Commercial Appliance Services: When To Repair Or Replace Your Commercial Appliance

By | February 23, 2024

commercial appliance services

Commercial appliances repair keeps the appliances in top working condition. Due to frequent use, wear and tear, it’s common for the appliances to lose their efficiency. When you repair the appliances you restore them to their original condition thus they work more efficiently. In the process, you spend less energy to keep your kitchen running. While it’s recommended that you regularly repair your appliances, sometimes the repair work is useless and you are better off replacing your appliance.

When to repair or replace your commercial kitchen appliance

To make the decision whether to repair or replace your appliance you need to consider a number of factors that include:

The age of the commercial appliance: While most of the kitchen appliances are designed to last for decades, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t replace them. In addition to the old appliances running inefficiently, they also require frequent repair services which can be expensive. To know the right time to replace your appliance you should know the average life expectancy of the units. Refrigerators have a life expectancy of 14 years, gas stoves last for 19 years, and dishwashers last for 12 years. If your units have passed their life expectancies you should replace them.

The amount of money spent on appliance repair: You should provide regular commercial appliances service but the cost of repair shouldn’t be too high. When you hire a commercial kitchen service provider, it’s recommended that you keep a receipt of the service provided. If you find that the amount you have spent on repair is more than half the price of a new unit, you are better off replacing the appliance. In addition to the new appliances not requiring frequent repairs, they also run efficiently thus you spend less to maintain your unit.

Buying a new commercial appliance

Once you have settled that you need to invest in a new unit, you should consider a number of factors when making the purchase.  One of the factors is the efficiency of the new appliance. To save money, you should ensure that the new appliance is energy rated. You should also consider the warranty provided by the manufacturer. To save money on commercial appliance services Arlington you should go with a unit offering the longest warranty period.


To have efficient kitchen appliances you should know the right time to repair or replace your appliances. When buying the new appliance, ensure that you buy it from a reputable store.

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