Tag Archives: commercial appliance repair expert

5 Dishwasher Problems You Should Never Ignore

According to appliance repair professionals, every appliance, including a dishwasher, develops problems in its life. Some of the problems are minor, and you can continue using the dishwasher without fixing it, but others are too elaborate, and you should never ignore them. Which are these problems? Here they are:

Bad odor coming from your appliance

Your dishwasher should be smelling fresh and clean, so if yours produces a bad odor, it means that there is something wrong, and you should look at it. In most cases, the primary culprit is the drain filter.

Most appliances have a drain filter to prevent food particles from clogging the drain, so if it’s dirty, it’s bound to produce bad smells that can be off-putting.

To get rid of the smells, you should remove the drain filters from the floor of your dishwasher and clean them in your kitchen sink with hot water and soap. It will even be better if you can use a bottlebrush in the cleaning so that you can reach all the interior surfaces.

You should clean the filter, ensuring it’s free of food debris and gunk.

Loud, abnormal noises

While dishwashers aren’t the quietest appliances, they aren’t supposed to be too loud that you are uncomfortable using them. As a rule of thumb, anything outside the typical low-pitched whirring means something is wrong.

The problem might be due to a minor issue such as a large pot getting in the way of spray arms, and all you need to do is rearrange the dishes so they can get clean.

The problem could also be due to a more complicated problem such as a drain pump, wash pump, or motor malfunctioning. If the abnormal noises are due to more complicated problems, have the appliance inspected by an experienced professional.


Rust is often not a reason to raise the alarm, especially if it’s just minor rust on the exterior, but if you see plenty of rust on the interior, there is a reason to worry. Rust is often a clear indication of an ongoing water leak, showing that your appliance is at the later stages of its life.

You can’t reverse or fix rust problems, so if there is a lot of rust on your appliance, so if your appliance has a lot of rust on it, it’s time to get a new unit. Of course, buy a new modern appliance and the ideal fit for your lifestyle.

Grime on the interior

It’s normal for grime to accumulate on the interior walls of your appliance, especially if you have been using it for a long time. The grime is usually black, gray, or even orange, and it’s brought about by food, mildew, bacteria, or mold buildup.

The grime is harmless to your appliance, but you risk getting sick from consuming the bacteria and mold when it gets to your dishes. It’s also common for the gunk to get to the dishwasher parts, leading to a malfunction.

Whenever you notice grime on your appliance, regardless of its size, move with haste and remove it. Begin with removing upper and lower racks, then run them under hot water in the kitchen sink. You should then scrub the insides of the dishwasher with a rag or sponge dampened with hot water, ensuring that you wipe down the door gasket, which can collect mold and mildew.

Water leaking on the outside

Most people will notice their appliances surrounded by a pool of water after running them, then ignore them. This is wrong as when the appliance keeps leaking water, the water can rot the floor, which, as you can guess, isn’t cheap to fix.

When you notice your appliance leaking, you shouldn’t ignore it—you should move with haste and fix the problem immediately.

The leaking problem can be brought about by several reasons, such as a clogged drain filter or parts having rust or calcium/lime buildup.

If you don’t know what you are doing, don’t try troubleshooting the appliance yourself—let a professional handle it.


These are some of the dishwasher problems you shouldn’t ignore. While they appear minor, they often lead to complex problems, so try to fix them as soon as possible. To avoid ruining your appliance, don’t try to fix the problems yourself—let a commercial appliance repair Springfield professional do it.