Tag Archives: water heater company

Water Heater Repair: Tips On How To Maintain And Replace Your Water Heater

water heater repair

It’s your responsibility as a business owner to ensure that your water heater is working optimally for your business to proceed without issues.

How to maintain your water heater

According to water heater repair professionals, there are many ways in which you can maintain your unit. One of the most effective ways is to drain the water heater at least twice a year in order to get rid of collected sediment that is known to cause corrosion. Doing this has also been shown to increase the efficiency of the unit.

Another thing you need to do regularly is to test the pressure-relief valve. All you need to do is lift the valve’s handle and let it snap back. When you do this you release a burst of water into the overflow drain pipe. If the valve doesn’t work, you should get a new one.

Finally, you need to ensure that your water heater is always working at the right temperature. The best working temperature is 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This not only ensures that the water heater is working efficiently, it also prevents the tank from overheating.

When to replace the water heater

You should note that even with the best care, it’s common for the water heater to develop issues. You can hire a commercial appliances repair professional to fix some of the issues, but in some cases, you have no way out other than to replace the water heating unit.

You should consider replacing your tank if it’s more than 10 years old. Just like any other appliance you might be having, the older the appliance is, the more inefficient it is which results in you spending a lot of money to keep it running. You should consider replacing the unit in order to not only increase efficiency, but also save you a lot of money in the long run.

You also should consider replacing the appliance if you have been hiring a repair professional too regularly. If you have the contacts of the water heater repair expert on your speed dial, it’s time to think of getting a new unit.


These are some of the things you should know about your water heater. When buying a new appliance, it’s wise that you work with your commercial kitchen appliance repairs Vienna who will not only help you in choosing the right unit, but also help you with the installation.

Water Heater Repair: Taking A Look At The Common Water Heater Problems

water heater repair

To keep the water in your place of work hot, it’s paramount that you have a fully functional water heater. Unfortunately, just like the other units, it develops problems that you must have them fixed as soon as possible to restore serenity in your workplace. Here are some of the most common water heater problems and how to undertake water heater repair:

Leaking pipes

Leaking pipes are brought about by many factors such as: age, loose drain valve, poor maintenance, bad plumbing, and too much tank pressure. To fix this problem you should hire a repair professional, but if you have the skills, you should do it on your own. To repair the leak, you need to shut off the water supply and the electrical or gas supply to the tank.

You should then remove all the water from the tank and fix the leak. If the valve or the system is too old, you have no way out other than to replace it.


It’s also common for the malfunctioning water heating unit to make weird noises. Commercial appliances repair professionals report that the main reason for the sounds is the collection of sediment at the bottom of the water heater. The noise comes about when the hot water bubbles up through the sediment. Due to this, you have a popping sound.

To fix this problem, you only need to get rid of the sediment by cleaning the tank. To prevent a similar problem from coming about, flush the water heater periodically. You also should consider installing a water softener in your home. Experts report that the softener tends to eliminate the sediment that builds up in the tank.

Inadequate hot water

When you are installing a water heater, it’s recommended that you install one that will give you water that is enough for your guests. In some cases, your water heater will fail to give you enough hot water. One of the primary reasons for this is the recent upgrade of your tub to a larger one. You will most likely have this problem if install a spa type of tub.

The problem is also common if you recently changed your showerhead to a higher flow model. This would cause you to run out of hot water. Another reason is the location of the faucet. If it’s located at a long distance from the water heater, you will have a problem as the water will be required to travel a long way to the faucet head. To fix commercial appliance Fairfax, you will have to hire an experienced professional.