Tag Archives: washer repair professional

Can You Run Washing Machine Empty?

With the ever-increasing water and electricity prices, the last thing you want is to run the machine with nothing inside.

Can you run washing machine empty? Yes, you can do it to clean it and keep it in tip-top condition.

According to washer repair professionals, when you run the washing machine empty and let the water off the interior, you clean any debris that might be there, ensuring that all the clothes coming from it are clean.

What is the best way to run an empty washing machine?

The best way to run an empty machine is to run it on a hot cycle with nothing inside. The hot wash means that you should run the machine at a cycle of at least 40 degrees, but for the best outcome, set it to the hottest option that you are aiming for.

The hot cycle is more beneficial if you regularly wash your clothes using the cold cycle. When the machine goes for a long time without coming into contact with hot water, bacteria and detergents accumulate inside.

The accumulated grime might start affecting the clothes that you wash as they might start coming out with lingering smells.

You remove bacteria when you run the hot cycle, so your clothes always come out clean and smelling fresh.

Washing machine professionals also recommend running an empty cycle on your machine before you start using it for your clothes or bedding. This is to ensure that there is no dust, oils, or any other residues inside the machine or its pipes.

Don’t use any cleaning products when running the empty cycle. If you want, you can give the cycle some power by adding two cups of vinegar into the detergent drawer.

You can also pour half a cup of bicarbonate of soda into the machine’s drum before setting it to the hottest cycle and letting the cleaning happen.

Other washing machine best practices

Besides running an empty cycle to keep the washing machine in top shape, there are plenty of other things you need to do to maintain your machine. These things include:

Put the detergents in the right place

The detergent you use can make or break your machine, so you should be cautious about how you use it. If using a liquid detergent, measure it with a measuring cup or dosing ball and place the entire ball in a washing machine drum after your clothes.

If using a powder, measure it using a scoop and pour it into the correct compartment of the detergent drawer. It’s also wise to add the washing tablets to the detergent drawer or the washing machine drum before you put your clothes.

Just like the washing machine tablets, pop the capsules at the back of the drum before the clothes and run the cycle.

Remove the clothes at the right time.

Some homeowners leave clothes in their washing machines, sometimes even overnight. This is wrong as the moisture from the wet clothes can lead to a buildup of mold in the drum or even on the clothes.

To avoid this, always remove the clothes from the washer as soon as the rinse cycle is complete, then dry the clothes naturally outside.

Remove everything from the pockets.

Plenty of washing machines have been reported getting damaged by coins, nails, and other materials after they have hit the insides of the washing machine. As you can tell, this leads to expensive repairs, and you don’t get to use your machine for some time.

To avoid this, always double-check your pockets and remove any materials there. From the tissues to plastic toys, remove all of them. You don’t want a stray tissue leaving your entire load covered in white fluff, do you?

Hire a professional when issues come about

Your washing machine will develop problems such as blocked water pipe and others. While you can fix some of these issues by yourself, always avoid doing so as the chances are high that you will cause more problems than were there.

To be safe, always hire an appliance repair Alexandria professional to fix any problem, regardless of its magnitude.