The best way out is to thoroughly clean your dishwasher every two months by running it empty on the hottest setting.

You should soak a cleaning cloth in hot, soapy water and wipe off the surface of dishwashers with plastic exteriors. Wipe it dry with a clean, dry cloth or a paper towel.

After this, fill a spray bottle with a homemade solution of one part vinegar to three parts water if your dishwasher is stainless steel. Spray it on the exterior of the dishwasher and wipe it clean with a cleaning cloth.

A screen in your dishwasher collects food and other particles. The screen becomes clogged with time, resulting in badly cleaned dishes and increased wear and tear on your dishwasher.

You should remove the filter from the bottom and spray it with hot water from the kitchen sink.

Soak the filter for 10 minutes in warm, soapy water before rinsing with hot water. Use a scrub brush to remove any leftover food particles or residue.

Rinse your filter, then before putting it back in the dishwasher, check the drain for buildup and clean it with a sponge.

Parting shot

These are some things you need to do to ensure that your dishwasher is always in top working condition. Besides these things, also use your dishwasher correctly. As a rule of thumb, never run it when it’s too full, as it will fail to function optimally and reduce lifespan.

For peace of mind that your unit is in good working shape, contact appliance repair Fairfax professionals at least once a year to look at it and fix any issues it might be having.

Commercial Kitchen Appliance Service: Guide On How To Take Care Of Your Kitchen Appliances

appliance repiar

For your kitchen appliances to last for long you have to take good care of them. To help you out here are maintenance tips recommended by commercial appliances service providers:

Taking care of the commercial refrigerator

There is no restaurant that doesn’t have a refrigerator. In addition to keeping your cooking supplies fresh, it also contains the freezer where you get the ice to serve your guests. Since the unit is expensive, you need to take good care of it to avoid buying another. One of the things that you should never do is overloading it with cooking supplies. When you overload the unit, it works more than it should and this puts it at the risk of developing problems. The compressor also doesn’t work as effectively as it should thus compromising the effectiveness of the refrigerator.

You should also regularly clean the refrigerator. For ideal results clean the unit once a week. You should clean both the inside and outside of the unit and get rid of any stale supplies. Even if your unit doesn’t have any problem, it’s recommended that you hire a commercial refrigerators service provider to inspect the unit for any hidden problems.

Maintaining the garbage disposal

You need a garbage disposal that is in perfect working condition for your restaurant to continue working effectively. The simplest way of ensuring that your unit is in perfect condition is avoiding dumping items that would clog or damage it. You should avoid dumping things such as bones, potato peels and others that are known to clog the system.

You should also regularly clean your unit by filling it with hot, soapy water and letting water flush out of the disposal. Bad odors are a common problem with garbage disposals. To prevent them you should regularly put a lemon down the drain.

Maintaining the microwave

The microwave makes your work easy as it heats foods and drinks almost immediately. One of the ways of taking care of the microwave is ensuring that you don’t put any metal item in it. To avoid a fire hazard, remove the aluminum foil before placing the food in the microwave.

To avoid the rotten smell that is common with microwaves, clean the food spills and stains as soon as you finish using it. To avoid surprises, hire a commercial appliances repair Arlington at least once a year to inspect your unit.

6 Ways to Prevent Ice from Building Up in Your Fridge During Winter

Virginia Refrigerators Repair

As winter approaches, many people feel that they will face the regular issue of ice buildup in their refrigerators and freezers.

You should note that ice buildup not only affects the efficiency of your appliance but it can also lead to food spoilage and increased energy consumption. You don’t want this, do you?

Fortunately, there are simple and practical solutions to this freezing issue. In this post, we’ll look at six practical techniques to keep your fridge and freezer ice-free over the winter months, ensuring that you keep off a refrigerator repair professional, have your appliance performing optimally, and your food stays fresh and well-preserved.

These tips might help you have a stress-free winter, whether you’re a culinary aficionado or simply want to keep your equipment operating optimally.

Remove the excess ice buildup.

To begin dealing with excessive frost and ice, empty your fridge and freezer compartments. Set the thermostat to the highest temperature and leave some towels handy to absorb extra water.

Ensure all the compartments are dry before reinstalling your food and altering the temperature.

This simple procedure will guarantee that your refrigerator remains frost-free and performs at peak performance.

Adjust the temperature

You need to regularly check the temperature of your refrigerator and freezer. Keep your refrigerator between 35 and 42 degrees Fahrenheit and your freezer close to 0 degrees Fahrenheit for best results.

You should note that frost or ice may form if temperatures dip below these temperatures. To ensure the fridge is at the proper temperature, you must place the fridge thermometer in the right place.

Position the thermometer at the center of the refrigerator for the most accurate reading. Some fridge thermometers stand alone, while others can be hung on a shelf. You should place your fridge based on its design.

If you have a stick-shaped thermometer in your fridge, submerge it in water.

Because the warmest position in your fridge is usually near the door, it can be a suitable alternative location for your thermometer.

For peace of mind that your fridge is at the proper temperatures, you must regularly monitor the temperatures.

Your thermometer will need some time to calibrate to the correct reading. So keep the door closed as much as possible to maintain a steady temperature.

To tell the accurate temperature,  check the thermometer the next day to see if anything has changed.

If there are changes, adjust the unit.

Place the fridge correctly.

How you place your fridge can have a significant impact on ice formation. 

You should be cautious and place your fridge in the right place. As a rule of thumb, do not put the refrigerator in your kitchen if it doesn’t have an exhaust system.

Instead, select a location that offers enough clearance from the wall to ensure appropriate cooling for the refrigerator’s compressor.

Reduce the frequency at which you open the fridge and freezer doors

Frequent opening of the door raises the humidity levels inside your fridge and freezer, which can lead to ice buildup and frost.

With this in mind, avoid leaving your fridge or freezer doors open while determining what to eat or which ingredients to pull out.

Instead, prepare a fast mental list of what you’ll need and get everything out at once.

If you have a two-door fridge, open only one door at a time. You should close the doors as quickly as possible in under one minute to prevent as much humidity from getting in as possible. 

For example, combine the eggs, butter, and milk if you’re baking. You only have to open the door once this way.

If you have trouble remembering what’s in your fridge, keep a list of what’s inside posted on the fridge door. This way, you don’t waste time figuring out what is there and what isn’t.

Ensure you have a tight seal.

You should regularly inspect the seals on your refrigerator and freezer doors for air leakage symptoms, such as damp or frozen areas.

If a problem arises, you can use a simple process to replace the gasket.

The door seals are the long rubber strips that run around the edges of your door to keep cold air out.

If you notice cold air around the exterior of your fridge door or any visible damage, repair the seal to prevent your fridge from constantly running or warming up.

Close the door on a dollar bill to see if the fridge door seal is tight. Your seal remains intact if you encounter resistance when removing the dollar note. If it readily falls out, it’s time to replace them.

You can do the replacement if you have the skills, but if you have never done it before, let an expert help you.

You should note that the seals lining your fridge or freezer doors will not close correctly if they are caked with food residue or ice crystals.

Working on one door at a time, quickly scrape the inside of the seal with a damp cleaning cloth and mild dish soap.

Clean the frame of the refrigerator opening so the seal may sit flush against it. Wipe away any lingering wetness with a dry cloth before closing the door.

Ensure no moisture remains, as this could form an ice crystal.

Keep your fridge clean.

For the best fridge efficiency and ice frosting reduction, regularly clean your refrigerator’s cooling fan, vents, and condenser coils. You can remove the ice buildup with a hot, soapy cloth, pressing against frost and repeating until entirely melted.

You can do the cleaning without the help of an appliance repair Springfield professional, but if you notice a significant problem, such as the fridge giving off odors after cleaning, let an expert help you.

It can be tempting to deep clean a refrigerator using bleach and other chemical cleansers, but you should avoid it because bleach can damage surface materials and possibly release harmful toxins into your food.

To stay safe, use gentle dish soap and food-grade pantry staples like white vinegar and baking soda. This way, you can clean the interior of the fridge without risking chemical contamination or structural damage.

Glass Washer Repair: How To Save Energy And Repair Your Glass Washer

If you have a restaurant or bar you need to keep the glasses clean. To make it possible you need to have a fully functioning glass washer. For the glass washer to continue working effectively you need to take good care of it:

How to save energy with your glass washer

The cost of electricity has been on an upward trend. To reduce your power bill take measures that save you energy. One of the ways recommended by commercial appliances repair professionals is investing in a pre-rinse unit if you don’t already have one. The pre-rinse not only saves you energy, it also reduces blockage incidences; therefore, you don’t have to hire a repair professional every now and then.

Another way of saving energy is always running a full load. This way you clean plenty of glasses in one go thus saving you plenty of money. If you are located in a hard water area, you should regenerate your water softener 2-3 times a week. Your machine will consume plenty of energy if it has the wrong settings. If you have noticed that your energy bill is rising every day, you should check the settings. For ideal results, ensure that the rinse pressure is set between10-15 pounds per square inch. The wash tank should be set at 160ºF and booster heater at 180ºF. The hot water heater should be set at 140ºF.

Common glass washer problems and how to fix them

Just like any kitchen appliance, it’s common for the glass washer to develop problems. While it’s recommended that you hire a glass washer repair professional to fix the appliance when it develops problems, not all problems require the attention of a professional—there are some that you can fix on your own.

White film on the glasses: If there is a white film on your glasses, this is usually due to hard water minerals. To fix the problem you need to regenerate the water softener more often. For ideal results, you should regenerate the water softener at least twice a week.

Glass washer not heating up: This is a common problem when the heating element, thermostat or both are faulty. You should check the multimeter for 115/220 V if this is the voltage there and replace the heating element. If you can’t get any measurements consider replacing the thermostat.


This is what you need to know about the glass washer. If there is a problem that you can’t fix, ask a commercial kitchen appliance Arlington to have a look at it.

Commercial Dishwasher Repairs: Taking A Look At The Common Dishwasher Problems

commercial dishwasher

As a hotel or restaurant owner, a dishwasher is of paramount importance to you. While you may want it to be in perfect condition the entire year, this is usually not possible as it tends to develop problems every now and then. Here are some of the common dishwasher problems and how to fix them:

The dishwasher doesn’t clean well

The reason why you installed the unit is because you want it to clean your dishes. If it doesn’t clean them properly there is no point of having it. According to commercial kitchen appliance repairs professionals, the main reason for this is because the dishwasher is dirty. You should check the strain screen, door gasket and sprayer arms for grease, debris, and food particles. If dirty, clean them. If the spray arm is worn out, replace it.

Kitchen appliance professionals also report that the dishwasher can fail to give you ideal results if the detergent you are using is too old. If the detergent has been sitting in the cabinet for months you should consider replacing it.

There is Water at the bottom of the dishwasher

This is a common problem if you have used the dishwasher for only a few times. The problem results due to clogging of the drain. The drains can be blocked by foils, chicken bones, and other items. For the water to go away you need to unclog the drains. You can unclog the drains by yourself or hire a drain contractor. To prevent the problem from happening again always clear off all the items before putting the dishes in the unit.

The dishwasher has an awful smell

If there is always an awful smell after you are done with cleaning the dishes, it means that there are food particles and grease trapped in the dishwasher. The particles are usually located in the strainer screen. You should clean these areas then run a full cycle without dishes.

The dishwasher doesn’t start

If your unit can’t start, commercial appliances service providers recommend that you start looking at the fuses and circuit breakers and ensure that they haven’t blown or tripped. Also, ensure that the dishwasher is plugged in properly. Professionals also recommend that you look at the door latch and ensure that it isn’t faulty. If you have tried everything and the unit doesn’t start, you should consider contacting a commercial appliances repair Fairfax to take a look at it.