Washer Repair: Golden Tips On How To Maintain Your Washing Machine

By | August 25, 2018

washer repair

How you treat your washer not only determines how well it cleans your clothes, it also determines how long it lasts. While many people know that they need to take good care of their appliances, most of them make a battery of mistakes that results in damage to their appliances.

Here are some of the most common mistakes as given by washer repair contractors and how to prevent them from coming about:

You overload the machine

It’s common for people to want to load their washing machines with as many clothes as possible. This is because they want to clean them within the shortest time possible. You should note that overloading the washer tends to damage important components. It also tends to strain the motor which puts the motor at the risk of blowing out.

Do you want your washing machine to last for a long time and give you the service you are looking for? Avoid overloading it. Always put enough clothes that it can clean comfortably without requiring it to work more than its supposed to.

If you aren’t sure of the amount of clothes that you should load, consult the user’s manual. If still, you can’t tell the right capacity to go for, separate the clothes into multiple loads.

You don’t clean the machine

When is the last time you cleaned the washing machine? Most people don’t clean the appliances as frequently as they are supposed to. You should note that washer cleaning is one of the most basic washing machine maintenance procedures that is meant to make the washing machine last for a long time and run efficiently for the long haul.

For you to be on the safe side you should clean your washing machine at least once a month. When cleaning it, take care that you don’t use chemicals that might cause damage to it.

You use too much detergent

You must have heard that more is better, but this isn’t always the case. When you use a lot of detergents, you tend to have more suds which make the washing machine overflow. The excess soap also leaves the clothes stiff and sudsy.

The excess soap has also been shown to wear on the machine, reducing its lifespan.

Do you have a high-efficiency washer and you would want it to last for a long time? Use just little detergent on it. You should be cautious when using the detergents as not all of them are ideal for use. As rule of thumb, use the one that is designed for your type of washing machine.

You have installed the washing machine improperly

Where have you installed the washing machine? You need to think about it as installing it at the wrong place will result in plenty of problems. Avoid installing it in a damp place. This is to ensure that it never gets into contact with water. For you to be on the safe side, install it indoors in a safe dry place.

You also should ensure that the place is level. When the ground isn’t level, the drum might not spin correctly thus fail to clean the clothes as well as they are supposed to. The washing machine might also jump across the floor in a high spin, causing damage to items and people around.

For you to have peace of mind that the washer is properly installed, ensure that it’s installed by a professional.

You leave the clothes in the washer for a long time

Many people leave clothes in their washing machines for way too long than they should, which is wrong. While the practice of leaving clothes in the washing machine overnight might seem harmless, the moisture provides an ideal environment for mold and mildew which leads to a foul-smelling machine.

The best way of going about it is unloading the clothes as soon as they are clean. After unloading the machine, leave the washer lid open so that the insides can dry out.

You don’t empty the pockets

Do you empty the pockets of your clothes before you put them in the washing machine? Some people don’t, which is dangerous. Appliance repair Northern VA professionals report that non-clothing objects tend to clog the water drain when you put them in the washer.

For you to prevent gum or tissue from making a mess in your washing machine, always empty your pockets before you put the clothes in the washer.

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