5 Oven Repair And Maintenance Tips

By | September 21, 2018

oven repair

Do you have an oven in your home or place of work? You need to take good care of it. To help you out, here are tips on how to go about it as given by oven repair professionals:

Clean the oven

This is a no-brainer but you will be worried by the number of people that don’t clean their appliances as well as they are supposed to. You should clean your oven at the end of every day where you should dust it off and get rid of any spills that might have come about.

In addition to the daily cleaning, you also should undertake a thorough cleaning at least once a year. Here you should hire a professional to clean your unit and give it a perfect look.

Most of the ovens have a self-cleaning feature but you should be cautious about how you use it. While the feature gives the oven a great look, it puts a lot of stress on the unit. In some cases, it triggers an electrical failure.

For you to be safe when using the feature, carefully go through the safety guidelines and instructions. During self-cleaning, the oven tends to produce a lot of heat; therefore, you will be better off cleaning your appliance during winter.

Keep aluminum foil out of the oven

Most people cover their food with aluminum foil then go ahead and put the aluminum covered food in the oven. This is wrong. You should note that the foil tends to reflect heat and it can throw too much or too little heat at the temperature sensor.

What is the end result of this? The food can be over or undercooked. The aluminum foil has also been shown to ruin the drip pans in the event you put it under the surface units. Putting the foil under the oven also triggers the foil to melt. This can damage the oven or even create a fire hazard.

Are you using a gas oven? The foil can cover up the vents leading to a buildup of carbon monoxide.

Do you want to keep your oven in top condition? Don’t use the aluminum foil at all. This calls for you to uncover the food before placing it in the oven.

Pay attention to the blower

The blower is one of the most integral parts of the oven; therefore, you need to ensure that it’s in top condition all the time. One of the most effective ways of keeping it in good shape is lubricating it regularly.

The type and quality of oil you use in the lubrication is of great impact; therefore, always ensure that you use a high-quality one that will not only provide the best lubrication, but one that won’t require you to keep on reapplying.

Failure of lubricating the parts as you are supposed to put your oven at the risk of grinding to an abrupt stop. The oven can also damage other vital parts which will be an added cost on your part.

Don’t use the oven a heat source

During winter it’s common for some people to put on their ovens and use them as sources of heat. This is wrong. you should note that the oven heat doesn’t circulate well through the home and it can even be dangerous to you and your family.

If you have a gas oven, the unit might produce carbon monoxide that can rise to toxic levels, putting you and your family at great risk of suffocation.

Unless you have food that you want to cook, you should never start the oven. If you need to warm the house, use a furnace or chimney.

Undertake regular inspections

Just like any other appliance you might be having in your home, you need to regularly inspect it for any issues it might be having. At least once a year, hire an appliance repair Alexandria professional to inspect the unit and fix any issues if present.

The contractor should inspect all parts including:

  • Thermocouples
  • Port inserts
  • Door gaskets
  • Mounting and slide assemblies
  • Any other parts.

For you to get the most from the contractor, ensure that you hire a certified and highly experienced professional. The last thing you want is someone who will end up damaging your unit instead of fixing it.

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