Tag Archives: commercial refrigerator repair

Commercial Refrigerators Services: 3 Refrigerator Mistakes You Should Avoid Making

commercial appliance services

A refrigerator isn’t a demanding appliance; therefore, you can live with it for long without problems with it. While this is the case, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take good care of your appliance. According to commercial appliances repair professionals, many people make mistakes with their refrigerators. This results to lower lifespan of the refrigerator. You also put your life and that of your home at the risk at fire. The most common mistakes are:

Overstuffing the refrigerator

Many homeowners have the impression that a full fridge is a sign of abundance. The truth is that having plenty of items in the fridge is bad. When you overstuff the unit, you prevent air from circulating effectively in your appliance. This means that food doesn’t get cooled the way it should. When food isn’t properly cooled, it serves as a breeding ground for bacteria that are harmful to you and to the refrigerator.

Keeping the refrigerator empty

You may think that since its wrong overstuffing your refrigerator, you should leave it empty—well, you are wrong. According to refrigerator repair professionals, an empty refrigerator has less thermal mass. This means that when you open the door, the fridge loses more cold air. To be on the safe side avoid leaving your unit empty. If you don’t have food to store in it, fill it with jugs of water.

Putting off refrigerator cleaning

If you are like most homeowners, scouring the fridge is the last thing that you plan to do when cleaning your house. This results to buildup of dust, dirt and microbes. As a consequence the refrigerator becomes an eye sore. The microbes and dirt also become a health hazard. To keep your refrigerator in good condition, clean it every week. When it comes to the crispers and areas that you store meat, use hot, soapy water when cleaning. You can also use a mix of water and vinegar. This is to ensure that you kill all the microbes.

While you should pay close attention to the inside of your refrigerator, you shouldn’t forget the outside. You should vacuum around the motor and grille. In addition to the regular weekly cleaning, it’s also recommended that you hire providers of commercial appliance services to inspect and clean the unit at least once a year. When hiring the service provider ensure that you hire a professional that is certified and experienced enough.

Commercial Refrigerators Services: Guide On How To Properly Install Your Refrigerator

appliance repiar

For your refrigerator to function efficiently and avoid hiring commercial refrigerator repairs you need to install it properly. To guide you here are tips on how to properly install your refrigerator:

Leave enough space between the wall and your commercial refrigerator

When installing the unit avoid fitting it snugly to the wall. Commercial appliance repair professionals recommend that you leave 2-3 inches of space between the refrigerator and the wall. The reason for this is to enable your unit to properly emit hot air that collects from the interior. When the refrigerator is emitting air properly you will be able to easily regulate the unit’s temperature and also prevent the machine from overworking the motor.

Place the refrigerator on a thin rug

Placing your unit on a rug not only protects it from hard surface, it also makes it easy for you to pull it when cleaning the coils at the back. When cleaning the unit avoid using chemicals. Also be gentle so that you don’t destroy the coils.

Place the refrigerator away from heat-producing appliances

This is a no brainer. To avoid heat damage install your refrigerator away from heat producing devices such as microwave or gas range. To ensure that the unit doesn’t come into contact with the heat producing devices, it’s always good that you place it on the opposite side of the heat producing device.

Leave enough room for people to walk

A common problem with people with small kitchens is having limited space once they install their refrigerators. This not only makes the kitchen uncomfortable, it also the refrigerator at the risk of getting damaged by people walking around. To protect your unit you should install it in an area that is large enough such that you can install the refrigerator and still leave enough space for people to walk around. People should comfortably walk around even when the refrigerator door is open.

Taking care of your refrigerator

Once you have properly installed the refrigerator you have to take good care of it for it to last for long without requiring repair. One of the things that you should do is avoid overstocking the refrigerator. Overstocking not only reduces the rate at which it cools the food, it also reduces the appliance’s life. If there is any product that you can do without in the fridge, you should get rid of it. To keep air circulating effectively, commercial kitchen appliance repairs Falls Church recommend that you get rid of clutter on the outside of the refrigerator.

Commercial Refrigerators Services: Refrigerator Problems You Can Fix By Yourself


It’s imperative to keep your refrigerator in perfect working condition to keep food and other un-edible items fresh. Although, it’s recommended that you hire a commercial refrigerator professional to fix the appliance when it breaks down, you don’t have to hire the professional every time. Here are simple refrigerator problems that you can fix without the help of a contractor:

Always running refrigerator

A refrigerator that is always running not only makes a lot of noise, it also consumes a lot of power thus you end up paying hefty power bills. The most common cause for this problem is deposition of dust and debris around the condenser.

According to refrigerator contractors, this problem is common when you place the refrigerator in dusty areas.

The problem is also common when you set the refrigerator temperature too low. This causes the appliance to work overtime. The appliance can also freeze food and in severe cases spoil food.

To fix the problem you should get rid of dirt and debris in the condenser coils. In most refrigerators, condenser coils are located at the bottom of the appliance. You should use a vacuum cleaner to remove the buildup.

You may also be required to set the temperature to prevent your refrigerator from working overtime. You set the temperature to between 37 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Water leakage

Water leakage is a common problem that you can easily fix. According to commercial refrigerator technicians, the problem results from a blocked defrost drain. This happens when food particles or other debris clog up the drain hose resulting to breaking up of ice and water leakage from the freezer and refrigerator.

The problem can also come about due to frozen or clogged water supply lines. This affects ice production from the ice maker and water flow tends to stop.

To fix the problem, you should locate the rubber check valve located on the defrost drain hose. You should remove the valve and then clean it with hot water and soap.

If this doesn’t fix the problem, you should locate the shut-off valve located under the sink behind the refrigerator. You should carefully go through it and ensure that it’s fully closed.


These are two of the most common refrigerator problems that you can fix without the need of hiring a refrigerator repair contractor Fairfax. Although, you don’t have to hire a contractor, it’s wise that you hire him/her if you have tried fixing the problem and it doesn’t go away.

Commercial Refrigerators Services: Common Refrigerator Problems


The refrigerator is an important device in your home. The unfortunate thing is that it tends to develop problems every now and then.

Common refrigerator problems

Although, there are many refrigerator problems, there are some problems that are more common than others. Here are some of the most common:

Failure of the compressor to run: All of the modern refrigerators come with an inbuilt compressor system that is designed to stop the compressor motor from running once a given level of cooling has been reached. When the automatic cooling control system is faulty the compressor will run constantly and be producing humming sounds.

Inadequate cooling: a clear sign that your refrigerator requires a commercial refrigerator repair professional is when the food that you had put into the fridge goes bad even when the refrigerator is on and the thermostat set to the maximum. Before you call a repair professional it’s recommended that you first try to set the thermostat a level or two. If you set it and still fails to work, this is when you should contact the repair professional.

Condenser problems: when the condenser isn’t working your refrigerator won’t be cooling. The condenser may stop cooling when it overheats as a result of a faulty condenser fan.

Leakages: refrigerators have a refrigerant liquid that is converted into gas and condensed back to liquid. This process makes it possible for the internal heat of the refrigerator to be extracted and replaced with cooling.

Sometimes the liquid accumulates inside or around the refrigerator unit. When the accumulated liquid reaches its maximum, the liquid begins to leak. To stop this you should contact a commercial refrigerator service provider to fix the problem.

Excessive noise: it’s common for faulty appliances to produce excessive noises and a faulty refrigerator is no exception. The noises may be due to a faulty freezer fan or condenser fan. In some cases the refrigeration unit maybe uneven and all you need to do is to balance it.

If you balance your refrigerator and still the noise doesn’t go away, you should get a professional commercial refrigerator repair service to take a look at the unit.


It’s the dream of every homeowner to have a refrigerator that is always in perfect working condition; however, this isn’t possible. When you notice any problem with your refrigerator, you should ensure that the problem is fixed by a certified commercial refrigerator contractor Falls Church

Refrigerator Repair: Common Refrigerator Sounds And What They Mean

Virginia Refrigerators Repair

It’s common for even brand new refrigerators to make some noise. According to refrigerator repair professionals, there are normal and abnormal refrigerator noises. When your appliance is making unusual noises, you have a reason to be concerned. Here are some of the everyday noises and what they mean:


There are several reasons why a refrigerator will make vibration sounds. One of the most common reasons is if the fridge is pushing up against a wall or cabinet while the compressor is running. You can get rid of these noises by simply pulling the refrigerator away from the wall and cabinet.

You will also experience vibration sounds if the refrigerator isn’t on a level floor. To stop the vibrations, you need to ensure that nothing is preventing the fridge from staying balanced.


Just like vibration noises, knocking noises will come about due to different reasons. The primary reason is if there is shifting ice in the freezer. You will also have the problem if you have a clogged compressor and condenser.

To get rid of the noises, you need to clean the refrigerator. Remember to unplug the appliance to avoid being electrocuted. Clean the fan and vent panel. If you clean these parts and the fridge is still making the noises, consider asking a professional to give it a look as the problem might be with the compressor. The compressor is sophisticated and should only be serviced by an experienced expert.

Gurgling and buzzing noises

Gurgling noises come about when the defrost cycle is running. Due to temperature variations of the interior and exterior of the refrigerator, the ice melts and runs down the draining pan, hence the noises. Gurgling noises are normal, and when you hear them, you don’t have a reason to be worried.

Buzzing noises, on the other hand, come about when the water dispenser is filling with water. If your refrigerator is connected to a functioning water line, you have no reason to be worried as this is a normal noise. If your unit isn’t connected to a water line and it’s making the noises, you need to turn off your water dispenser or ice maker.

Rattling sounds

These sounds come about when you have items on your fridge that are vibrating when the condenser or fan is running. It’s also common to have this problem when the refrigerator is too close to the cabinetry.

To eliminate the sounds, secure all the items in the fridge. You also should avoid placing heavy objects on the refrigerator.

Clicking noises

Clicking noises come about as the fridge switches between cooling the different compartments. It’s also common for the compressor and fan to adjust from time to time to optimize the refrigeration performance. When you hear the noises, you have no reason to raise concern.

Popping and sizzling sounds

Popping sounds are caused by the contraction and expansion of the inside walls of the fridge due to changes in temperature. The sounds are normal, and it’s common for the refrigerator to make the noises a few times a day.

Sizzling sounds, on the other hand, come about when the water is dripping down onto the heater when the fridge is defrosting. It’s also common to hear ice cubes falling with clattering or creaking sounds. When ice is moving out of the mold, it makes grinding sounds which are normal.

Compressor sounds

When the refrigerator is working, it’s common for the compressor to make some noises. However, if the compressor makes noises that are louder than usual or cycles too often, you most likely have a problem.

It’s normal for large refrigerators to have slower, longer running compressors but if the fridge doesn’t stop running, contact an appliance repair Alexandria professional to give the appliance a look.

Parting shot

When you understand the various sounds made by the refrigerator, you can quickly tell which ones are normal and which ones aren’t. This prevents you from worrying for nothing. It also saves you money as you don’t have to call a fridge technician for nothing.

While most of the refrigerator noises are healthy, if you notice an unusual sound, don’t ignore it. Try to troubleshoot your appliance and if you can’t, ask an expert technician to give it a look.

Commercial Refrigerators Services: Refrigerator Mistakes You Should Avoid Making

Virginia Refrigerators Repair

As a restaurant owner, you know that the refrigerator is very valuable for the success of your business. To avoid regularly hiring commercial refrigerators services you should take good care of your unit. This calls for you to avoid making these mistakes:

Packing the refrigerator too much

When you are from the market and there is plenty of food that can get spoilt you can be tempted to pack your fridge too full. While you will be saving the food from getting spoilt, you will be doing your unit a disservice as stocking it too much prevents air from circulating as effectively as it should. Due to this, the fridge doesn’t cool the food properly enough thus you risk the food getting spoilt.

To avoid problems you should leave enough space. For air to easily circulate, you should be able to reach the back of the fridge. If you are finding that you are having more food usual, you should consider investing in a new unit.

Failing to clean the fridge regularly enough

To keep your unit looking great and also functioning optimally you should clean it regularly. You should clean all the areas including the walls, drawers, and shelves at least once a week. Due to ignorance or laziness, some people let their units go for months without cleaning. This results in the accumulation of dirt and bacteria. As a result, the unit doesn’t function as properly as it should. In most cases, your energy bill increases. The fridge also works harder than it should which results to frequent refrigerator breakdowns.

To be on the safe side you should undertake basic cleaning every day and one major cleaning at the end of the week.

Failing to schedule annual maintenance

To most people, as long as the refrigerator is working, it doesn’t require any attention. This isn’t the case. Although your unit might be functioning normally, there are many things that might be wrong with it. The temperature might be too high or low than recommended, some parts might have stopped working, or some parts might be on the brink of collapsing.

At least once a year you should hire a commercial kitchen appliance service Vienna to inspect your unit. During the inspection, the professional will pick even the most minor problems and fix them before they worsen. The professional will also pick some of the faulty parts and replace them before they cause the halting of your unit.