Tag Archives: fridge contractor

How To Save Energy And Money With Your Refrigerator

appliance repiar

The fact that you need cool food and drinks doesn’t mean that you should spend an arm and leg on it, does it? Thankfully, there are several tips given by refrigerator repair professionals on how to save as much energy and money on your appliance as possible. Which are these tips? Here they are:

Get rid of your old refrigerator

If your fridge consumes too much energy and is more than ten years old, it might be due to its old age.

If you can’t remember when you purchased your refrigerator, you should consider getting a new, more energy-efficient one.

Yes, the new unit will set you back a tidy sum, but it will save you a lot in the long run.

When buying a new appliance, pay attention to the energy star rating and always go for the appliance with the highest rating.

Practice the 2/3rds full rule

As you can tell, the fridge consumes energy when it’s working to replace the lost, cold air. To make it easy for the fridge, use the 2/3rds full rule. Here you keep the refrigerator and freezer at least 2/3 full. This means that you have less than 1/3 of the unit empty, so only 1/3 of cold air can leak out.

Although you should always observe the rule, putting it into consideration is more important if you have a large family and you keep opening the door to reach for food.

Ensure your unit has enough air supply

Where you place your fridge significantly impacts how it functions efficiently. For example, if you place it next to a heat source such as a radiator, hob, or oven, it will run more frequently, which means it consumes more energy than it should.

To ensure that your unit is in top working condition all the time, ensure that there is sufficient air moving around. This calls for you to place it away from heat-producing appliances. You also should avoid placing it too close to the wall.

If you visit many homes, you will find many homeowners placing items on their fridges. As much as this brings convenience, it often makes the fridge work harder to get rid of hot air caused by these items.

For your unit to run efficiently, get rid of any products you might have placed on it.

Keep an eye on frost in your unit.

Plenty of frost in your freezer will make your unit work hard, which, as mentioned above, translates to high-energy consumption. To cut on the amount of money you spend on your monthly energy bill, regularly inspect your freezer and if the frost is ¼” or thicker, thaw it out.

Reduce the frequency you open the day.

As we have said, you have a large energy bill at the end of every month due to cold air escaping your fridge, often through the door.

To keep as much cold air inside, reduce the frequency at which you open the door. The right way to go about it is to take all the things you need from the fridge at once.

If you live with other people in the house, let them know about the benefits of minimizing the frequency of opening the door and encourage them to keep the door closed at all times.

Even when you open the door, don’t leave it open for too long as you will lose too much cold air. Instead, reach for what you need as fast as possible and close the door.

Only store cold food in the fridge

Some people try to cool their food by placing it in the fridge while still hot. While this might work, it often leads to the refrigerator overworking to cool the food.

Even if you are looking to experiment, appliance repair Springfield professionals significantly advise against placing hot food in the fridge. Even if you want to store the food in the refrigerator for later, let it first cool completely to room temperature before placing it inside the appliance.