Daily Archives: July 26, 2017

Water Heater Repair: What You Need To Know About The Water Heater

water heater repair

If you have a water heater in your place of work you need to take good care of it to not only avoid regular water heater repair Alexandria, but also keep your unit functioning optimally. To help you out, here are tips you should consider:

Water heater maintenance tips

There are some things you can do to keep your unit in top shape. Some of these things include:

Regular cleaning: There is no way your unit will function optimally if it’s dirty. At least once a year, drain the tank and get rid of any sediment that might be there. You can clean the tank on your own or hire a professional to help you out.

Undertake regular repairs: In addition to regularly pumping out the tank, you also need to fix the unit when problems arise. Most business owners ignore the minor issues that come with their tanks. This shouldn’t be you. Remember that when your tank develops problems, regardless of how minor they are, it functions inefficiently. To be on the safe side, hire a commercial kitchen appliances service professional to help you out.

Regular inspections: Repairing the water heater isn’t enough—you also need to regularly inspect it to identify the problems it might be having. At least once a year, hire an appliance repair professional to go around all the parts of the unit and fix any issues that might be present.

Tips on how to save money with your unit

If you have been using the water heater for a long time, you know that power consumption is a big problem. The cool thing is that you can reduce the amount of energy that your unit consumes using these tips:

Water heater blanket: The water heater blanket provides and an extra layer of insulation that prevents heat loss. As a consequence, you don’t keep on heating the water. The water sheet is usually cheap to purchase, and you can easily install it on your own.

Water pipe insulation: You also should consider insulating the hot water pipes that exit your storage tank. For great results, cover the first 4 feet of the pipe. Just like the blanket, the water pipe insulators are cheap and easy to install. When making the purchase, pay close attention to the size of the pipes. As rule of thumb, ensure that the pipes are of the right size.


These are tips to consider when using the water heater. To have an easy time with the units, work with experienced commercial kitchen appliance repairs professionals.