Tag Archives: commercial kitchen appliance repairs

Commercial Kitchen Appliance Repairs: How To Maintain Your Glass washer

Commercial Kitchen Appliance Repairs

If you have a pub, club, sports bar or any other commercial entity where you serve drinks you should have a glasswasher. Glasswashers make your work easy as they can wash and rise a rack full of glasses in less than two minutes. For your washer to continuing to work efficiently for long, you need to maintain it properly. Here are tips given by commercial kitchen appliance repairs professionals on how to do it:

Tips on how to maintain your glasswasher

Clean the washer regularly: There is no way that the unit will effectively clean the glasses if it’s dirty. For it to work efficiently and give your glasses a clean look, you should clean it regularly. Experts recommend that you clean the washer every day. You can do it once every two days if your establishment isn’t bustling with activity.

Undertake regular inspections: To avoid surprises you should conduct regular inspections. This calls for you to inspect the different areas of the glasswasher. Check the spray bar nozzles and if blocked, unblock them. You should also check the upper spray bar nozzles, and unblock them too if they are blocked. Finally, check the detergent and rinse levels and ensure that they are level. If they aren’t, make the necessary adjustments.

Empty the residues: Just like other commercial products, there is no way the glasswasher will function optimally if there is rubbish and drink residues in the glasses. Before you put the glasses in the washer, remove them first.

Regenerate the water softeners: The water softeners allow the commercial dishwashers to work without a lot of struggle thus they consume little energy. The softeners have also been found to lengthen the lifespan of the dishwashers. At least once a week, check the water softener levels and regenerate them if low.

Don’t put the wrong materials in the washer: According to commercial kitchen appliance service providers, most of the glasswasher problems are due to putting the wrong materials in the dishwasher. Some people put papers, others sticks, and others materials that damage the unit. To be on the safe side, you shouldn’t wash anything else in the washer other than beer, cider, soft, and wine glasses.


This is what you need to know about glasswashers. Even with the best care, it’s common for the washers to break down. When they do, you should contact a commercial appliances repair professional as soon as possible to fix them. As rule of thumb ensure that a reputable professional fixes them.

Commercial Refrigerator Repairs: Tips On How To Maintain Your Refrigerator

The refrigerator is one of the most common appliances in restaurants. For your commercial fridge to give you a long service you should properly maintain it.

How to maintain your refrigerator

To maintain your unit there are a number of things you can do on your own and there are other complex things that require the expertise of a commercial refrigerator repairs professional. Some of the things you need to do include:

Clean the condenser coils: The condenser coils are located at the back of the refrigerator and collect dust over time. This not only gives your appliance an ugly look, it also affects the efficiency of the appliance. To keep your unit in top shape, you should clean these coils at least once every six months. The best tool to use in your work is a vacuum cleaner’s brush attachment.

Get rid of frost: Just like dust, frost also tends to reduce the efficiency of the refrigerator. Frost has also been shown to reduce the storage space of your fridge. You should inspect the freezer regularly and if there a lot of frost than necessary, get rid of it.

Fix the gasket: The gasket is the rubber seal on the door of your refrigerator. Its main function is to create an air tight barrier that prevents cold air from leaving your fridge. Loose edges, tears, or cracks on the gasket prevent it from doing its job as effectively as it should. To keep your unit in top shape, inspect the casket once every month and if damaged, repair or replace it.

Change the water filter: Most of the modern refrigerators have water dispensers. To keep your unit working optimally, change the water filter while following the instructions given by the manufacturer. The reason why you should replace the filter is because the older filters lose their effectiveness as they age thus allowing bacteria and impurities into the drinking water. You should regularly replace the filter to maintain the good quality of the water.

Mistakes to avoid with your refrigerator

One of the most common mistakes that many restaurant owners make is overstocking their refrigerators. This is common when they have just come from the grocery store. While you might think that you are protecting your grocery from getting damaged, overstocking puts the refrigerator at the risk of failing thus you have to hire a commercial appliances repair Arlington to fix it. Overstocking the unit also reduces the unit’s efficiency.

Commercial Kitchen Appliance Service: Common Kitchen Appliance Mistakes You Should Avoid Making

commercial appliance services

As a restaurant, it’s your right to know the mistakes you might be making that are destroying your appliances. Here are some of the mistakes you might be making with the various appliances:

Commercial refrigerator and freezer

Since the refrigerator is available in almost every restaurant, commercial kitchen appliance service providers, observe that many things can go wrong. Some of the mistakes that you might be making with your refrigerator and freezers include:

Packing the fridge too full: This is common when you are from the grocery store, and most of the products can get spoilt. When you pack your refrigerator too much, the motor will start working overtime which puts your unit at the risk of excess water, tear, and even failure of the unit to properly cool the food. To be on the safe side, you should only store the food that your unit can comfortably carry.

Moving the refrigerator improperly: When you are cleaning the unit, many things can go wrong. When laying the unit down, the oil from the compressor can get into the cooling lines preventing proper drainage which would impede the refrigerator from cooling properly. Also, moving the fridge while full puts a lot of stress on the shelves and drawers which can break them. To protect your unit, you should only move your unit when it’s necessary.

Garbage disposal

The waste disposal is usually very convenient, and it seems as if you can throw anything into it and it won’t have any impact. Due to this, many people tend to abuse it which causes a number of problems. Some people throw items that are too tough that the unit gets damaged. In some cases, the damage is so extensive that you have to install a new unit. To keep your unit in top shape, commercial garbage disposal maintenance experts recommend that you avoid putting in damaging products such as grease, oil, shells, bones, coffee grounds, and celery.

Another thing you should avoid doing is flushing your garbage disposal with hot water. When you use hot water, the hot water melts the grease and fat that can cause mechanical damage in your unit that would require commercial appliances repair Arlington to come and fix it. In some cases, the flushing can bring about clogged drain lines that would bring your restaurant to a halt.


These are the mistakes you should avoid making with your restaurant appliances. To have an easy time with your appliances, work with reputable contractors.

Commercial Appliances Repair: What You Should Know About Your Refrigerator

Virginia Refrigerators Repair

As a restaurant owner, you know how valuable your commercial refrigerator is. Without it, your restaurant would come to a halt as you wouldn’t be able to serve your customers fresh food. To have a good relationship with your cooling unit, here are a number of things you should know as recommended by commercial kitchen appliance repairs professionals.

You need to observe the working temperatures of your unit

For food to remain fresh for a long time you should ensure that your refrigerator functions at the right temperature. For ideal results, you should ensure that the temperature remains between 30 degrees F and 40 degrees F. The freezers should always be set at zero degrees or below. To have an easy time telling the temperature at which your refrigerator is working at, you should invest in a high-quality thermometer.  Every day, you should place the thermometer in the refrigerator and if it’s higher or below than the recommended value you should reset the thermometer.

You should maintain your unit in great shape

Just like any other unit in your work area, there is no way that the refrigerator will work efficiently or last for a long time if you don’t take good care of it. There are a number of ways in which you can keep your unit in great shape. At the end of every working day, you should clean the outside of the commercial refrigerator in order to get rid of any stains that might be there. In addition to this, you should clean your unit at the end of the working week. Commercial appliance service Fairfax providers recommend that you remove all the food in the refrigerator and clean your unit.

Other than regularly cleaning your refrigerator, you should also make it a habit of hiring a refrigerator technician to inspect and fix any problems that might be in your unit. For efficient working of your unit, you should hire the technician at least once a year.

How you store food in your refrigerator greatly determines how long the food stays fresh. It also affects the working condition of your unit. For the food to be easily cooled and your refrigerator to function optimally you should avoid overstocking your unit. According to commercial refrigerators repairs, when you overstock your unit, it tends to work harder than it should. This not only results in high energy bills, it also puts your unit at the risk of getting damaged.