Tag Archives: repairing fridge

How Do You Clean Your Refrigerator?

Virginia Refrigerators Repair

Cleaning your refrigerator is important as it keeps it looking great and ensures it’s in top working condition all the time. While this is the case, the big question is, how do you clean your refrigerator? According to refrigerator repair professionals, proper refrigerator cleaning requires you to follow the right steps that include:

Step 1: Switch off the fridge.

If you can easily move the fridge and access the plug, turn off the circuit breaker serving the refrigerator. You should note that you don’t have to do this on all refrigerators. If your fridge has removable shelves and you are cautious about keeping the door closed while cleaning, leaving the fridge on makes no difference, but if your appliance doesn’t have removable shelves and you are going to have the doors open for long hours, unplug the fridge to avoid wasting electricity.

Step 2: Remove all the food.

The first thing to do is to remove all the food from the fridge. Toss any old or expired food into the trash. Remove the food that is still good and place it into a cooler to keep it cold while cleaning the remainder of the fridge.

Step 3: Remove the shelves and drawers

Does your fridge have removable drawers and shelves? Remove and set them aside. If you got any drawers and shelves made from metal or plastic, wash them with hot water and dish soap. For glass and ceramic pieces, gradually warm them up to room temperature before washing them with scalding water. This is to prevent them from cracking and breaking.

Step 4: Wipe down the interior

Using a clean cloth with hot water and mild dish soap, wash your fridge from top to bottom to prevent the water from dripping onto the surfaces you have already cleaned. If the insides have tough, stuck-on spills, use a plastic, non-abrasive scrubber to clean them.

If you got no scrubber, lay a warm wet cloth over the spilled area for a few minutes for the spilled area to get softer and easier to wipe away.

As you are cleaning the insides of the fridge, remember to clean the rags, so you don’t transfer dirt. Also, consider using multiple rags to maintain cleanliness. Once you are done with the insides of the fridge, pay attention to the interior doors.

Step 5: Clean the shelves and drawers

After removing the shelves and drawers, now it’s time to clean and dry them. Be cautious when cleaning, so you don’t break the slippery glass shelving.

Step 6: Dry the interior of the fridge

Once everything is clean and tidy, use a clean, dry cloth or towel. Wipe the interior of the refrigerator to ensure it’s completely dry. Remember to dry the interior walls as well.

Step 7: Replace the food.

Now, it’s time to put food back into the fridge. If you have jars or containers that you may need to store the food, now is a good time to clean them. Remember to use clean cloths when cleaning the jars and dry them thoroughly once you are done.

Step 8: Clean the freezer

Using the above-mentioned methods, clean the freezer. The cool thing with freezers is they often don’t get a lot of spills, so you don’t need to scrub them. You only need to check for and remove expired foods.

If there is some dirt or want to leave the freezers sparkling clean, go ahead and clean them.

Step 9: Clean the outside of the refrigerator.

Start cleaning the fridge from the top and work your way to the bottom using hot/warm water and mild dish soap. If you have a stainless steel fridge, use a soft, non-scratching rag and vinegar or window cleaner to clean the surfaces.

While at it, remember to clean the rubber gasket seal around the door edges using warm water and dish soap. By doing this, you remove dirt and grime that might have collected there, putting the seal at the risk of cracking.

Clean your fridge once a month

For an optimally functioning fridge, clean it at once every month. You don’t have to hire an appliance repair Fairfax professional to help you out, as you can do most of the work by yourself.