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Water Heater Repair: Tips On How To Lower Your Water Heating Bills


If you have a hotel or guest house you need a water heater for the guests to enjoy hot showers. While a water heater provides comfort, it consumes plenty of power and your electricity bills can skyrocket if you don’t take measures to control it. To guide you here are measures that you can take to save your water heating bills:

Turn down the thermostat

Water heaters come preset at 140 degrees. While the water is comfortable for bathing to some at this temperature, it can be scalding to others. To reduce the risk of scalding and giving your business a bad name, lower the temperature to 120 degrees.

This temperature is high enough for the guests to enjoy a nice bath and at the same time reduce mineral buildup in the pipes and tank.

It’s easy to lower the thermostat, but if you are not comfortable with your skills, hire commercial appliances repair Fairfax to help you out.

Install low-flow showerheads

Showerheads not only reduce the amount of water that the guests use, they also save on your water bill. According to water heater repair professionals, when you install showerheads you reduce water consumption by up to 60%. You also cut your water heating bill by up to 20%.

When buying the showerheads buy them from a reputable store. Also have them installed by an experienced expert.

Drain the sediment

Just like in any other appliances, sediment reduces the efficiency of your water heater. To keep the tank running efficiently you need to drain it. You can hire a repair contractor to do the work, but if you don’t have money, do the work by yourself.

To drain the sediment you need to turn off water and power to the water heater tank and then connect a garden hose to the base of the tank. You should then let the water run out together with the sediment.

Insulate exposed water pipes

Plenty of heat is lost through exposed water pipes. Commercial appliances service providers have been able to show that by insulating exposed water pipes, water arrives in the water heater 1-2 degrees warmer.

This not only saves you time that you would have waited for the water to get warm, it also saves you energy that you would have used heating the water. All you need to do is to hire a water heater contractor to insulate the pipes. For long term service use high quality insulating material.