Oven Repair: 6 Ways To Maintain Your Oven

By | April 18, 2019
oven repair

For you to avoid regular oven repair, you should take good care of your oven. The cool thing is that there are plenty of ways of doing it. Some of these ways include:

Pay attention to the blower motor

The blower motor is one of the vital parts of the oven. One of the things you should do is to lubricate it. Is your motor equipped with oil cups? You should open them and apply the right amount of oil to them.

If your unit has ball-bearing motors, you should apply oil at the front and back of the motor.

When you are lubricating the motor, you also should remember to pay attention to the blower wheel and extension shaft set screws. You should tighten the screws as required. You should take care that you don’t overtighten the screws to the extent of crushing the isolation or resilient washers.

Inspect the heating elements

It’s common for the heating elements to burn out from time to time. This leads to reduced power and loss of performance. A telltale sign of a problem with the elements is a drop in oven performance.

One of the ways of inspecting the elements is by using a digital multimeter. You can also check them using an ammeter that checks the amperage of the elements.

If you don’t have these devices with you, you can always check the individual elements manually. When doing so, remember to set the controller to 100%.

Prevent unnecessary heat losses

It’s your responsibility as a homeowner to ensure that the oven is functioning at its level best. One of the ways of ensuring that this is the case is by preventing unnecessary heat loses. Does your oven have a light? You should always use a port plug in the light socket when you aren’t using the light.

The port plug in the light socket reduces heat loss and at the same time prevents the socket from malfunctioning due to the exposure to the heat. It’s common for the port plug to crack or get damaged every now and then. If this is the case, you should repair it or simply replace it if the damage is extensive.

Cool the oven properly

It’s recommended that you let the oven cool by itself, but if you have to speed up the cooling, you should do it properly. The best way of doing it is by using the cryogenic method of cooling. For proper cryogenic cooling, you need to follow a set of tips that include:

  • Don’t use regulators between the carbon monoxide siphon tank and oven
  • Avoid using manifolds at all times. This is to prevent making changes in the cross section of the liquid path that leads to the solidification of the liquid.
  • When cooling, always ensure that you don’t exceed the pressure rating of the solenoid valve
  • You should always use proper ventilation when cooling. This is to prevent suffocation.

Clean the oven regularly

This is a no brainer. You need to clean the oven for it to look good and also last for a long time. At the end of the working day, you should clean the oven. It’s also wise to give the unit a thorough cleaning at least twice a year.

The cool thing is that cleaning the unit is easy. All you need is soap and a moist piece of cloth. When cleaning the insides of the unit, remember to turn off the power to avoid damaging the unit, or even hurting yourself.

Take a look at the burners

What is the condition of the burners? You need to find out about it. At least once a year, take a look at the burners and inspect them for deformities. If they are damaged, you should find out whether you can repair them or you should go ahead and replace them.

When the oven is cooking, you should take a look at the coils. A small spot on the coil that is redder than the rest of the unit means that the piece is about to short out.

You can hire an appliance repair Northern VA professional to help you with the inspection or do it by yourself if you have the time and skill to do it.

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