Tag Archives: signs your fridge is dying

6 Signs Your Refrigerator Is Dying As Given By Refrigerator Repair Experts

While homeowners know they have to replace their refrigerator at a particular time, most of them don’t know the exact time to do it. So you will find them trying to salvage a dying horse. They will keep contacting a refrigerator repair professional, not realizing they are pouring money down the drain that they could have put to better use by simply buying a new appliance.

Do you have a hunch your refrigerator is on its deathbed? Here are signs your refrigerator is dying:

You can hear the motor.

Refrigerators are loud, but if you have never noticed its sound, but now you start hearing the motor, you have a problem. The temperature control board supplies voltage to the fan motors and compressors. If this part is malfunctioning, it could send continuous power making the fridge too cold. As a result, the motor runs continuously.

A motor that runs unnecessarily not only makes a lot of noise, it also increases your energy bills.

Your electricity bill keeps going up.

If your appliance has faulty components, you are bound to see your electricity bills go up. For example, if your fridge has a defective gasket, other components such as evaporator, fans, condenser, and thermostat have to work harder to compensate for it, which translates to high energy use.

If you haven’t installed a new appliance in your home and you have noticed your electricity bills going up, you should check whether you have a faulty part or there is food that has built up in the appliance. While it seems harmless, sticky food buildup can lead to tearing up of gaskets. To prevent the buildup, regularly clean your refrigerator with warm, soapy water.

It’s common for older appliances to consume more energy than newer models, but the consumption shouldn’t be too much that it doubles your energy bills.

Your refrigerator is sweating.

Your fridge will look like its sweating as a result of excess condensation, which is an indication of insufficient cooling capabilities. Carefully inspect the refrigerator. If the moisture is appearing on the exterior, check the door seal, and if faulty, replace it.

If the seal looks in good condition or the condensation is coming from the inside of the appliance, the appliance’s internal temperature isn’t cold enough to keep the food from spoiling, and it’s time to replace it.

The freezer is too cold.

Yes, the freezer can be too cold. The freezer is supposed to be precisely zero degrees, so if yours feels like it’s more than freezing, you have a problem. If you have an older appliance, this problem might be brought about by a cracked door seal that is allowing warm, moist air to enter.

If you do an inspection and find that’s not the reason for the low temperatures, you must be having a problem with the refrigerator defrost sensor, or your appliance might be on its way out.

Food keeps getting spoilt.

Does your food keep getting bad much faster than usual? It’s an indication your fridge might be faulty. Before you run into conclusions, check the temperature settings. A properly functioning appliance should have a temperature of between 37 and 41 degrees.

If the temperature is within a normal range, but you are still having this problem, check whether the door seals are tight and clean. Door seals keep cool air in the fridge and prevent warm air from getting in.

Cleaning the seals can keep the fridge working optimally and prevent it from getting spoilt. If you do your inspection and find out everything is in top working condition, but the food is still getting spoilt, chances are your appliance is too old, and it’s time to replace it.

The back of the fridge is too hot.

The back of the fridge should always feel warmer than the front as this is where the motor is located, but if it’s too hot to the touch, it’s a sign the fridge is overheating. The overheating can be brought about by plenty of factors such as: dirty condenser, coil problem, and ventilation system problems.

Appliance Repair Springfield experts recommend you clean the coils, and the fridge will start running more efficiently, which decreases the operating costs. If you do this and still the appliance is malfunctioning, it’s time to get a new unit.