Tag Archives: appliance repair experts

Home Appliance Best Practises

Would you like to keep your home appliances in top condition most of the time? Here are tips given by appliance repair professionals that will help you do that:

Don’t pre-rinse your dishes. Let the dishwasher run.

It’s time to forget everything your parents taught you about cleaning up after dinner. One of the hardest habits to break for most people growing up in the 1970s and 1980s is not to fully rinse off dishes.

For most people growing up at the time, mothers’ dishes were spotless by the time they went into the dishwasher. This was often because the dishwashers at that time weren’t as efficient as they are now.

Washers today are highly effective and use just a little water.

How little? Three and a half gallons or less is enough

Modern dishwashers are capable of removing dried food off plates, so you can wait until the machine is full before running it. Scraping is sufficient. You don’t need to pre-rinse the dishes. Simply make room for water sprayers to reach each dish.

What if there are only a few dishes to wash? You might have the impression that doing them by hand is less wasteful, but data suggests otherwise, even if you run a half-empty dishwasher.

A peer-reviewed study sponsored by Whirlpool on the amount of water and energy required to wash dishes by hand or machine found that running the tap to wash a plate, cup, bowl, cutlery, and some service items) used approximately 3 gallons.

That indicates that operating the dishwasher for only two people uses less water than washing dishes in the sink, providing no pre-rinsing is done.

Dishwashers produce less than half the greenhouse gas emissions of hand-washing dishes, owing mostly to the fact that they heat less water.

At full capacity, a dishwasher uses less than half a gallon in each setting.

The only way to fight this by hand is to wash and rinse in two basins instead of letting the water run, as most people do.

Unfortunately, this will not save you time. The EPA estimates that hand-washing a household’s dishes for a year takes around 230 hours, similar to a 10-day vacation.

How do the appliances do this? Dishwashers’ light sensors monitor the cloudiness of the water as it drains and regulate the water to guarantee the dishes are clean without wasting it. The whole point is that the appliances do the hard work for you.

Set the refrigerator thermostat and forget about it

The refrigerator was long considered the most energy-hungry appliance in the family home. Today, it is among the most cost-effective.

According to a 2010 World Economic Forum research, refrigerators’ energy consumption has fallen by three-fourths since 1972, despite their increased internal volume. Those stats appear even better today, thanks to improved compressors, coolants, and insulation.

Even with this information, many individuals ignore manufacturer guidelines and set temperatures too low. You should note that colder isn’t necessarily better.

Decades of advancements in insulation, air sealing, and ventilation ensure that suggested temperatures — often between 37 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit can store food the longest without wasting energy or causing frostbite.

Simply set the right temperature and organize your food such that it is easy to find and difficult to forget.

The largest mistake you can make is storing refrigerators past their expiration dates. If you have an old model in your (hot) garage or basement, especially if you’re one of the people with a second refrigerator, get rid of it.

In most cases, you pay more for electricity than you could save by updating it.

Invest in a smart thermostat.

You may have heard that setting your thermostat to a specific temperature reduces heating and cooling costs. It does not, especially if you have to keep changing the settings.

Installing smart thermostats that learn your tastes and behaviors allows you to set an effective heating and cooling schedule while saving money each year.

The smart thermostats employ home WiFi, smartphone apps, or motion sensors to detect when people are home and modify temperatures accordingly, as well as during the day.

Homes with heat pumps are an exception. Modern high-performance heat pumps perform best while maintaining a consistently comfortable temperature and are less efficient when attempting to heat a cold environment.

They can provide energy savings without requiring thermostat adjustments in the evening or when you get up. Don’t touch the thermostat when you have a heat pump in your home.

Replace the old appliances.

If your machine is 15 or 20 years old, replacing it will save you money and reduce emissions. Even today’s low-cost dishwashers outperform high-end appliances from a decade ago.

Pushing appliances beyond their projected lifetime only delays their replacement, wasting money and energy.

While this is the case, manufacturers say that we may be entering an era in which appliances reach their peak efficiency. At that point, we’ll rely on software updates rather than new hardware to enhance things.

Appliances are getting about as efficient as they can be. There are projections that it will get to the point where manufacturers will be helping consumers prolong the life of their products.

While this is a probability, we are yet to get there. If your appliance is old, you should simply replace it. A telltale sign that your unit is old is if it consumes too much energy.

You should also consider replacing your unit if it keeps breaking down, and you have to keep hiring commercial appliance repair Alexandria professionals.

When buying a new unit, get a high-quality one that will withstand the test of time. The appliance should have a high energy rating which gives you peace of mind that it won’t hike your energy bills.

Refrigerator Best Practises

appliance repiar

There are correct and incorrect methods of storing food in the fridge. Some fruits and vegetables, for example, must be refrigerated, while others must be stored at room temperature.

You can store some cooking oils on the counter, while you should store others in the refrigerator. Some expired items may not be genuinely expired, and you may use incorrect containers.

What should you do, and what shouldn’t you do?

We’ve done the legwork to determine the best ways to keep your refrigerated food taste great and last as long as possible. To help you out, here are tips you should follow:

Not every food is supposed to be refrigerated

You might think you should refrigerate every leftover food, but appliance repair professionals observe that this shouldn’t be the case.

There are plenty of food items that you shouldn’t allow in your fridge.

Refrigeration actively deteriorates some items, including onions, potatoes, garlic, avocado, tomatoes, bananas, stone fruit, bread, pastries, melons, spices, honey, peanut butter, apples, coffee, eggs, butter, sauces, dressings, soy sauce, and hot sauce.

This means that you shouldn’t store these items in the fridge. Instead, store them at room temperature.

Properly store the cooking oils.

Cooking oils derived from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds require different storage conditions. This is because oil oxidizes when exposed to oxygen, light, or heat, eventually turning it rancid.

While certain cooking oils can be stored at room temperature, some perform best in the refrigerator.

To help shed more light on the issue, here are ways to store the different oils:

Corn and canola oils: Store them in a cool, dark cupboard, or refrigerate them if it takes over a year to finish a bottle.

Olive oil: Leaving olive oil out on the counter or table, especially if the bottle is exposed to direct sunlight, or storing it on or near a stove are proven ways to turn it rancid. To avoid this, put it in the coolest, darkest corner of your house or use a smaller glass container in the kitchen.

Peanut oil can be stored for up to two years if well-sealed and kept away from heat and light. Refrigerating peanut oil may increase its shelf life even further, so go ahead and do it.

Coconut oil is relatively stable and has a two-year shelf life or more when stored at room temperature.

Avocado, grapeseed, hazelnut, sesame, truffle, walnut, safflower, and sunflower oils are delicate oils especially susceptible to rancidity when exposed to excessive light or heat.

You can go ahead and refrigerate it after opening. These oils will last six months or longer if you keep them cold.

Don’t throw away food items just because they are expired

Did you realize that no national regulation defines expiration dates? Expiration dates simply indicate quality control rather than safety or nutritional worth. This means that you can still go ahead and store and eat the food items even if they are past their expiry dates.

How can you know if your food is safe to eat? Read up on USDA recommendations, utilize your eyes and nose, and trust your instincts.

Some of the things that you can use to tell whether you can eat the food items include:

Smell: If it smells good and is properly preserved, it’s probably safe to eat.

Sight: Don’t let your eyes trick you when it comes to fresh foods like produce. Bumps and bruises do not indicate that something is destroyed.

Don’t can the cans: Canned foods have a long shelf life. Even rusted cans should be fine as long as they are not bulging and the seal is intact.

In conclusion, check the packaging, utilize your senses, thoroughly cook food, and don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good.

A thorough awareness of “expiration” dates could significantly reduce food waste—not to mention money out of your pocket.

Don’t wrap the leftovers using plastic.

Many people wrap their foods in plastic before placing them in their fridges, which isn’t a good thing to do as it leads to food getting spoilt.

The right way to go about it is to wrap the food in safer food wrap.

If you’re tired of tossing away disposable food wrap but still want to keep your food fresh, Bee’s Wrap could be the solution.

It’s supposed to be built on top of your kitchen and then unwrapped to serve as a placemat. Bee’s wrap is also great for storing food.

It’s also useful for wrapping cheese, half an avocado, half a lemon, and covering jars and bowls (squeeze some Bee’s Wrap onto the top of a container, and the warmth of your hand will soften the wax just enough to form a seal).

When buying the bees wrap, buy a high-quality one that will give you excellent results.

Use the proper storage containers.

Besides being cautious of the type of wrap you use to cover your food before storage, you must also be careful of your storage containers.

Two of the best containers to use are glass and plastic containers.

The food will not leak into the glass container, and the glass will not shatter. For the best outcome, go with a container with a silicone lid.

While the silicone on the lid will discolor, it will be clean following a dishwasher cycle.

Plastic containers will not leak until severely shaken, and drops aren’t a concern unless the container falls on its side or a corner.

Although no plastic container is oven-safe, the set is dishwasher- and microwave-safe and comes with a lifetime warranty.

You should avoid freezing this set since expanding food may cause the top to pop off.

Always ensure that the fridge door closes fully at all times

For peace of mind that your fridge is functioning optimally and you aren’t wasting a lot of power, ensure your fridge door is always closed.

If your refrigerator door won’t close, it’s most likely due to a worn-out gasket, the rubber seal that runs down its edge. Fortunately, the solution is simple: clean the gasket and apply petroleum jelly to the rubber to revive it.

You don’t need a refrigerator repair Alexandria professional to help you fix it unless the problem is too exaggerated.