Commercial Refrigerators Services: Guide On How To Properly Install Your Refrigerator

By | November 10, 2023

appliance repiar

For your refrigerator to function efficiently and avoid hiring commercial refrigerator repairs you need to install it properly. To guide you here are tips on how to properly install your refrigerator:

Leave enough space between the wall and your commercial refrigerator

When installing the unit avoid fitting it snugly to the wall. Commercial appliance repair professionals recommend that you leave 2-3 inches of space between the refrigerator and the wall. The reason for this is to enable your unit to properly emit hot air that collects from the interior. When the refrigerator is emitting air properly you will be able to easily regulate the unit’s temperature and also prevent the machine from overworking the motor.

Place the refrigerator on a thin rug

Placing your unit on a rug not only protects it from hard surface, it also makes it easy for you to pull it when cleaning the coils at the back. When cleaning the unit avoid using chemicals. Also be gentle so that you don’t destroy the coils.

Place the refrigerator away from heat-producing appliances

This is a no brainer. To avoid heat damage install your refrigerator away from heat producing devices such as microwave or gas range. To ensure that the unit doesn’t come into contact with the heat producing devices, it’s always good that you place it on the opposite side of the heat producing device.

Leave enough room for people to walk

A common problem with people with small kitchens is having limited space once they install their refrigerators. This not only makes the kitchen uncomfortable, it also the refrigerator at the risk of getting damaged by people walking around. To protect your unit you should install it in an area that is large enough such that you can install the refrigerator and still leave enough space for people to walk around. People should comfortably walk around even when the refrigerator door is open.

Taking care of your refrigerator

Once you have properly installed the refrigerator you have to take good care of it for it to last for long without requiring repair. One of the things that you should do is avoid overstocking the refrigerator. Overstocking not only reduces the rate at which it cools the food, it also reduces the appliance’s life. If there is any product that you can do without in the fridge, you should get rid of it. To keep air circulating effectively, commercial kitchen appliance repairs Falls Church recommend that you get rid of clutter on the outside of the refrigerator.

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