Commercial Kitchen Appliance Service: Guide On How To Take Care Of Your Kitchen Appliances

By | December 22, 2023

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For your kitchen appliances to last for long you have to take good care of them. To help you out here are maintenance tips recommended by commercial appliances service providers:

Taking care of the commercial refrigerator

There is no restaurant that doesn’t have a refrigerator. In addition to keeping your cooking supplies fresh, it also contains the freezer where you get the ice to serve your guests. Since the unit is expensive, you need to take good care of it to avoid buying another. One of the things that you should never do is overloading it with cooking supplies. When you overload the unit, it works more than it should and this puts it at the risk of developing problems. The compressor also doesn’t work as effectively as it should thus compromising the effectiveness of the refrigerator.

You should also regularly clean the refrigerator. For ideal results clean the unit once a week. You should clean both the inside and outside of the unit and get rid of any stale supplies. Even if your unit doesn’t have any problem, it’s recommended that you hire a commercial refrigerators service provider to inspect the unit for any hidden problems.

Maintaining the garbage disposal

You need a garbage disposal that is in perfect working condition for your restaurant to continue working effectively. The simplest way of ensuring that your unit is in perfect condition is avoiding dumping items that would clog or damage it. You should avoid dumping things such as bones, potato peels and others that are known to clog the system.

You should also regularly clean your unit by filling it with hot, soapy water and letting water flush out of the disposal. Bad odors are a common problem with garbage disposals. To prevent them you should regularly put a lemon down the drain.

Maintaining the microwave

The microwave makes your work easy as it heats foods and drinks almost immediately. One of the ways of taking care of the microwave is ensuring that you don’t put any metal item in it. To avoid a fire hazard, remove the aluminum foil before placing the food in the microwave.

To avoid the rotten smell that is common with microwaves, clean the food spills and stains as soon as you finish using it. To avoid surprises, hire a commercial appliances repair Arlington at least once a year to inspect your unit.

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