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6 Things You Shouldn’t Put In Your Washing Machine

Just because something is a piece of clothing doesn’t mean that you should put it in the washing machine. This is because it might get damaged or, even worse, damage your precious and expensive appliance. Which pieces of clothing should you not put in the machine? Here they are as given by washer repair professionals:


If you have a premium suit, you shouldn’t put it in the washing machine when it gets dirty. This is because it will develop plenty of wrinkles that will be unsightly to look at. There is also the risk of damaging the premium material used in making the suit.

Instead of washing the outfit at home, take it to a dry cleaner, where it will be professionally cleaned.

Clothes covered in pet hair.

If you have cats or dogs in your house, you most likely have their hair on your clothes. A few hairpieces on the clothes aren’t a big deal, but if you have plenty of it, it’s unwise to put the outfits in the washing machine.

While the hair might come off after washing, it often sticks in the washing machine, where it might get transferred to other pieces of clothing you put there.

The best way to wash clothes covered in pet hair is using hand. First, remove all the fur if you have to wash them using a washing machine. One excellent tool you can use for the work is a lint roller.

Clothes with open zippers

If you run your finger along an open zipper, you will notice that each of the teeth catches your skin. This is the same thing that will happen to your washing machine.

When you run a cycle with unzipped zippers, they risk catching and damaging other clothing items, especially delicate ones. There is also the risk of the zippers scratching the insides of the drum.

To protect your washing machine and delicates, zip up all of your zippers to the top before you run a cycle.

For the buttoned clothes, leave the buttons unbuttoned to avoid putting too much pressure on the button thread during the cycle.


Swimsuits are delicate; even if the label might say that the outfit is machine washable, it would be wise to avoid it and wash it by hand.

The reason for this is that the swimsuit material is at risk of stretching and sagging when subjected to a washing cycle, meaning that it will eventually lose its shape.

There is also the risk of the swimsuit getting caught on other pieces of clothing and getting damaged.

As mentioned above, to avoid this, gently hand wash the outfits.

Loose bras

Similar to swimsuits, bras are also delicate, so you can easily damage them when you put them in the washing machine.

In most cases, the wash ruins the bra’s shape, not to mention damaging the underwire.

There is also the risk of the metal clasps snagging and tearing other items in the load during the cleaning cycle.

To protect your precious bra, always use a laundry bag. You should put all your bras in this bag and throw them in the washing machine.

If you don’t have a bag, go the old route and wash the bras by hand.

Delicate sweaters

It’s not just the inner wears that are delicate. Sweaters can also be delicate. If you have a sweater made from wool, velvet, or cashmere, be cautious when placing it in the washing machine, as high temperatures can shrink the material.

There is also the risk of friction between the sweater and the washing machines leaving the outfit looking worn and ugly, and you don’t want this, do you?

Wash your delicate sweater by hand using a gentle laundry detergent to stay on the safe side. If you don’t have the time for it, take your sweater to the dry cleaners.

Even if the labels on the sweater say that you can machine-wash the outfit, don’t do it. If you have to do it, appliance repair Springfield recommend that you place the sweater in a laundry bag that will protect the sweater from any form of damage.