Tag Archives: dishwasher best practises

Should You Let Dishwasher Air Out?

When you are going on a holiday, or you will be out of the house for extended periods, you might have been tempted to leave the dishwasher open for moisture to evaporate and air to flow through the insides of the unit, but you aren’t sure whether this is a great decision.

Should you let the dishwasher air out? If you are wondering about this, you should know that it’s okay to do it. According to appliance repair professionals, airing out your dishwasher comes with plenty of benefits that include:

You allow heat and moisture to escape

Heat and moisture are usually a nightmare combination for most homeowners as they create unhealthy living conditions. When you let your unit air out, you get rid of this moisture, which leaves your unit in top working condition.

Besides leaving the door open when you are leaving the house for extended periods, it’s also recommended that you leave it open regularly to ensure that the dishes are fully dry before you remove them.

A good rule of thumb is to leave the door ajar for at least 30 minutes after each cycle.

You get rid of limescale.

Limescale is the yacky white coating you see on units exposed to water for some time.

The coating results from excess calcium in the water, and while it’s not a hazard to your health, it can lead to many problems for your appliance, such as blocking the unit and restricting water flow.

As you can tell, when your appliance has excessive limescale depositions, it doesn’t run as well as it should.

When you air out the unit, you slow down or prevent the depositions from coming about as you eliminate most of the moisture.

Besides airing out your unit, it’s also highly recommended that you regularly clean the insides of your dishwasher.

You get rid of harmful bacteria.

Bacteria thrive in wet environments, and when your appliance has plenty of moisture in it, it’s bound to promote the growth of these bacteria.

When you air out your appliance, you keep the insides dry, which is handy in keeping the bacteria to a minimum.

Like when keeping the limescale at bay, you also need to regularly clean your appliance to prevent the bacteria from multiplying. When cleaning, pay close attention to the rubber seals, as this is where most bacteria love hanging out the most.

You get rid of standing water.

Even when your dishwasher is running at optimum levels, some water remains behind, which serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects.

When you leave the door ajar, you allow this water to evaporate, which leaves your unit dry and free from insect infestation.

You prevent mold growth.

The last thing you want is mold growing, where you clean the plates and forks you eat with.

Unfortunately, the moist and hot nature of the dishwasher makes it an excellent environment for mold to grow in. When mold grows in your unit, you have heightened incidences of asthma, allergies, and other complicated health issues.

When you air out your appliance, you make the insides of the dishwasher dry, which as you can guess, isn’t a great growing ground for mold.

Leaving the dishwasher door open also means that the dishwasher isn’t too hot on the inside, which impedes mold growth.

Remember to regularly clean the insides of the unit to keep the mold off.

Other dishwasher best practices

Besides airing out the dishwasher after a cycle or when you aren’t using it, also make it a habit to clean it regularly.

In most cases, cleaning the dishwasher involves running an empty cycle with hot water that eliminates most bacteria that can wreck havoc.

Dishwasher repair Springfield professionals also recommend that you move with haste and fix even the most minor issues as soon as it comes about. This prevents the problems from getting too big and complicated to fix.